Sister Rallies on the Coast!

A Unified Stand for Horses & Burros

The sad truth is that the vast majority of Americans are unaware of the rapidly decreasing wild horse and burro population. In fact, many Americans have no idea there are still mustangs in the West at all! At the vast expense to the American taxpayer, wild horses and burros are being rounded up in the thousands each year.

In light of the International Equine Conference, two rallies are planned for the support of horses and burros, wild and domestic.

When: Sunday, Sept. 25, 2011

Time: Noon – 4 pm (DC), Noon – 3 pm (CA)

Where: Washington DC – (West side of the Capitol on 1st Street NW), Santa Monica, CA – (3rd Street Promenade – corner of Santa Monica Blvd  & entrance to promenade)

TCF Board members Susan Sutherland & Anni Williams with Lauryn Wachs, TCF associate director, in Phoenix - March 2011

Our federal government (via the Bureau of Land Management) is managing these iconic symbols of the Wild West to extinction. These coast-to-coast rallies are in effort to shed light on the inequalities given to wild horses and burros, and encourage Congress to defund the massive, inhumane roundups of these treasured animals. Instead, funding should be directed to humane, on-the-range management. The national effort also supports the passage of the anti-horse slaughter bill HR2966.

The rallies are supported by several nationwide organizations, like The Cloud Foundation, and include In Defense of Animals, HSUS, Equine Welfare Alliance, Animal Law Coalition, Wild Horse Freedom Federation, Animal Rescue Unit, American Wild Horse Advocates, & Respect4Horses…

Bring banners if you have them or want to make them as well as lots of enthusiasm for our wild ones! Let’s show Congress that we stand united for the animals that helped build our nation!

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4 Responses to “Sister Rallies on the Coast!”

  1. eileen murphy Says:

    I am going to contact my senators to let them know, once again, how I feel about the wild mustangs. They are the iconic symbol of the spirit of freedom in our country and should be treated as such. The BLM, as we are finding more each day, is not doing the work intended. Once again it comes down to who has the money. The inhumane treatment of our wild horses and burros must stop.People in the United States have to be made aware of the situation and together we can make enough noise so all will know.

  2. Linda H Says:

    There is a rally scheduled at the corner of Canyon and Broadway next Monday afternoon at 4 pm. We hope there are dozens more all around the country.

  3. Linda H Says:

    I didn’t say where, did I? Canyon and Broadway, in Boulder, CO.

  4. D.C. Rally for Horses Fires Up Capitol City « Straight from the Horse's Heart Says:

    […] Sister Rallies on the Coast! ( […]

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