Day 4 Roundup Photos

Photos: Living Images by Carol Walker

Flint's family-- separated from his young dun mare forever

Flint's family-- separated from his young dun mare forever


Diamond's Band wtih Cloud's Mom and Bachelors

Diamond's Band wtih Cloud's Mom and Bachelors

Flint, Jasper and Feldspar in the rear of the group

Flint, Jasper and Feldspar in the rear of the group


Bolder's band runs in

Bolder's band runs in

24 Responses to “Day 4 Roundup Photos”

  1. Sue Manalio Says:

    Can’t stop the tears and heartbreak in my soul. They are destroying families and there is no forgiveness for this horrific act of betrayal and cruelty. Like Ginger stated, it’s becoming a war zone for these poor horses. I can’t believe what I’m seeing in these pictures, they now have Cloud’s mother. Why doesn’t the President of the United States hear us?

  2. Karen Says:

    It is sad to see this whole round up. When I visited a UT herd this summer, they all looked so good. They have become a series of paintings I am working on now. I really have gotten the feel of what it is like for them to live in the herd this way. BLM really has forgotten that they are our horses on our land.

  3. carol poole Says:

    This is a very sad chapter in American history being played out right before our eyes! Shame on the BLM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Lets start demanding an investigation immediately!!!!
    Demand that the hores are released and not sold or adopted!!!!!
    Call for the resignation of Abbey and Salazar and the Montana BLM bosses.
    Organize demonstrations in DC.

    • Janet Ferguson Says:

      Call for resignation!
      Educate ourselves about the “bigger bubble” that surrounds this — the bigger context in which this is playing out — motives, grand schemes etc. Check out BLM webpages. Congressmen’s webpages and accomplishments, what are they “bragging on.”
      Check out Salazar’s and Abbey’s origins, their backgrounds (I mean, to get a feeling for the arenas they “proved themselves”) in. This will help us learn about who are their supporters, in Congress, in private business, in congresspersons-now-in-private business, etc.,. etc., etc. who is scratching who’s backs.
      Find out who are the friends in public service we can count on!
      Who are the friends in the private sector?
      What non-profits are willing to give up their turf wars and work together?
      Work together, not pull apart!
      If there is a trail out of this wilderness, we need to find it.

      Figure out what works and what doesn’t. Turn attention, time and energy to what works.

      Work with facts. Verify the facts. Don’t spread untruths. Find out when you are being misled by language. This takes sources you can rely on, and it takes time.

      Don’t be perceived as a screaming banshee! It won’t further any cause!

      Give $10.00 EACH YEAR for EACH PERSON who signed the petition (over 8300 people!) This will provide seed money which perhaps can be matched by grant. Overseen by reliable panel, perhaps from State Universities and private schools where the horse experts are. (That idea is not original; it has been brought forward, in print, before. Source available upon request, maybe.) They will oversee and place the horses in small groups. The money will pay for hay etc. Perhaps a private corporation or something.I don’t know enough about it. There is proposed legislation see website for horse issues and bills in congress. Any more ideas? Hello?

      Guarantee humane end for the old ones. Utilize birth control for those for whom it is appropriate. This is just for horses that are in holding now and continue to come in. STOP THE ROUNDUPS. Why shouldn’t they round them up if the public tax money will pay for them AD INFINITUM? We need a fearless leader in all this to sort it all out.
      They are stealing our tax money by not stopping roundups. They will steal our spirit if they fail to act for the horses. They say, “next year in Israel.” Well, guess what. There’s gonna be no next year for these horses.

      • Suzanne Moore Says:

        Janet, I agree with you 100%. We have to do something other than what we have been doing because it’s not working. You have some excellent ideas.

        I had a thought, although if it were feasible I guess someone would have already tried it, but is there ANY way we can file a class action lawsuit against the BLM, DOI or whoever? If not directly about the horses – i.e. not following the rules in the original The Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act – then what about misuse of public land, misuse of taxpayer money? There must be something!

        The Let ‘Em Run Foundation is planning legal action against the Sheldon gather –
        WAR ROOM: Sheldon Wildlife Refuge P.2 (7 September 2009)

        Aren’t there ANY legal avenues we can pursue? I would be willing to contribute or whatever else I could possibly do.

      • Janet Ferguson Says:

        “Suzanne Moore 9/8,” I am responding to your blog responding to my blog of 9/7/09 5:30 p.m.

        I have forwarded your idea of class action to Laura Allen at the Animal Law Coalition this morning. I also forwarded another idea for legislation that may or may not have value to her by email yesterday. These will get to her.

        The website for the Animal Law Coalition is
        They have volunteer legal staff for these issues who may know the answer to your question.

      • Janet Ferguson Says:

        Suzanne, I just got a confirming email from Laura Allen that she received your idea.

      • Suzanne Moore Says:

        That’s wonderful! Thank you, Janet! I don’t know whether she can do anything with it, but we have to TRY.

        I agree that the first thing is to see that Cloud and his family – and as many of the other horses as we possibly can – are safe. I don’t have lots of money, but I certainly would be willing to contribute to this project. I can’t BEAR to think of those horses being hauled away!

        After that – pull out ALL stops. We DO need to strike while the iron is hot, so to speak. Cloud is famous – this can be a big advantage if we can hit hard while this is still in the public eye.

        I’m still writing and posting. Carol – thanks for the links! I’ve posted an Soap Box Alert and; also written to my Congressmen as well as Pres. Obama.

        I truly don’t see how I could actually go to Washington. I wish with all my heart that I could, but sometimes there are circumstances that can’t be changed.

        I think we ought to bring up the cost to taxpayers often and drive home how MUCH this needless cruelty is costing THEM. That’ll get the attention of those who don’t give a rat’s ass about the horses.

        We must stay focused, organized and overlook small differences of opinion. Anything for the horses, right! It seems to me that Ginger and the Cloud Foundation folks are the natural leaders for this charge.

        I’ll listen to ANY suggestions and do ANYTHING I possibly can.

  4. allybarb Says:

    I sit at this computer viewing photos that make me ill and I think what can I do here in Pennsylvania?
    The National Horse and Burro Meeting is set for Sept 28 at Arlington VA about 2 hours from me. Please put this information on your front page and call for people from this area to go and speak for the horses. I would consider it a privilege to do so.
    I am amazed that the Pryor Mt. herd is being reduced in such a reckless way.

  5. carol poole Says:

    I have called/emailed all my local, state and federal legislators, press, tv stations and Pres. Obama daily since early last week. My local legislators sent letters to the President. Yet I am not aware of any “higher” intervention.
    The timing of this roundup was well planned. Most State & Federal offices were closed by early Friday and won’t reopen until tomorrow. The Senate was not in session but will be in session soon and we need to urge them to act on the ROAM (Restore Our American Mustangs)bill right away.
    We MUST demand a Congessional Investigation of the BLM.
    We MUST demand that the horses be re-leased into the Pryor Mountain Range and not subjected to adoptions or kill buyers.
    Rounding up 20+ year old horses who have no hope of being adopted is a DEATH SENTENCE for these magificent animals. They should have been left alone to live our their lives in their ancestral home on the mountains.

    I am now in the process of contacting Rep. Nick Rahall (WV) and Rep. Raul Grijalva (AZ)
    Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands
    1333 Longworth House Office Building
    (202) 226-7736 Fax: (202) 226-2301

    We have to keep up the fight no matter what!!
    The horses can’t speak for themselves.

  6. Susan Easterday Says:

    This was a very sad state of affairs!!!! I live in MT and the Pryor Mountains are my back yard. I have been up to see these horses many times. The BLM says the range will not support them. Look at them, they are fat and sassy. So I am thinking there is not a lack of feed. These horses are going into winter in great condition.
    So what is the purpose of the BLM rounding up these horses. My thoughts are to eventually eradicate this herd so they can use this land for the rancher to run his cows on. After all that is what the BLM is all about, the rancher, minerals and gas and oil. And rich ranchers have the ability to pay for what they want.
    Now I want to say something about the fertility drug they are administering to these mares. I raise and breed Quarter Horses and Paints. I was going to give this drug to some of my mares during this horse slump. I researched it. This drug can make a mare infertile for life. Does the BLM know this? You can bet your bippy they do. Not always, but scientific researchers say if you ever plan to use the mare as a brood mare again, DO NOT USE IT, as the potential is there for her to NEVER cycle again. I am thinking, what a plan. Vaccinate the mares and they never come into season again, OR the herd becomes so small that eventually it will die out.
    I am very saddened by what OUR government is doing. The Pryor range is absolutely beautiful. We the People are suppose to have a say in what our Government does. I am ashamed of the BLM and the Judge that made the decision to do what has been done.

    • Morgan Williams Says:

      I researched the mineral content in the Pryor Mountains. It appears that it is uranium the US Government is after. Once the horses and burros are gone or dwindled, get a good look at your mountains. Most likely, the Pryors will be destroyed licketly split through mining efforts that will kill the area ecologically.

  7. betty Says:

    what is the difference between adopting and buying a horse? Does the BLM stand to make more money if they sell the horses? Or is the buyer free to sell the horse for slaughter unlike the adopter? I know every one is busy with this awful round up but I would like it if some one could tell me the difference.

    I hate that these older horses are being taken off the range! I know of no good reaon for this!

    Is Ginger the person no longer being alllowed out on site?

    • Morgan Williams Says:

      If I understand correctly, the buyer is free to do as they choose with the horse or burro with no restrictions whatsoever. The adoption process is more difficult, time consuming and costly to the BLM. A person adopting must prove the ability to care for the animal and will not “own” the animal for one year.

      Others more experienced in Mustangs & burro programs may have more facts for you.

      If you keep reading all the articles posted to this blog, you should find answers to your questions. As far as I can tell from reading:
      Ginger, the Cloud Foundation, Cloud supporters, the Crow Indians, protestors and other activitist are all being kept at a distance so that no one can directly witness the round up process. An independent observer is suppose to have full access to the horses the entire time of the round up to write an unbiased report. The appointed independent observer was not allowed within close range today. Close access was only allowed on the first day when the media was on hand to report this questionable round up in the Pryor Mountains.

      • Suzanne Moore Says:

        Of course everything changed after the media left. What a bunch of hypocrites! What I found really shocking was the way they kept the interdependent observer at arms length. What’s the use of an independent observer if they’re not allowed to observe? And yet she gave the BLM a passing grade. How is this possible?!!!

  8. Marilyn Wargo Says:

    Cloud’s Mother yesterday. Cloud next. We must do all we can. Going to Washington will be enough, together, to do all we need. Mar

  9. Barbara Steele Says:

    I sit at this computer viewing photos that make me ill and I think what can I do here in Pennsylvania?
    The National Horse and Burro Meeting is set for Sept 28 at Arlington VA about 2 hours from me. Please put this information on your front page and call for people from this area to go and speak for the horses. I would consider it a privilege to do so.
    I am amazed that the Pryor Mt. herd is being reduced in such a reckless way.

  10. Debbie Benson Says:

    You ask why doesn’t the president step in, look at the big picture this man iis destroying out county, the entire fibre of what we stand for. He is doing a speech tomorrow to our children – it sounds way to much like Hitler to me!

    We can not expect this man to do anything about this horses, we have do to it on our own – does it take a protest in DC – maybe, but it is time the horse owners in this country step up to the plate and make our voices heard! We can not expect our government to step in and do anything – they can not even take care of their own – so I am asking every single equine owner to step forward, let your voices ring – let our governement – our congressman, senators and govenors who we have elected hear our voices and let them know we will not re-elect them – that we are tired of this!!!!!!!!!!

    We can not sit at our computers and say this is not right – if you do not step up to the plate and speak out than there will be no change!

    I for one will let my voice be heard and will not allow this to be swept under the carpet!

    • Suzanne Moore Says:

      Debbie ~ I think all of us have already done as you suggest. I’ve written my Senators and Representatives several times already. Not that I expect much help from them since my Rep has already voted against HR 503 – thank goodness it passed anyway.

      So, what else do you suggest we do?

      • Anne Says:

        hello what I suggest people do is:

        a. send the pix of Little foal Hope lying in the sand pit; perishing with NO Food and No water; no blanket; no pellets; no protection from cold

        send this pix by Laura Leigh to every Senator and Rep. Letters don’t do as much…

        b. put the pix of Hope the Foal; and the Downed Mare with no feed hay or water and put pix of the Mare having the “miscarriage”; w/no help from the Vet. and put these pix on a BIG POSTER BOARD and then go to Washington and wave the pix of Hope and downed mare;…

        so everyone can see the wicked mustang abuse

  11. Marilyn Wargo Says:

    Barbara Steele, Please goto that meeting and before you do have a good idea what you will say and try to be on the list to speak. There is a procedure. Ginger has done it, so I think you should ask the Foundation to help you. Take like minded people. Mar

  12. Marilyn Wargo Says:

    I am just revisiting older posts. Mar

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