End of Roundup: Update

The roundup of the Pryor Mountain Wild Horses is over after six days- the wild horse and burro specialist made the decision to call it so the helicopter did not go out today and no more horses were brought in. The reasons given for ending this roundup were:

  • The gather operation is nearly complete  and horses were coming in sore-footed. 
  • one mare (Brumby) tied up on Monday night
  • The BLM feels it would be hard on the remining horses to be brought in
  • There is a new little black foal on the mountain top

There were 11 horses on the mountain (including two older mares, Electra and Quelle Colour) that BLM had slated for removal. In place of those horses they are taking young horses from bands already in the pens. More on the individuals soon.

BLM stated again that they will not release Conquistador nor the other older horses removed from the Forest Service. 

In total 57 horses and 3 foals (a their mothers’ sides) are going to be offered up for adoption. As we understand it, older horses not adopted will be offered for sale. According to BLM’s recent press release “most of the rest of the 146 horses that were gathered and evaluated have already been released back onto the horse range.” 

The BLM released Cloud and his band  first. They left less Image, Rain and Arrow and Cloud Dancer (who is going to be turned out with the young stallion Exhilaration who lives in the Dryhead desert area). The wranglers did a fine job trying to get Cloud and his band out but because of all they were leaving behind the mares were reluctant to leave and for ten minutes or more Cloud snaked his band this way and that while the riders tried to push them out the half mile to the opening of the trap. It was a relief to see them finally disappear into the rolling lowland hills and start the long journey back up to their mountaintop. 

YOUTUBE  Slideshow HERE… thank you Terry and RT Fitch!

The BLM released nearly all the horses who have not been tagged for removal today–  Bolder and Flint and Cloud’s mom with her band among others. The old band stallion Starman (who was to be removed in a previous roundup and has been freeze-branded before advocates convinced BLM to release him) took off an galloped back to the wild followed by his mare, Rosarita, and their black yearling daughter. 

Ginger and others are on the way up to the mountaintop to check on returning horses who are in the process of climbing the 10+ miles back to the home. 

Don’t stop fighting for the older horses— it is cruel and unnecessary to remove Conquistador, Grumpy and the others. We have made this request of the BLM are they are still saying no. Please work for their return. 

Thank you to everyone who is supporting these horses and all wild horses across the west. Their are many new faces who have joined the work of many organizations to save our wild horses and insure that we have viable herds into the future.

It is our intent to make this blog a factual and ongoing platform for education, action alerts and wild horse preservation awareness. It has also become a community board for your comments and a good form of communication. Your suggestions for improvements are always welcome. We are doing our best to catch up on correspondence and continue work on a “plan b” for these older horses should we not be successful in lobbying for their return to the wild. 

Thank you for your support.

Cloud's band in 2005

Cloud's band in 2005

112 Responses to “End of Roundup: Update”

  1. Christine Says:

    Is there a place on the Foundation webpage with pictures of each horse and their name? Maybe that’s a dumb question, and maybe I missed something, but the Gallery section only seems to have a handful. It would be nice for this noob if I could see who is who…

    • Morgan Williams Says:


      Silly, you are not a ‘knob’. You have added so much to the blog these last few days. I don’t think I have seen photos of them all myself. There are books and calendars available for sale on the Cloud Foundation website. Give the Foundation a call and ask them about pictures. I would wait a few days to call though about something other than the immediate crisis.


      • Christine Says:

        LOL…I meant ‘noob’ as in ‘newbie’ to the site. 😀 I’ve known about it for a while, but the death of my mustang was very painful so it took me a while to even look at mustang pages again.

        Yeah, that’s why I asked here, I thought maybe someone who had the time might point me to where I might be missing the pictures, rather than bother the Foundation right now. I just want to put names to faces, ya know?

    • Jodi Says:

      HEY, that is a great idea! I have often wondered what some of these horses look like, that have names in the tales about them. A gallery with images of each would be a good idea. I hope maybe when the Cloud Foundation gets minute for a breath, that maybe they will add this.

      Thank you Ginger for all that you have done. I have forwarded and passed on the petitions and phones numbers and let every one that i could know about this. the fact that this round up even happened at all had me so depressed and angry.


    • Janet Ferguson Says:

      There’s a youtube video showing tags on many of the horses. If I find the link again I will send it to you on this page.

      You can probably find it yourself, too!

      Go to your local library and see if it has any of the recent Cloud books. I’m sure the names and faces are there, too!

      I am so sorry to hear about your horse. You are very brave to get back into this right now!!!!

      • carol poole Says:

        Personally, I think that the BLM are just pawns in a much bigger game. I doubt seriously that they could “get away with it” if infact they decided to wipeout a national treasure on their own.
        NO highranking US official spoke out or stood up on behalf of these horses or the public during this roundup or Challis or Nevada. (Consideration given to Rep. Grijalva who did speak for the horses)
        Every western state that is being wiped out of wild horses has loads of natural resources such as Uranium.
        I doubt seriously that the President and or his staff did not know ahead of time that this was going to happen….hence the reason there was no response to thousands of pleas from the public.
        The President was in Nantucket on vacation the week it started and returned on the Tuesday to the White House. Had the roundup started on Sept. 1st as originally planned, He would have returned to the White House when it was over. Timing is everything!!
        I voted for the President and I have supported him…until now.
        As far as i’m concerned they (Washington politicians) are all suspect until proven different.
        Only massive public pressure will save the horses from extinction.
        So we all need to get busy getting others to help while we continue to put the pressure on our federal representatives to pass ROAM and stop further roundups.

  2. Karen L. Says:

    Ginger, Thank you for all the updates and for your dedication to this herd. This must have been a MOST trying time for you personally. I literally thank God that Cloud made it through this travesty safely, and I hope he knows on some level how much goodwill you have generated for him and his family. We will continue the effort to pass S. 1579. Godspeed, Karen Leasure

  3. Marilyn Wargo Says:

    Well, since we have a brand new black foal, what should he be named?? I know some of you are not fans of Obama. Is it a filly? Oprah…. Michelle, a colt? Do what you will. It would almost seem like a sign. The foal is like a celebration in itself. It makes me happy, hope it can survive the lions and cold nights coming.
    Keep fighting. Mar

    • Morgan Williams Says:

      Fax your suggestion over to the White House fax number. It is listed on one of the blog pages. Your idea is going in the right direction. Get the next generation deeply, personally interested in the American Mustangs and desert Burros. President Obama and Michelle Obama’s daughters would never, ever let their parents forget that their “namesake” needs protection.

    • Morgan Williams Says:


      Have you given any more thought to your suggestion of giving names rights to President & Mrs. Obama’s daughters? Have you spoken to The Cloud Foudation to discuss the idea? Is it feasible?

      • Janet Ferguson Says:

        just thinking out loud

        what did Obama gain from supporting Salazar the horse slasher to his post?

        I would doubt Obama would have any serious interest in supporting wild horses.

        Probably there was a tit for tat in this.

        I for one would like to know what it was before I named a Mustang for anyone in the White House.


        Feeling cynical today ole

  4. Marilyn Phillips Says:

    On the topic of the Older Horses, I was told when I called Bob Alley’s office that it is ultimately the local BLM Field Manager’s decision. We should all be calling Jim Sparks and pointing out that in the BLM … Herd Management Plan dated May 2009, it states that no horse over the age of 20 is to be removed. That would cover Grumpy Grulla and a case could be made for Conquistador who is listed as 19 (although I was also told that the older horses were the ones removed from the Forest Service Land and that they would go back there if released and therefore, they wouldn’t be released). I would still make a case using the facts stated in the BLM plan.

    The best bet for this herd in the future is to get the range expanded. It is my understanding the S. 1579 deals with this. Keeping in mind that this is a long, slow, legislative process, contacting the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources will help to get the bill onto their schedule and considered. Since the telephone number provided goes directly to voicemail, here’s the link for the committee members: http://energy.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=About.Members – contact them each individually.

    • Morgan Williams Says:

      Marilyn Phillips:
      Thanks for the great information and directions. This will be my starting off point tomorrow morning. If one freeze branded mustang can be let loose – so can more! Lets go for broke everyone!

  5. Susan NY Says:

    Thank you so much for your updates, it has really made a difference. So glad Cloud is safely out of the roundup area. What an inspiration.

    We will continue to press our government to return all our horses to our land. It’s a cruel disgrace to take the wise elders away from the young, as it is to take the elders from the land.

    Peace goes with you, Ginger, and those who have been our eyes ears – and hearts – these last days. May the horses who put up with this disgrace over these last days, and especially the mare and foal who still need care, thank you for what you have done to bring us to this moment. Get well soon.

    Cloud – for your courage and class, “chapeau” as they say on the Tour de France!

  6. Neysa A. Phillippi Says:

    Ginger, and all of you thank you for all that you do for the horses.

    I grew up on a small farm with ponies and horses, riding all day every day when possible.

    I want to help, I’ve donated money. I’ve been emailing Washington and the news stations as well as Oprah. What else can I do, I am a photographer and artist is this of any value to your organization in the future?

  7. Laura Says:

    IMAGE is the spitting image of CLOUD. They must NOT remove this colt.

  8. Rachel asks Says:

    Is there anything to prevent someone from “adopting” several of the herd and then releasing them? Does the BLM really keep track of adopted horses?

    • carol poole Says:

      I know several people who have adopted mustangs including myself. No-one from the BLM or any authorized agency has ever visited ANY of us. They could care less what happens to the mustangs. If you go on Petfinder.com and look for horses available to adopt, you will find mustangs on just about every page who were adopted then abused or given up because their owners couldn’t handle them.
      They are nothing like domestic horses as far as i’m concerned. They can be trained very successfully but it takes a lot of patience, time and money. I think the older the horse is when it is rounded up makes it very hard for the horse to adjust to “domesticated life”.
      I have gone to several BLM auctions(adoption days) and from what i’ve seen, the BLM goes through the motions of looking at your DRAWING of your set up where you intend to keep the horse and that’s it. They do not tell you what to expect when you get home…nothing! They try to get you to take a 2nd horse (a buddy) for $25. We know a woman who did that and could not bond with either horse or interact with them as they were “their own little herd”. After 2 years no-one, including the vet or farrier could get near them and she still couldn’t get them in the barn.
      This particular person wouldn’t take anyone’s advice either but regardless, because they were together it made it more difficult.
      You can adopt up to 4 horses in one year per the BLM rules.

  9. Linda H Says:

    Deep gratitude to Ginger and all those who have been there this past 8+ days. Can’t imagine how taxing this has been for you, physically and spiritually.

  10. Heather Says:

    Would it be possible to find a place where the older horses could live as a herd together? The stallions could be gelded, and they could live somewhere that would be more accessible (that is, observable from a reasonable distance) to tourists. They could live in a more natural setting and serve as an educational device to help their fellows who are still out in the wild. It’s not perfect, but if they are to be removed, at least they might remain in a similar environment with others of their own kind.

  11. Barb Beck Says:

    Thank you for all the updates. I’m still mad about Conquistador and Grumpy. They need to be returned!

  12. Morgan Williams Says:

    That beautiful equine named Cloud. He is something that only a divine Creator could design. So intelligent.

    I am so grateful for all the modern technology that allowed us to be involved with Ginger, Makendra, The Cloud Foundation, Carol, Valerie, Elder Bogess and all others on location. This has brought so many individuals together who could not have formed a group like we have seen the last 6 days. The outpouring has been amazing to witness.

    I am glad for the wisdom of formulating a plan ‘B’ for the older stallions who have not been released and could be viewed as unadoptable. 100% success would be all rounded up Pryor Mts Mustangs being set free from the current BLM prisons. This is not over. The mustangs are still in pens waiting for a decision. They are not gone yet.

    Another wonderful victory is that the round up was stopped short of driving Halcion’s foal into an early grave and only 57 horses are currently marked for adoption.

    I hope the team finds peace when they check on the Mustang bands returning home. I hope the team feels a sense of pride and accomplishment.

    From my heart, Great Spirit of this world, I give You thanks. I give You my love and my whole being.

  13. elissa kline Says:

    I am glad for the horses that were released. I am heartsick for those who will be taken from their home. And I am utterly impressed at the efforts made by the Cloud Foundation and the outreach.

    I beg of you all to stay on this story – there are other herds, not as well known, that are scheduled to be rounded up without the websites and media attention. Do not let up the calls. 1000 horses scheduled to be rounded up in Wyoming soon, herds in Nevada, Idaho, Oregon… that will not have the benefit of such great advocates speaking out and watching them. I tried to be a witness to processing in Challis Id. last month but was denied.

    I beg of everyone to take the visibility of what has just happened to Cloud’s herd keep the momentum up for other wild horses across the West. They, too, have intricate social structures and suffer the same when their bands are broken up and their lives are destroyed …

    Don’t let up on the pressure!

    • Susan NY Says:

      Elissa, Yes, thank you, we need to broaden our vision to include all wild horses and the lands. The special nature of our relationship with Cloud’s herd has given us bigger eyes and wider hearts. It”s opened our awareness to the need for a revolutionary spirit to take hold.

      The steadfastness of Cloud’s devotion to his family group, even when he had the choice to leave today – this is what we need to be for them. To be in this not just for the crisis of today but for tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow after that.

    • Morgan Williams Says:


      Please share with readers how we can become advocates for the remainder of the brutal roundups scheduled for this year yet by the BLM and the contractors. How do you find out the schedules? I did not know about the annihilation of the Idaho Challis herd until was too late. Same with the Nevada near extinction of herds this year.

      My email is morganbreed@hotmail.com. Please tell me how I can continue to join with others in the next fight for our American wild Mustangs and Burros!

      What I really want to do is get out to Colorado ASAP to live permanently and physically be an advocate at the location or be a hands on support worker for Mustang & Burro not for profit organizations (like the Cloud Foundation).


  14. Dale Goodrich Says:

    Lets push to have all the horses released!!!

  15. Celeste Foster Says:

    Ginger thank you so much for everything. Even though he’s been released reading about cloud has still brought tears to my eyes. I’ve gotten my mom an others lcolay motivaited an we ar ehoping if we have to on foot to go door to door to everyone espiclay if they themselves have horses an talk to people about our wild mustangs.

    Keep on fighting 🙂
    again thank you!

  16. HeatherinNS Says:

    Image WAS not released- I believe the BLM may be wanting to make a bit of pocket change, on selling this colt! Lol.

    I knew the Cloud wouldn’t be removed for good- it’s not him I am worried about- it’s the Forest Service horses that are “expendable”. Yes- they would return most likely- they’ve lived there for many years. on “land they are not wanted on. So- the BLM will warehouse Conquistador and Grumpy, and the others, or sell them to slaughter or whatever they deem to do! THOSE we should be concerned with as well!

    It shows UNBELIEVABLE ARROGANCE- that the BLM chose to take on the most well known herd in the world! They appear to do whatever they want- regardless of things like LAW. Simply boggles my mind…

    How many taxpayer’s dollars went into this operation? What will the BLM realistically recoup? Even at slaughter prices, all the 33,000+ horses in forced “internment camps” or “Long Term Holding” sell for very low prices. Horses adopted don’t sell for much, either!

    Your country is in a major economic slump- and here’s an agency flaunting laws and attempting to recoup costs by adoption of horses? Call me crazy- but that’s insane! Horses are starving and being abandoned ALL ACROSS AMERICA- people can’t afford them. So- the BLM is going to sell more? What?

    Now, the insanity will start on yet ANOTHER heritage herd, somewhere else in the Western States. (I’m in Eastern Canada- will never see a mustang in the wild, unfortunately, unless I become indepentantly wealthy, lol.)

    This here is a small battle won- the Mustangs will not ultimately win the war- unless they have their own, protected land, forever- without cattle and mineral rights!

    Ginger and Elyse and dear Carol- and of course Matt from the Pryor Mustang blog- you’ve done good. I can only hope the Steens mustangs will have advocates as vocal…but tonight- celebrate!

    • jan eaker Says:

      i agree, we need a plan b for the older pryor mountain horses, and continued pressure on the government to halt all pending roundups,
      i believe the blm has been unpleasantly surprised by the response to this roundup; they have been pretty much doing as they pleased for years, NOW, we are watching and holding them accountable and they don’t like it. SO, we must not let up, we must get a plan for the older horses, in fact all of the 60 horses standing in those pens in WY. come up w/ whatever monies necessary to help them, and continue pressing for a halt to all roundups and an investigation of the blm,
      ginger, our hearts and spirits are with you, i have a big yellow horse in my barn who could be Cloud’s brother, his heart and spirit are w/you also, as you fight to save his wild brothers and sisters. please let us know what we can do and what you need,

      • Janet Ferguson Says:

        did you see Marilyn Phillips’s blog re Herd managemetn Plan dated May 2009 no horses over 20 to be removed?

  17. HeatherinNS Says:

    I would like to edit out the typos above. The Cloud- should have read “that Cloud”.
    Heather, NS Canada

  18. Robyn Goode Says:

    Thank you, Makendra for calling back yesterday. I feel so helpless here in Vermont. Feeling like the calls to senators, etc. are not enough to help. But I keep talking about the situation to everyone I run into, wherever I am. Most folks here in the East have no clue what is going on. I am hoping my own adopted Mustang will be an advocate here for all his brothers & sisters in the West. Education is the key and if my horse is available for people to come & see & touch & hear his story, it may stir a connection to & a feeling of responsibility for our Wild Horses. I have named him “Namaste”, a constant reminder we are all divinely connected & should honor one another. Many Blessings to ALL ~ Robyn

  19. Lindsay McDannold Says:


    This is from the BLM Report to justify this roundup. This is the part that really disturbs me in reference to the older horses that are not going to be released:

    §4720.1 Removal of excess animals from public lands
    Upon examination of current information and a determination by the authorized officer
    that an excess of wild horses or burros exists, the authorized officer shall remove the
    excess animal immediately in the following order:
    (a) Old, sick, or lame animals shall be destroyed in accordance with subpart 4730 of this
    (b) Additional excess animals for which an adoption demand by qualified individuals
    exists shall be humanely captured and made available for private maintenance in
    accordance with subpart 4750 of this title; and
    (c) Remaining excess animals for which no adoption demand by qualified individuals
    exists shall be destroyed in accordance with subpart 4730 of this part.

    We need to do whatever we can to stop this. They aren’t even going to give the older horses a chance.

    • Roxy Says:

      Hi Lindsay – which report is this from? Do you have a link to it by chance?


    • Roxy Says:

      Thaks all for the links –

      We need to add into our rally or revolution or whatever it ends up, to get rid of these definitions, have the american free roaming range horse once an for all desingated as wildlife.

      I’m very familiar with the Federal Code of Regulations. These are often adopted (not sure “adopted” is the right term) directly from other trade organizations and the like, whos codes and standards and rules can change every 3 to 4 years, some maybe even more often, so this is NOT an impossible task at all.

  20. oneredhorse Says:

    This “gather” has raised more disturbing questions about BLM’s mustang management practices. While it is a grand relief that the Pyror Mtn. gather has ended, those questions remain.

  21. Patricia Romine Says:

    I, too, want to thank Ginger and all the other caring people that made it their mission to do whatever it took to protect these special horses during this time of crisis. My heart was broken and this blog helped me immensely. I checked constantly to get the latest updates. I so wish I could have been there and been as brave as these advocates. We all must not let up now. We must keep up the pressure and get the BLM investigated and cleaned out. Ginger, if you keep telling us what to do, we will keep doing it! I, for one, will continue contacting daily all people listed in this blog to try to get protective legislation passed and the BLM cleaned up. Again, thank you all so much!

  22. Gayle Says:

    A big thanks to all who monitored and reported on this. You must be exhausted and so glad it’s mostly over. It would be great to get the school kids involved like they did in Wild Horse Annie’s campaign did, but since many schools would not show the President’s speech to them live, they would probably ban it as “political.”

    I think we need to focus on the economics–the cost of feeding the horses in the holding areas since the adoption rate has slowed due to the economy and hay prices. Plus the Billings Gazette said this company has earned MILLIONS rounding up wild horses in the past years.

  23. Linda H Says:

    My emails (with the Lame Foal video) and phone calls to the Billings Gazette did prompt the reporter to write a more indepth article, where they quoted Ginger, Matt, and also an article on the geneticist. Here is the link:

    • Barbara Steele Says:

      Good work!

    • jo bunny Says:

      & 5 minutes after that article was published, there was this one


      • Morgan Williams Says:

        Good grief, I don’t think the second article was helpful at all in bringing urgency to the matter of corruption and the horses immediate need for release.

      • jo bunny Says:

        I thought I would add that this article was sent from Dean Bolstad, Deputy Chief of the BLM’s Wild Horse & Burro program (in response to an emale that I had written to the BLM regarding my concerns for their mismanagement & inhumane treatment of America’s wild horses). It looks like the BLM is going to use this for further justification of what they are doing. & you’re right, Morgan. This article doesn’t seem to help the advocacy movement at all. sheesh.

      • Roxy Says:

        Be sure to read the public comments too – all supportive and a little more insight. I’ll tell you, this is great – after following the blogs on the UTube and on the PBS site for Cloud for weeks now, it is awesome and inspiring to see ONLY positive comments!

        Coudl this be showing a tipping point?

    • Morgan Williams Says:


      Could the reporter turn over his/her report and the video to a local TV station? Have you already tried to push for TV media?

    • Morgan Williams Says:


      Would you please share you opinion on the first article? I want to hear others before I say anything.


    • Linda H Says:

      I did individually email the network news anchors in Billings with the video attached. No response from them. I was unsure that the Billings reporter would do anything, he is the outdoor life reporter and biased to begin with. He seemed uncommitted when I first talked to him, but I pushed him a little to find out the rest of the story. If we can learn anything about this past week, it’s not to take “No” for an answer. Just do it persistently and diplomatically. The one thing that he didn’t discuss was the issue with captured old horses. I’m sorry about that. My opinion about the article–I always feel that any news is better than no news, even when it’s not always exactly what we’d like. When I lived in Great Falls, there was a man who ran for mayor and lost so many times, that people finally voted him in because they were so familiar with his name.! These articiles are a point from which discussions can take off. The BLM office now understands that the people of eastern Montana know more about this. The Billings paper goes out to nearly half of the state. The reporter covered far more than he did in the first article, which I felt gave more credibility to the story. I just wish he could have read between the lines to see that the reason this went so well was because of national implications and exposure of the story with Cloud, as well as Ginger and the troops as well as Matt. We all know this doesn’t usually happen– where all the horses come out relatively unscathed on all the other roundups, gathers, whatever we want to call them. (I’m not going to get caught up in this minor details.) And to be quite truthful, getting this article was a bonus for the cause. I lived in Montana for 10 years, still have wonderful rancher friends, and I mourned when I left: the culture and the resourceful people, feeling like I had taken a step back in time to a slower way of life. But after living there, I understand the mindset of the Montanan, a large majority of whom have roots in ranching, and the “good old boys” whose lives are lived for the fall hunting season. We have to pick our battles carefully, in light of that. We’re never going to change that mindset about certain things, but there are ways. On a related issue, something has been going through my mind. If the BLM is going to keep doing these things, they need to use equipment that is more suited. If any of you have read about or read Temple Grandin’s works, she is an amazing woman who is mildly autistic and a world reknown expert on dealing with herd animals. Her book ANIMALS IN TRANSLATION is a great source for that. Maybe I should send the BLM a copy! Oddly enough, I’m leaving today for a 2-week trip to Montana–this has been planned for months–guess I may just have to stop at Lovell and Pryor Mtn.on the way–so I’ll be out of pocket for a while. Will check in this weekend. Keep up the work. I’ll be glad to share my contacts at the Billings tv stations. Heading north!

      • Morgan Williams Says:


        Thanks tons for your response. You helped me see and understand.

        Yes, I have heard of Temple Grandin. I have watched a documentary on her life. She is credited with stopping the inhumane techniques used in cattle slaughter houses. She is highly respected world wide. She was severely autisic as a child. Temple has written a book on her journey out of an autistic prison in her mind. Her work with stock animals began with her need to be ‘squeezed’.

        Have a great time in Montana. One of my top favorite books is called “Wide Open Spaces” by Gretel Ehrlich. It is about her work as a sheep ranch hand. Stumbled upon it by accident one day when looking through books on eBay. At the time I was working on building up my collection of Marguerite Henry books.

      • Linda H Says:

        P.S. It would be a great diplomatic action to honor the Obama daughters. Whatever your politics, if those little girls become bonded to the Pryor horses, horses everywhere, that would certainly bring credibility to our cause in the household.

    • Janet Ferguson Says:

      If it helps, I sent the following email to sprosinski@billingsgazette.com on September 1st:
      Part 2

      Also the article omits to say that any horses that haven’t been adopted after three “tries” can be sold to “killer buyers” and transported, oftentimes very cruelly, to Canada or Mexico where they will be killed, oftentimes in a very inhumane matter.  You may wish to follow some of this yourself to edify yourself on the consequences many of these excess horses suffer.  There is a bigger issue here of what IS proper management by the BLM.  Please take some time to look into these issues.  (i.e.,slaughter transport that tramples and maims horses, 30,000 horses in government pens, etc.)

      I would refer you to some excellent sources, (I gave him some sources about wild horses)

      The time is now to bring all these issues to light TO THE PUBLIC.  Congress will be grappling with this issue when they reconvene, as they have passed the ROAM act in the House. I feel The Media is, in this day and age, becoming head shy of providing the public with “non-politically correct” issues.  (Some writers on this subject) feel that the SOLUTION WILL HAVE TO BE PUBLIC-DRIVEN!! How can this come about when the media fails to provide the public with the information in the first place???

      As Oscar Wilde is said to have written in “The Soul of Man”:  (hopefully times have changed a bit in England, and hopefully America has a little more backbone)

      “In old days men had the rack. Now they have the press. That is an improvement certainly. . . Somebody — was it Burke? — called journalism the fourth estate. That was true at the time no doubt. But at the present moment it is the only estate. It has eaten up the other three. (…etc.) We are dominated by Journalism.”  (Thanks to ‘Wikipedia’, found under The Fourth Estate, definition)

      I came across a website of the Pryor Mountain Mustang Center where you can find a four-page paper discussing what that writer feels are the good ideas the BLM DOES have about management of horses in that challenging rangeland environment. (I have tried to affix this paper to this email, hope it works. . . .)

      Have a great day, and thanks for covering wild horse issues in your paper.  It is a really big deal to a great many people, as no doubt you know.  


      • Janet Ferguson Says:

        the above is the second part of the text of the email, not written to the Cloud Blog.

      • Morgan Williams Says:


        Great follow up work on the Billing’s Gazette articles. You brought much more facts to light that were unmentioned by the reporter. Give the reporter more in depth truth to chew on & perhaps he will personally want to investigate even though his editor wants “neutrality”.

      • Janet Ferguson Says:


        And I sent the whole kit and kaboodle to the owner of the paper, too! lol

  24. Vendla Says:

    This entire roundup is a mess, something that was completely unnecessary, the fact that they are wanting to put older horses up for adoption is ludicrous. These are wild horses, not domesticated. Being the president of our local horse rescue group I have had experience with working with 10 and 11 year old domesticated horses rescued from a breeder that were never halter broke. Not only did the training of these horses become extensive and slow but some were quite dangerous. How on earth do they think that an older wild mustang is adoption material…have they ever tried training a wild mustang at that age. This is a total atrocity, the fact that these horses had to suffer for absolutely no reason is beyond my thought process.

    I agree that this has to be the start of not only saving this herd but all the wild horses that are due to be rounded up this year. This is just the beginning of hopefully changing things one day for the better.

    And yes thank you to all of you that have kept us updated, thank heavens for modern technology. My godson who is 12 years old and lives in South Africa has been following this with bated breath, he is horrified at what happened here. I can’t say I blame him.

  25. Jane B Schwartz Says:

    Such wonderful news! Half way down a bottle of sauvignon to celebrate! Wonderful Cloud and your mares, go! Know we are working on your behalf, and for all the wild horses who have no voice.
    Very well done to everyone who kept such balance under such duress, and made this release happen, Ginger , Makendra, Valerie, Carol, and whoever the wonderful person is who started and kept this blog up to date as a main communication tool for all of us. Well done.
    Onwards and upwards tomorrow to get the older horses released, and to see what needs to be done at the ‘adoption event’ sale on Sept 26….
    But I agree, for now celebrate!

  26. Michelle Says:

    I am praying for the hurt filly and everyone else scared and hurting tonight while waiting for the unknown tommorrow. I’m in Canada.. and feel there’s not a lot I can do here… though I did email Oprah and some other BLM dude… Not that they listen anyway…

    If there’s anyway I could adopt one of these poor horses… I would jump at the chance. But being in Canada makes it tough.. I just wouldn’t know what to do. I want to save them all. Turn them free… but if I could just love one and help them trust in their new life… instead of living in those unruly pens… man … what a life change for these poor things. My heart goes out to them all!!!

  27. Paula Says:

    Thank God for each and every one of you who worked so hard for Clouds herd. I did make some calls but was such a blubbering cry baby that I’m not sure that was very effective.

  28. Suzanne Moore Says:

    I will continue the fight, concentrating first on the old ones. No chance for them at all is unacceptable.

    Ginger and Elyse, Carol, Matt ~ You have been incredible and I want to thank you so very much, for myself, but mostly for the horses.

    I too have a Palomino and during the winter, he becomes almost as light as Cloud. Believe me, I will stay the course with this fight, no matter what.

    Back to calling and writing…..

  29. Suzanne Moore Says:

    P.S. I think it’s a GREAT idea to name foals after the Obama family!

  30. Scott Says:

    Politics is what has gotten these horses in trouble.
    Seems naming them after the Obama family would be disrespectful to the mustangs.

    • Karen L. Says:

      Yes, Scott, the horses have nothing to do with the Obama family. Not only that, but Obama has not been friendly to this cause. Many of us have written to him repeatedly over the past months on behalf of all mustangs, and his people are not responding at all–still. His appointment of Sec. Salazar was not an animal friendly choice either. Unless and until he signs ROAM into law, he has shown no respect for the horses.

      • Suzanne Moore Says:

        Fine, Scott and Karen ~ Be disrespectful to the President of our country even while complaining that HE has been disrespectful to you and yours.

        I haven’t heard from him either – nor have I heard from ANY of the many other people in Washington that I have written to over and over. Why single Obama out. He has more on his plate than any of the others who haven’t answered me either.

        Believe me, this is my last word on naming of the horses or President Obama.

    • Morgan Williams Says:

      Scott & Karen:

      The idea was suggested to bring an awareness & education to President Obama daughter’s. These two girls are the next generation of leaders along with all other American children. The Obama children would never let President & Mrs. Obama forget that their ‘namesake’ out in the wild needs federal protection and freedom.

      It was our American children in the 1950’s and 1960’s who marched in a letter writing campaign to the White House. School children were the driving force behind The Wild Horse and Burro Act in 1971. Sadly, many of our American children and teens are lost in the electronic toys and entertainment industries, as well as lost in poverty, homelessness, hunger, abuse, gangs, crime and pornography. It is hard to interest school kids in world issues – though I am sure the ‘big picture’ mentality is being encouraged by some wise parents, mentors & educators in places around America.

      No one is happy with President Obama & his administration’s continuation of Pres Bush’s criminal policies with the American Mustangs & Burros, preservation of American parks & wild habitats, oil drilling, mineral mining & cattle grazing subsidies. No one I know is happy either with ramping up the ‘war’ in Afghanistan, taxes, health care reform, etc, etc, etc. However, we have to think WAY outside the box with our tactics to save our Mustangs and Burros.

      • Karen L. Says:

        Gosh, Morgan, that would be nice–bringing an education and awareness to President Obama’s daughters! Isn’t that his job as their parent, first and foremost? His stance on the importance of education should speak for itself. WE should not be required to think WAY outside the box in order for him to indicate a vague awareness that this BLM problem exists!

      • Roxy Says:

        Hi all –

        I think it is great idea to offer this to the Obamas.

        The worse thing that could happen is they say no thanks.

        Actuallly the worse thing that could happen is if this idea is not followed through on and we’ll never know – they might be elated! Maybe also offer as an optoin not to use thier names, but let them pick names, and allow TCF to say “named by ____( I forget their names!) Obama” and mention Adeline Grijadlo (is it?) as often as possible.

        Sales 101 – always ask for “this or that”, never open ended.

        Ok – I was in Real Estate long ago, ,please don’t hold that against me if you have personal negative feeling about it.

    • Anne Novak Says:

      Those girls have fine names. Read what their names mean.

  31. Joy Spicer Says:

    Have been following this since it started even though it doesn’t ‘affect’ me here in the UK but as a horse-lover it really does affect me, breaks my heart. You guys are doing a great job, wish I could help (have signed the petition), my thoughts & prayers are with Cloud & his herd everyday. And I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult it must be for Ginger & the others to have to witness such distressing sights. Hoping beyond hope that the BLM will see sense (too much hope maybe?) & release the older horses…
    It truly is fab news that Cloud & his depleted herd have been released, cause for celebration. How sad then that its tempered with the realisation that even more horses are in similar danger.
    But God bless you guys for all your wonderful work.

  32. Morgan Williams Says:

    Successful people don’t do extraordinary things but they do ordinary things in and extraordinary way. Be the best in whatever you are doing and you shall be great and successful.”
    Written in 2009 by Njang Chris — Cameroon

  33. Christine Says:

    If I still had my mustang, I think I’d learn packing and then start a trek to DC…maybe with an adopted burro for carrying supplies.

    Of course, I’d also probably have a place big enough to take Conquistador and his family…

  34. carol poole Says:

    Just thought I would remind everyone that the President and First Lady were not amused when 2 stuffed dolls were named after their daughters.
    They did not want their daughters exploited and as a parent I can see why.

    • Karen L. Says:

      Thank you for that reminder, Carol.

    • Morgan Williams Says:


      I believe the idea was “to offer naming rights” of Halicon’s foal or further newborn Mustangs to Pres and Mrs. Obama and their daughters. Perhaps the President daughter’s would name the foal using one of their own names, Sasha or Maleia (spelling?). I don’t believe anyone suggested to outright name any Mustang using one of the President’s daughter’s names without permission.

      Again, it was a suggestion. Everyone on the blog is brainstorming and pouring their hearts right now. Cloud and all the Pryor Mt range Mustangs are a physical, emotional and spiritual issue to many Americans and international citizens. It takes brains, braun and sensitve souls joining together to tackle these big issue concerning life on earth.

      • Suzanne Moore Says:

        That’s what I took it to be too, Morgan. Everyone, let’s be reasonable. Obama came in with a titanic mess on his hands: the economy, Iran, Afghanistan, Gitmo, and whatever else. Now all this mayhem over healthcare. I’d like to see more change too – like Morgan said, but one person can just attend so many things at once. He probably hasn’t had a chance to think about the BLM. I mean, if we weren’t horse lovers, would the BLM be high on our list of priorities, considering everything else that’s wrong?

        We need to convince him to move it UP on that list of priorities! What really worries me is that there is so MUCH going on right now, all the congressionals are overwhelmed.

        I STILL think offering the girls naming rights would be a nice way to get his attention. Just an opinion, folks! ;o)

  35. carol poole Says:

    I read the BLM document that Lindsay provided the link for and noticed that the section dealing with “destroying old, lame, sick animals-subpart 4730 and 4750 were missing.

    see below, I copied and pasted the section previous to it and following it.

    §4720.1 Removal of excess animals from public lands
    Upon examination of current information and a determination by the authorized officer that an excess of wild horses or burros exists, the authorized officer shall remove the excess animal immediately in the following order:
    (a) Old, sick, or lame animals shall be destroyed in accordance with subpart 4730 of this title;
    (b) Additional excess animals for which an adoption demand by qualified individuals exists shall be humanely captured and made available for private maintenance in accordance with subpart 4750 of this title; and
    (c) Remaining excess animals for which no adoption demand by qualified individuals exists shall be destroyed in accordance with subpart 4730 of this part.

    Does anyone know if the appeals process listed here applies???
    I am sure it was probably for appeals prior to them actually carrying out the roundup but I wondered if we should notify the same offices of our own appeals for the release of the older horses in particular.

    §4770.3 Administrative Remedies

    (a) Any person who is adversely affected by a decision of the authorized officer in the administration of these regulations may file an appeal. Appeals and petitions for stay of a decision of the authorized officer must be filed within 30 days of receipt of the decision
    in accordance with 43 CFR, part 4.

    Within 30 days of receipt of this wild horse decision, you have the right to appeal to the Interior Board of Land Appeals, Office of the Secretary, in accordance with regulations at 43 CFR 4Subpart E 4.400, et seq. An appeal should be in writing and specify the reasons, clearly and concisely, as to why you think the decision is in error. The appellant has the burden of showing that the decision appealed from is in error.
    The petition must be served upon the same parties identified below. Copies of the notice of appeal and petition for a stay must also be submitted to the Bureau of Land Management at the following address:

    Jim Sparks, Field Manager
    Billings Field Office
    5001 Southgate Drive
    Billings, MT 59101

    Copies of the notice of appeal and petition for a stay must also be submitted to:
    U.S. Department of the Interior
    Board of Land Appeals
    Dockets Attorney
    801 N. Quincy Street, Suite 300
    Arlington, VA 22203

    A copy must also be sent to the appropriate office of the Solicitor at the same time the original documents are filed with the above office.

    Office of the Field Solicitor
    U.S. Dept. of the Interior
    Rocky Mountain Region
    P.O. Box 31394
    Billings, MT 59107-1394

    The Office of Hearings and Appeals regulations do not provide for electronic filing of appeals; therefore,they will not be accepted.

  36. Nora Morbeck Says:

    Bottom line question: Does destroying old horses include a horse like Grumpy, who might be considered “old” but appears to be in fine health? What is “old” by BLM standards? For that matter, I wonder what constitutes “lame” or “sick…”

    Some lameness is caused by the round up itself, and “sick” could be something as simple as colic — stress-related and also caused by the round up.

    Any kind of clarification n these terms?

  37. Courtney Says:

    Is there an Indian reservation willing to provide safe haven for captured horses? Could be a great place for older mustangs to live out their lives. I know The Nez Perce Indians have been very involved in wolf recovery efforts…

    “Man must manage wildlife and wild places because he is unwilling to manage himself.”

  38. Lindsay McDannold Says:

    Nora and Carol,

    The appeal process I am sure is what Ginger tried to do with the Federal Judge and it was denied. Trying to reason with the BLM is not the way to go and will not work. I had a discussion with Mike Need in Washington DC on Tuesday morning and they politely find a way to say “I don’t want to hear it, but thank you for calling.” The fact that there is another roundup scheduled for November in Oregon removing 1,000 horses tells you that the BLM CLEARLY has a particular agenda not only for these horses, but the land they are occupying.
    It is my understanding that “Old” horses per the BLM standards for the roundups is anything over 10 years of age. Lame or sick would refer to horses that were too sick or too lame to release and be expected to survive.

    • Morgan Williams Says:


      I talked to Christine at the Cloud Foundation this morning because I wanted to know more facts about the BLM schedule. The next gathering is in Red Canyon of Lost Creek. The BLM contact is Rawlin’s Field Office. Is that Oregon or in the Dakota’s? The gathering is scheduled to remove an estimated 400 – 500 adults and 250 foals/yearlings.

      • Lindsay McDannold Says:


        Yes I spoke with Christine this morning she said there are 950 adult horses and that removal would reduce the wild population by 50%-Unacceptable!!! Only 10% of the foals will be left wild. It is Oregon and is scheduled for November. let’s all see if we can stop this one as well.

      • Roxy Says:

        Are these perhaps on a calender posted on the BLM web?

        I’ve added the Oregon one to my calender already and will start e-mails soon. –

        Just to make sure I have it right –

        It is – “the Red Canyon of Lost Creek BLM gather, in Oregon, in November of 2009”.

        There was another post of one coming up in New Mexico too, anyone have info on that?

  39. Lindsay McDannold Says:

    Also, for those of you who can travel or those of you in the Virginia area, the BLM will be holding a meeting on the 28th of September. I plan on going there and invite anyone who wants to protest what they are doing to join me. I am in the process of contacting several news crews in the Arlington area to attend. (Arlington news reaches the DC area!) Hopefully, this will help get this more in the public eye. I would also like to organize a march in DC stright to Capitol Hill, which at the very least will draw news media attention and let Capitol Hill know that we are serious! I am tinkering with the idea of all of us going on our horses! LOL!

    • Morgan Williams Says:


      Would you please add my name and email address to your contacts as you tinker with the idea of an orgainzed march in DC?


      I am not close enough to attend meeting on Sept. 28th. Otherwise, I would be with you. You have much ambition girl.

      Thank you.

  40. Donna Buscemi Says:

    The Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range Territory Environmental Assessment MT-010-08-24 and Herd Management Area Plan May 2009

    Under the Selective Removal Considerations Section on page 27

    item #7 clearly states “No animals over 20”

    • Lindsay McDannold Says:


      It does not surprise me at all that the BLM is honoring that. Their reason for removing Grump Grulla is that she was in a herd on the Park Service section not on the “Designated herd Areas”. They will make up any excuses they want until ALL of the horses are gone.

  41. Roxy Says:

    Did I hear on one of the UTubes that the horses in pain could not be given something called blut (don’t know what this is, but sounds like horse aspirin or other anti-inflamatory?) because it is banned in EU? Can I get some confirmations of this please back to me? Or a link to where that statement was? Or did I misunderstand someone?

    Ok folks, think this one over (you probably already have) – why does BLM, or any employees or contractors of BLM, or why would anyone, have an interest in, or in any way care, what EU thinks about Amreican wild horse meat additives or medications? I can see why EU cares, but why is this part of a roundup issue?

    • Janet Ferguson Says:

      If you go to a website, http://www.animallawcoalition.org, there is an article about New Rules in EU affecting imported horse meat that will go into effect soon. Mexico and Canada now slaughter horses (in inhumane and environmentally reckless ways) to send to Europe. Among these are tens of thousands of US horses every year, as they have for many years. EU put new rules in about banned substances or something in the horsemeat. I don’t know for sure if bute is one of these banned substances but there is this change coming. The article is at the above website under “Articles.” I think this was touched upon in the radio program, “Angels for Cloud” but it wasn’t discussed very long. . . .hope this helps.

    • Janet Ferguson Says:

      Roxy, Here’s a direct link to the article about the EU:


      • Roxy Says:

        Thanks – I’m going to take a stab at a letter to the editor here locally, never have tried this before – any advice before I fall off of a cliff, or embarrass us all?

    • Susan NY Says:

      The new EU drug crackdown may put horses that have never had any drugs at risk. It’s just something to keep an eye on as we look more deeply into the BLM’s agenda.

      Bute is a pain / anti inflammatory medicine that people call the aspirin of the horse world. It’s labeled “not for use in animals intended for human consumption.” Also ivermectin (wormer) Adequan (sort of like glucosamine by injection) and so on, these common medications can never be used in the food chain.

  42. Donna Buscemi Says:

    I hear ya loud and clear, but maybe we can keep at them enough to wear them down – just like the way they treat our mustangs! So I just asked Jim Sparks how he can violate this provision. Will I get an answer? Doubtful. … And by the way I only have half a screen here so if this comes across a little strange – it’s cause I can’t see what I’m typing

  43. Karen L. Says:

    Please don’t forget that Ginger’s immediate intent is to adopt or purchase Conquistador, Grumpy and their family bands in order to keep the groups intact. It is her intent to provide them with a home in which they can maintain their family bands and be safe until such time that they can be released. (After the law suit is settled.) Please make a donation to her Freedom Fund if you have not already done so! That is the best hope for extending the lives of these Pryor Herd horses at this time. (Much of what I just wrote is from an e-mail “thank you” sent to me by TCF in response to my donation.)

    The best hope for ALL wild horses remains the passage of S.1579. It will alter the way the animals are managed on public lands, including the expansion of current ranges. We have made a difference over the past few years with our calls and letters on the horses’ behalf. The BLM knows its current way of “managing” mustangs is under scrutiny and subject to alteration. The EA DOI-BLM-MT-C010-2009-35 states, under section 4.0 Cumulative Impacts, Present Actions and Reasonably Forseeable Future Actions, “Today, public interest in the welfare and management of wild horses is higher that it has ever been. Many different values form various perceptions…” “Currently a bill, House Resolution 1018 has been passed. This bill if passed through the Senate and signed into law by the President would substantially change the way wild horses are managed on public lands. If this Bill does not pass it is reasonable to foresee an amendment to the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act in the future.” They expect a new law soon due to public pressure. Please, please contact the Senate Natural Resources Committee at (202) 224-4971 and ask that the bill be brought to the floor as soon as possible! Then, contact your own Senators and tell them to pass this legislation now! Federal law is the only way to make the BLM curtail the round-ups and stop the warehousing and/or killing of our horses.

    • Roxy Says:

      Karen, thank you for sharing this – I can’t donate right now but I can contact – WILL DO SO EVERY SINGLE DAY! – Obama and Biden too.

      Re; S. 1579:

      “Please, please contact the Senate Natural Resources Committee at (202) 224-4971 and ask that the bill be brought to the floor as soon as possible! Then, contact your own Senators and tell them to pass this legislation now! Federal law is the only way to make the BLM curtail the round-ups and stop the warehousing and/or killing of our horses.” from Karen L./r

  44. Christine (same one as before but not the one from TCF) Says:

    Is there a link specifically for the ‘Freedom Fund’? Or do you just do a general donation on the website?

  45. Scott Says:

    I know it’s a bit sentemental but is anyone planning on adopting Image and the rest of Cloud’s family and keeping them together?

  46. Christine (same one as before but not the one from TCF) Says:

    Nevermind, I found it! 🙂

  47. Christine Says:

    Scott, you might want to read the latest update.

  48. Roxy Says:

    Still – can’t post referalls and calls for further action on UTube. Morgan, have you tried again?

    Maybe they are blocking me for over use?

    Will everyone else try please and report back? There are two new UTubes on the air. This is pretty close to allowed number of characters (maybe my post wasn’t what they wanted):

    Cloud is free-still much work to do:

    Bills out of Committee & on to Senate Floor & approved.

    Return older horses to their Pryor homes.

    Save some of recent 600 & over 30,000 others.

    Stop future scheduled roundups.

    Go to thecloudfoundation.org for more info & more links.

    YOU saved Cloud – don’t stop now, call, e-mail, write, contact local press – do it every day you can.

    • Morgan Williams Says:


      If you comment too many times in one day, you will see a bold notation on your screen “You have exceeded the comment limit”. At the bottom of the page you will see a box to type in the password posted in a funny type set next to the box so that you can continue commenting.

      I tried again late last night to post to The Cloud Foundation videos on YouTube. My comments still do not post that include information on calling, emailing, writing or other contact of government agencies. I tried to type out ‘dot com’ or ‘dot org’ instead of typing xxx.com. No go. So, I just starting leaving comments to people, on the videos themselves or on other YouTube users Channel page. I said something like ‘Visit Ginger’s website. Please contact those Ginger is urging us to contact.”

      I also tried to leave a comment on PBS newest teaser for Ginger’s 3rd installment of the Cloud Series. The comment was marked “pending approval”.

  49. carol poole Says:

    Just wanted to share this link.
    This organization investigates unethical actions of government agencies/officials.
    I don’t know if it will do any good or not but I figured it couldn’t hurt so I gave some details on the BLM roundups, overstepping their authority etc. and included links to TCF and Animal Law Coalition web sites and asked for an investigation of the BLM.


  50. Linda Says:

    My husband and I drove ui[ Pryor Mtn. at dawn Sun. morning on our way to visit friends in Montana. We had breakfast on the mountain and began seeing bands here and there, so we walked to the big water hole. As we stood there, we began to see 7-10 bands appearing–I lost count. And on the hill above came Cloud and his band down to the water. The little one was still walking gingerly, but we didn’t stay long. There were about 50 horses scattered in bands on the hillside around the water hole and it was a beautiful sight, except for the missing ones and many of the colts we saw were walking gingerly.
    Then we went down to Brittan Springs as they were letting visitors come in to look at the penned horses. It was sad seeing the horses in the pens there, and there were only about 8 people seriously looking at horses to adopt–some local people and some from CA and WI.

  51. Marilyn Wargo Says:

    so many comments, mar

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