Roundup Update– Massive Removals Continue

Dear Friends of Cloud and the Pryor Horses:

Yesterday was one of the saddest dies of my life as whole bands of horses were driven off their home range by helicopter and into traps where they were then loaded into stock trailers and hauled the 25 miles down the twisting and rough Crooked Creek road. Following Trigger and his large family band down the mountain in a cloud of choking dust I watched these frightened animals brace against each other in the trailer.Trigger_into_trap_+_helicopter_ AE 9-5-09

I started filming Trigger when he was just a few days old back in 1997. Now this stunning bay stallion with the huge white blaze has grown up, winning mares of his own and his sons and daughters have faces that match their father’s. I know these horses, their history and their families. This is personally devastating to me but nothing compared to what the horses are going through. Now proud Trigger is in the desert corrals, far away from his lush mountain home. They have all been freeze-branded and wear numbered neck tags. Yesterday his family, separated from Trigger while he was put in with another band stallion, were trying to paw in their water trough to cool off. 

Bo's band

Bo's band

Early this morning they captured Conquistador and his family—this 19 year-old dun stallion should never be removed from the range where his Spanish ancestors have lived in for centuries.

photo by Living Images- Carol Walker

photo by Living Images- Carol Walker

People have driven overnight to be here and flown in from all over the country but now that most of the media is gone the BLM is moving horses much faster through the chutes and yesterday Trigger’s son and one of his mares both started coming through the chute window. I was not allowed to film or observe in the chute area but the Pryor Mountain Wild Mustang Center was back there and took this photo.

Pryor Wild photo

Pryor Wild photo


Trigger band in chute

In a meeting last month in Washington DC we were told by Ed Roberson of the Department of Interior and Don Glenn, Chief of the Wild Horse and Burro Program, that all of the Pryor Mountain Wild Horses would be adopted, even the horses over 10. At the first morning briefing of this roundup Field Manager Jim Sparks reiterated this promise. But in a taped interview yesterday Don Glenn said that the older horses would be sold, all people have to do is sign a paper release.

Don Glenn WH&B Program Chief Don Glenn

The BLM has changed this from a selective removal based on genetics, age, characteristics and genetic contribution to one of the complete removal of horses who live outside the designated range. This is why Trigger and Conquistador and Bo and Shane and their families are all now at Britton Springs corrals with tags around their necks. Among these bands are young foals and 21-year-old Grumpy Grulla.

Grumpy Grulla- 21 years old (on right)

Grumpy Grulla- 21 years old (on right)

We’ve followed the law and have met with the BLM, Congressionals, the Forest Service and others. We have commented on every new document and have made our wishes known. We have requested that experts write to the BLM but they are being ignored as well. We are working through the courts and have gotten all the media here we can.

However those entrusted by the public to manage our wild horses continue without consideration for the future of this herd. Please contact all your local media as well as national outlets- ask that this story be covered and the BLM investigated. ‘The Bureau of Lies and Mismanagement’ is running rough-shod over our wild horses on our public lands. Do not let them destroy another American treasure. 

Seattle and Blizzard after release 9-4-09

Seattle and Blizzard after release 9-4-09

One of our friends said today “I have never prayed so hard”. There are so many of you out there who are working to preserve and protect this herd in their wild home, please keep fighting for Cloud’s herd and all our mustangs.  The helicopter is in the air but the horses are not gone yet. 

Thank you,


Week old Filly to be removed with mom

Week old Filly to be removed with mom

Cloud's Band- Summer 2008

Cloud’s Band- Summer 2008

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299 Responses to “Roundup Update– Massive Removals Continue”

  1. Karen Mayfield Says:


    You’re in my thoughts and prayers as well as the wild ones are. I’m so deeply saddened by all this and most importantly..I’m outraged! God Bless you.. I’m not giving up, even more determind at this point..I’m doing all I can.

    – Karen

  2. Lynne Says:

    I am, along with many others, anxiously awaiting a Press Release so we can fwd to newspapers, radios stations, TV stations all over the country using

    Please, ASAP, can you put together a press release explaing the BLM’s ‘changing their minds’ (yeah, right) now deciding that all horses ten years or older will be sold…and we ALL suspect strongly that the sale of these horses will be to kill buyers!

    We need PRESS…WE NEED TO GET THE WORD OUT in a condensed, concise form (so that hopefully, people will read) explaing that we only have until 9/26. Do I belive we have that long…of course not…but I won’t give up trying to help them.
    Lynne Brown

    • Cynthia Says:

      Best to try television as well.
      I recently spoke with Compassion Over Killing. Their strategy was a number of 30 second public service announcements spots (PSA) to air on numerous channels. They targeted VH!, Bravo and many other channels. This Can be done also by having more than one PSA.
      It is important to reach a wider public, not just horse lovers spread all across the country, and I agree that the style has to be different from the show. I started calling stations in Los Angeles to get estimates, and it is possible to air something as early as this week. If we plan it right, we might be able to air an entire campaign in major cities. I am available to help, and I have filming and editing equipment. Another thing I learned is that stations sometimes have even free slots left over. Who wants to help by calling sale executives in various cities to get costs for airing and find free time as well? I have started with Los Angeles and Time Warner Cable, it would help if more people get involved so we can have a quick turn around, as well as a determine what we are saying and how we can target it to various audiences.
      Seriously, I work in the film industry, but I have not met anyone here who knows about the plight of the American wild horse, and documentaries take time and might only reach a “niche market”. Public service announcements are viewed while people of all ages who watch all types of shows. This is the way to show our mustang as the national symbol. Please contact me, I have started doing research and writing, as well as contacted business owners to raise funds.

      • Anne Novak Says:

        Most people in the USA love horses. Reach out to everyone. Environmentalists would be a good match for our cause, then the mommies of America . . .

        PSA’s are great but do we have time? If you can do one for YouTube in 48 hours that would be great-then use that to build the buzz.

        Stage protests in large cities but they must have theme and be visual then you can get the news to cover this for free!

        Posting on Craigslist in your city is effective. Use “Mustang” on the title and see our posts hit Google in 2 days.

        Shall we all send horse shoes to the White house or zip lock bags of alfalfa? Or should we just snail mail a photo of cloud?

        Must move quickly and target the news and social media like Facebook & Twitter.

        Getting some celebrities on board will shift this baby around. Where is Oprah on this?

      • Cynthia Says:

        I had already contacted stations LAST WEEK and the stations WERE READY TO AIR A PSA LAST WEEK ALREADY. But although I try to keep on reaching Ginger by phone and e-mail, I never received approval to start the process, and time is just slipping by. To save money, it needs to go through a non profit such as the Cloud Foundation.

      • Cynthia Says:

        $5000 (a heavily discounted rate) will air one or several PSA on stations such as: MNBC, MTV, BRAVO, Family, Lifetime, Oxygene, Toon, VH1, WE, CMD, ENT, CNB, AMC, History, TVL, Hallmark, on a consistent way to saturate the market for a couple of weeks. I have a schedule put together by Time Warner Cable (for Los Angeles) which suggested targeting affluent areas. Also targeted are age groups 25-54. This approach was revealed effective for another non profit.
        The content has to be approved by the networks, and spots can air anywhere from a couple of days to 4 days after submission to the network. A PSA can be put together in a day with already existing footage of round ups, and footage of Cloud. With titles stating that wild horses and their foals end up hurt in round ups, and often times sold for meat, it stands a chance to bring attention to what it going on. Celebrities watch TV too. It might be a good idea to bring attention to the when the horses will be sold in Nevada as well.
        Again, the cost estimate is for the Los Angeles area, but other cities are a lot cheaper.

      • Shelley Sawhook Says:

        In response to needing non-profit to go through for PSAs. Ginger Kathrens is on our board, the American Horse Defense Fund and we obviously support her work. While we don’t have funding to run PSAs we do have our non-profit status and if it helps we would be willing to be the non-profit for the PSAs to go through. Please email me privately if this is of any help

      • Kathi Martin Says:

        Cynthia –

        I cannot help with funds, but are there other needs? I live in Glendale, LA suburb.

      • Linda Castle Says:

        I can help you. Let me know what you want me to do. I live in the Chicago area and have done publicity professionally. Linda

    • Lyn McCormick Says:

      Dear Ginger and friends of the Cloud Foundation, From all of us here in Fort Collins, Colorado, we are just heartsick over the roundup of the horses. The past several weeks we have written alot of letters and shed alot of tears. It has been extremely difficult to wait and watch while all of this is going on. We appreciate so much what you are doing for the wild horses. Tomorrow, we are gathering together to brainstorm the issues and to form a local coalition to educate and enlighten our community on the wild horse issues. If is there any way we can assist you further at this point in time, please feel free to contact me

  3. linda Says:

    this is God awful. the government just loves killing animals. How truly sad and totally unacceptable. they are removing part of the US HISTORY and they dont care.

  4. Terry Casson Says:


  5. Robin Varone Says:

    I am so very heart broken over this terrible tragidy. This is what the BLM does on Labor Day weekend. Cause fear some of America’s greatest assets. Many of these horses will die, if not during the round up, they will end up slaughtered. How do some in this county do this to an animal that was our first transportation and has done more for us then any other animal. They should be respected and allowed to live free were they were born!!!

  6. Judith Chase Says:

    I am totally devastated. The BLM is trying the same thing with the small wild herd of Placitas, NM. We (WHOA-Wild Horse Observers Association of Placitas) are hoping to stop them. People are outraged!

    I have done everything I can to help Cloud’s herd and so have many of my friends. I am broken hearted. This herd is world famous! How can they do this?

    I am just completing my book about the Mustangs of Placitas and it includes Cloud Foundation news with Ginger’s permission. I can’t say more right now, it’s just too awful.

    WHY aren’t we heard by the powers that be? What in the world is wrong with them? Is it ALL just about money?

    • jan eaker Says:

      if it is about money, than i’d like to know how much this is costig, how much taxdollars are spent on these roundups,

  7. Nancy Radebaugh Says:

    I can’t hardly stand to read this. I am absolutely heartbroken and have cried buckets of tears for what I consider to be my friends when I first met them last summer with Deb Little. I was so blessed to go back to visit my friends again this summer with Deb and Kim. It tears me apart to see this wonderful herd rounded up for such an uncertain future for what makes NO sense whatsoever. I just don’t understand it. What is the “real” reason for this senseless roundup???

  8. april Says:

    This is all too sad I am sick of the horses being treated this way, is there still a chance to stop this and have them set free? God Bless these horses…

  9. jan sterling Says:

    contacted madeline pickens with name of a congressman from ohio – dennis kunicinch – not sure of spelling – anyway he has worked on lots of animal rights issues – she said the will contact him – also i emaild al gore dont know if he can help

    will any of this be on any of the national news tonite – like cnn or any other networks

  10. Janet Ferguson Says:

    This is truly shocking and appalling. Is there any hope for these horses?
    Never mind the genetics at this point: is there any hope for these horses 10 and over.

    Some people left the US in Vietnam Era to avoid the draft.

    My husband enlisted and served as a Combat Medic in Vietnam,
    however, I am thinking about leaving the country


    I will stay and fight for the horses — I don’t have to be drafted to do it, either!! Look out Washington, HERE WE COME!

  11. Mary Beth Wojtaszek Says:

    Dear Ginger,
    I have recently joined as a subscriber to your news letter after reading an article just the other day about the round up of wild horses. It completely sickens me to see and read this news. You have followed with lawmakers and have “legally” done alot what you were asked to do and still……this dam disgusting government does whatever it wants!!! How can our government even employ people to do such horrific tasks? Another madness in this country…I am going to try to forward this to our local news here in Buffalo New York and also to a couple of our community newsletters. I understand that at this point those beautiful free horses have been selected out of their families, but I share your sadness and I feel as though it’s so important for the world to see. I wish I could help in some other way by stopping these disgusting people. My heart aches along with you. Mary Beth

  12. Marjorie Caruso Says:

    This was illegal – it was ruled to be illegal, but yet every Congressmen, except Rep. Grijalva, and every Senator in this country has allowed this to take place. Where are our laws, where was our President, who could have stopped this atrocity from happening? President Obama knows full well what is happening.

    Why is it that Rep. Grijalva was the only person to speak up against this atrocity?

    Our laws are being broken, where are our lawmakers?

    And, the BLM, on top of all their other crimes hired a known criminal to conduct this roundup.

    • Janet Ferguson Says:

      Mr. Byrd has sponsored a Senate bill S.B. 1597.

      I like to use this website for information on legislation:

      It has all the latest hope in the form of legislation that the horses have.

    • Janet Ferguson Says:

      Also, I wonder the same thing but the officials — the USDA, everybody “backs off” when the g-men show up. Nobody wants trouble.

      The biggest bully on the block and nobody can take them down

    • Janet Ferguson Says:

      I am afraid to look at Homeland Security issues around this.

      This ain’t the good old days, baby.

    • Janet Ferguson Says:

      Library of Congress has a great website “thomas” (? wierd) I think it refers to Thomas Jefferson. You can track legislation and get all the up to the minute info.

      Each committee in Washington D.C. has a website — oftentimes there are live webcasts of actual sessions they have on the bills in their care.

      the S.B. 1597 is in a committee known as the place “where bills go to die”. This is not a good thing. You can go to the website of the committee and find out who’s on it — sometimes 30-40 people. You can call their offices direct. Don’t scream. State your case, be calm, and thank them, and that’s it.

  13. jan eaker Says:

    this is too sad of a day, what is it about wild things that is so threatening to the establishment? i will never understand this,

  14. Morgan Griffith Says:

    There are not words in the English language to describe the heaviness in all our hearts. We will not forget this day nor the days just like this that have passed or are yet to come. We will all continue to fight on to expose and investigate this most dreaded of bureaus.

  15. Karen Williams Says:

    This is so heartbreaking. I can barely imagine how traumatic this much be for these beautiful creatures. We must hold hope in our hearts and keep praying for peace and a positive outcome for these horses. Thank you Cloud Foundation for keeping us informed and for doing all you can to save these remaining wild horses that belong on the lands where they were born.

  16. Marcy Doelp Says:

    This is incredibly sad. I cannot imagine why this is necessaary. I have visited the Pryor Mountains twice and we haad trouble during both visits finding any horses since the area is so vast and underpopulated.

  17. Rhiannon Says:

    It is a sad world we live in indeed when such beauty and innocence is destroyed. Does someone have a large parcel of land? Can we pool together and buy these older horses and adopt family groups to some how keep at least some of them together? The wild horse sanctuaries such as Return to Freedom have kept family groups together. We have 20 days until the National Adoption Day. What was it that Margaret Mead said? “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”


    • jan eaker Says:

      is there some way to unite, get the land, start the foundation process and save some of these horses, if we ALL try, somerhing CAN be done, the BLM acts like they OWN these horses, which they don’t, we must try to come up with a plan,

  18. susan cline Says:

    This is too horrible to even think about, yet we have to think about it in order to get something done about it. I hate this about our government! As much as I love my country, acts such as this leave me feeling ashamed, let down, betrayed by my own nation. God help us. Our troops are giving their lives every day, suffering for our freedoms, while irresponsible, uncaring, apathetic, greedy monsters take advantage of these sacrifices and create even more suffering in our blessed, sacred horses. Who raised these people? How do they sleep at night?

    They can’t ignore us forever. Public outcry does work.

    We need to keep it up and not let up for a second. I’m doing my part. God bless those on the front lines dealing with this every day. We hold you up with our prayers, and we keep our voices alive.

    • Janet Ferguson Says:

      Don’t you wonder about all the people out there without computers who need to be heard as well?

      They need to find a way to make their wishes known. From all walks, everywhere! Someone needs to set forth with a wireless of some kind and provide these folks with the means to express their thoughts, too and also to get involved and stay connected!

      Also watch and learn from the tiny foals “and a little foal shall lead us”
      They get up on their tiny feet because they know they must or they will be left behind on the ground. We are very sad, but like the little foal who teaches us to get on our wavery feet and find a way to run this race!!!

  19. jean civis Says:

    This is absolutely appalling and I can’t believe this is allowed to
    happen! These horses are uniquely complex and sensitive creatures,
    with lots of history on their side. Why do they have to be removed
    from their natural habitat where they have thousands of acres to
    roam? Please, leave them alone?!

  20. Janet Ferguson Says:

    I just left a note on Raul Grijalva’s Facebook page to let him know about the new rule for the 10 and over horses! I also thanked him for all the support for the wild horses.

  21. ellieroo Says:

    Truly am so furious with this BLM bull that nice polite words have vanished right along with the horses freedom! All who will read this blog already are in the fight but it needs to expand to a National Outrage.The BLM has broken its own rules and the laws of the land. This must be the beginning of the End of the BLM!!

  22. Julianne French Says:

    This is a tragic avoidable event. The herd should be released. How cruel to remove old wise horses. How can the BLM ignore science and spend money needlessly. They should be accountable to congress and the public

  23. GOLDE W Says:


    • Carole Hay Says:

      YOU got that right they kill them and orphan foals, what kind of heartless people are these BLM folks, UGH, they shouldn’t have the right to do this stuff to our AMERICAN MUSTANGS that were out there way before we were ever here, and they just love to kill, HUH> sinster and greed is right, that they are. They have no compassion what so ever………..I’d hate to meet face to face wtih any of them. whew. I”d give them a piece of my mind..

      I think the pres. should be decent enough to step in and say OK stop this killing and let the wild horses alone and let them be FREE in AMERICA.. Such small herds , how in the world can they damage so much they are controlled in the wild with the elements and mt lions and that should be enough, just like they want to kill off all the wolves as well, in other words THE BLM people just LOVE to mess with God’s true nature control , I think they should let well enough alone and keep their fingers out of it.This goes to show you lots about the FREEDOM of AMERICA. HUH?

      I guess the BLM gets their kicks from killing horses and such.. HUH? They must be heartless people for sure. And very COLD hearted for that matter.

  24. Barbara Warner Says:

    This is heartbreaking . We must not let any of these horses fall into the wrong hands when they are adopted or sold. If need be people out there must buy them for the people who are not there and be reimbursed. I am willing to do this. Also the Crow Indians should be able to adopt and buy some or all since they claim them.

  25. Rhiannon Says:

    I just noticed the typo in the first sentence of Ginger’s commentary. It says “one of the saddest ‘dies’ of my life”, instead of ‘days’. Interesting slip. This is a death to a legacy Ginger has helped give life to.

    • Janet Ferguson Says:

      This is not a death. This is a birthing process. There is blood, there is guts. What will emerge is up to us. Will we give birth to “more of the same” or will this be a chance to make a difference.

      • Rhiannon Says:

        You are right, Janet. And I’ve had the thought that maybe it will take the publicity of Cloud’s herd to change the mismanagement of the BLM and truly protect our wild horses.

  26. Jane B Schwartz Says:

    So the BLM have lied to all of us AND the media???

  27. Marilyn Wargo Says:

    Ginger and Makendra, My heart goes out to you for what you are seeing and to those beautiful horses who have now been betrayed yet again. If I only knew what to do. Should I go talk to the Parelli’s? They are very near, only a few miles away. The horses that will be sold should not be sold to any killer buyers. But the BLM has been acting criminally in this ongoing nightmare from the get go. This is just dumbfounding- what they are doing. I want to help and have not the means to take horses. I will talk to horse people near me. Please tell us what has happened. What of Quelle Colore and her foal? Why would they sell a foal old enough to be weaned? I am not sure if it is… but it is wrong if any killer buyers are there. How would they know to be there unless they were contacted? I hope they do not know about this, but they will get wind of it. How do we find out when horses will be sold? Will they wait until the 26th? Are they for sale right now? The mustang breeders in that area should be contacted and given the chance to buy these horses whose bloodlines their horses share. There are only 40. Too many for one or two individuals to take, but between several breeders and people you know, maybe they could be saved. For any one of these horses to go to killers is unacceptable. Why the change in status for these horses? I have been distilling what I write from your information and from Mathew’s blog and photos and your u tube pieces. My readership tripled before today which is part of the holiday weekend and I expect people to come back Monday. There is much interest and concern. I have sent links to the Foundation and kept a running editorial going to keep this information fresh. I was getting nearly 50 reads a day for this action. People who come and go came back and hung in there. The Pryor Mustangs and the BLM roundups and the numbers of horses in captivity have been subjects through out my blogs since January 2008. This subject will stay in the forefront. Be strong, you are there for many. If I can do anything, please tell me. Thank you, Marilyn Wargo.

  28. Laura Says:

    I am sick to death over this! If the horses are up for sale why don’t we do what I have done for years – buy them and set them free again! I do this with healthy animals that have been taken from the wild and are for sale, I buy them and release them back into the wild. If enough of us do it we may just win!

  29. peek Says:

    have heart …save…these babies will never make the round up.
    GAWD….CALL ..719-633-3842 CLOUD FOUNDATION!
    I CALLED got through to Christine..they only have 10 days to roundup them up. The foals were the main concern. To small to be ran 30 miles with helicopters over head…
    Then what ship them to Mexico and Canada for food!!!

    These magnificent creatures are from the 1800’s!! They are doing and have done nothing wrong! Now they will be slaughtered…

    God have mercy on these heartless people. !

    • Carole Hay Says:

      It breaks my heart completley to know that these fine old bred horses are being slaughtered to satisfy someone’s mouth for food. UGH HUH> I guess maybe they are the works of the devil, it makes me wonder sometimes. whew…………evil people love to killl with out feelings.

  30. maggiefromOK Says:

    My heart is breaking and I’m praying as hard as I can for miracle.

  31. bobbie meyzen Says:

    I have been calling and calling and emailing and emailing…have spoken to my local government and also to the BLM. I have called and emailed everyone that I can think of to help.
    I am so upset and I am also so grateful for your work.
    Best regards,
    Bobbie Meyzen

  32. Brenda Robinson Says:

    This action breaks my heart. These beautiful animals, not hurting or bothering anyone, and all hell breaks loose on their gentle and peaceful lives. It is disgusting. Shame on the people responsible for this. Leave these beautiful horses alone and let them live in peace. Keep up the coverage of the story and the pressure on them to stop this!

  33. Shirley Allen Says:

    Granted these are not the best photos to show condition but look the best you can at these horses. NO STARVING HORSES that I see. Keep the heat up. Call, Call, Call and get this out to all media asking them to do fair and truthful story on BLM. Cattoor and all Government agencies involved in this decision.

  34. Tina Howard Says:

    I can not believe what is happening in this country..these wild horses have roamed free for so long…why in the h***does the government have to take over so many things that really don’;t concern them,,,they need to figure out how to get us out of debit and bring our troops home…these beautiful creatures have done nothing wrong they have lived this way for years…our government is nothing i have given up on voting because we vote and they really don’t listen to us…i will be praying for all these horses…keep me posted…and good luck

  35. Anne Novak Says:

    Contact me and I will help you write a press release and pitch it. I have some other ideas also.

    • jan eaker Says:

      yell me what i can do, i don’t have land, can’t get out there, but i can buy 1 or 2 of these horses, let me know,

    • Ginger Leilani Chapin Says:

      Please contact me to give instructions on what to do. I can help buy some horses, and to get the word out. I want to help save these horses, and I believe that all of us together can make a BIG impact and positive change will happen immediately if we stand together and take action NOW.
      My email is and my cell phone is 917.975.2711 to contact me.
      I am committed to helping and being part of a wave of public outcry to set these horses free.

  36. Susan NY Says:

    Prayers and support for you and the horses. We are standing in solidarity with you all and calling the press. If the American people knew what was really going on, the White House phone lines would be melting.
    Your example of compassionate activism is inspiring. We wish you peace and safety, and success in your mission to keep these beautiful beings under the big sky where they belong, on our land, living their natural days.

  37. Mary Gore Says:

    What a shame this is! These horses are part of our American heritage. This is just devastating.

  38. Stephanie Says:

    Why do we even bother to elect people who don’t listen to us anyway? Why don’t they listen?

  39. Janet Ferguson Says:

    You can erase this “replly” — it’s just to let you know that a time shows on this blog that each reply was posted. For both of my “replies” I posted to the blog, the clock shows a time approx. six hours past the time it was made.

  40. Sherri Gronli Says:

    Ginger – I am heartsick over this. I am sitting at my desk in Littleton, Colorado sobbing. I’ve written to Presdent Obama, Secretary Salazar, and both of our senators, to no avail. This is a an outrage and an atrocity. This needs coverage on a national level. Has someone got contacts at the major 3 networks? This blog alone tells it all. Anything I can do to help, please let me know. Sherri

  41. gabrielle elliott Says:

    Get Valerie back into court to challenge the entire adoption process. Get an Injunction to stop adoption or sale until the entire adoption process has been reviewed by Judges. The entire process is arbitrary and capricious and violates internal processes of the the BLM. That is what will nail them and bring the “disposal” to a halt. I am a former environmental lawyer.

  42. Dale Says:

    I will be happy to donation funds to purchase some of the horses, so in the future they may be returned to their home.

    • Ginger Leilani Chapin Says:

      I am also able to donate some funding to help get these horses into a safe sanctuary. All of us who are able to help in some way need to be able to get together. Please contact me at 917.975.2711 or my email
      So many of us are able to donate SOMETHING to help these horses, and we all
      need to be gathered together to get the project to save these horses
      completed in a powerful manner.
      Thank you.

  43. K G Hogge Says:

    The BL Mismanagement’s complete and arrogant disregard for properly and lawfully preserving these irreplacable symbols of American history is inexcusable …. and infuriating! The employees and contractors who are carrying out this immoral and needlessly cruel work have sold their souls for a few dollars and do not even deserve to be called men. As for those who have ordered it to be done in spite of all lawful opposition and good common sense, I will not say here what my opinion of them is and that includes the judge who refused to issue a stay of execution. It is a good thing for them, and probably for me, that I cannot get up there.
    Why did they refuse to let you film wherever you wanted to? Are they not proud of what they are committing. This whole thing from beginning to now is disgusting beyond the ability of my poor vocabulary to express.

  44. Christine Says:

    I’m totally unsurprised that the BLM pulled this bullshit. And that makes me as sad as what they’re doing.

    I’m wishing I had my own place so I could at least try to rescue one from the slaughterhouse. Please keep filming and whatever else you’re doing, and turn it into another documentary…even if the BLM cannot be forced to reverse what they’re doing, at least the public can be shown the torment and anguish and death they caused.


  45. Joanna Kennedy Says:

    It’s baffling that this is the priority of the BLM unless you consider the selfish motives of keeping funds already alloted them and people keeping jobs they’ve assumed they would have.
    But this kind of selfishness is what is taking our country into a hole, and we are all now painfully aware that unless we change our ways for the good of the what is right and best to do with funds, our economy will not recover any time soon, and the devastation that means to so many.
    So these horses lives, well being and future are at stake and how this roundup is being approached and handled is very indicative of how all of our futures are being handled.
    And it is all entirely unnecessary, unjust, and quite frankly a dangerous sign of the blindness of our government when it comes to money.
    Not to mention how much money we as taxpayers are wasting on their selfishness and chosen blindness.
    I can be more angry than I can comment on the unnecessary and harmful treatment of these horses, and I am equally as angry that these politicians are choosing to waste all of our tax dollars, while ignoring the public. IS ANYBODY HOME!!!!!

  46. Janet Ferguson Says:

    Here it is right from the BLM’s website:

    What happens to the horses that don’t go back to the range?
    These horses will be offered for adoption to qualified adopters on September 26 at the Britton
    Springs corrals. Before the adoption, the horses will be examined by veterinarians, freeze-
    branded, and vaccinated. Adoption-eligible horses will go through the oral competitive bid
    process; sale-eligible horses (over 10 years old) will go through the sale authority process (oral
    competitive bid for one round then first come-first serve). Any horses not adopted or sold will
    transported to the BLM’s Elm Creek, Nebraska, holding facility where they will be rested before
    being sent to another adoption event or to long-term holding, as appropriate.

  47. Karen Says:

    How will the older horses be “sold”. Where will we be able to find out about them? Can we start collecting money to “buy” them and get them to good homes? How about putting our collective heads together and maybe finding some trainers/gentlers that will donate their time to gentle the older ones so they will have a chance at a better life…especially the ones that go to “novice” homes.
    I’m certainly willing to open my checkbook!

    • Ginger Leilani Chapin Says:


      I have sent similar emails to other good people who are willing to donate
      something financially to these innocent, beautiful horses.
      I am also willing to give some money to help get horses
      Let us all come together to help.
      My cell phone is 917.975.2711 and my email is

  48. Susan Gleason Says:

    I’m not hungry for dinner now. This news is what I was dreading. Politics & lying politicians + horse roundup with helicoptor = no appetite. I wish I was rich so I could possibly do something with my money to help these horses stay up on their mountain & live on to carry on their heritage. It is truly painful to see these photos as I can imagine the horses will never again smell the freedom and comfort of their home.

  49. Tony M Says:

    May those who abuse these horses of ours find themselves being treated similarly by life. Then perhaps they will reflect on their dastardly deeds.

  50. Mari Dickson Says:

    My heart is broken; it’s torn asunder!! ….and I have never seen these magnificent horses in person. I can only TRY to imagine how you are feeling, Ginger, after decades of tracking these prestigious herds.

    The BLM has a corrupt agenda as does the USDA and the entire Department of Interior. It’s very clear Congress is no longer representing their constituents or this inhumane roundup never would have occurred.

    Tears for you and Cloud,

  51. mickey bailey Says:

    To whom it may concern, Once again i will enter a plea to adopt these horses to keep them alive…

    My Name is Mickey D. Bailey
    cell 847-309-2113.

  52. Connie Bailey Says:

    Lies, lies, lies!
    Our government agencies are nothing but lies and
    mandating our lives and destroying our environment.

    Unbelievable! We are all sending information to the news media….
    but they are very silent. Very little news coverage.

    We will keep fighting for these horses……unfortunately this lousy group of “Greedy Men Horse Haters”…….have left their dirty destructive mark on this famous Herd forever.

    It is absolute madness to rid the herd of its older horses. These people DO NOT have the intelligence to manage horses. Genetic experts would confirm this. And WHY capture an older Stallion. 21 years old! Who is going to buy this horse? or Adopt?

    Yes, the sad truth is the ‘horse killers’ are waiting in the background, frothing at the mouth just to get their hands on these horses to sell and ship for SLAUGHTER!

    And to think, the BLM took this Round up group to court in 1992 for the conspiracy to ship for Slaughter. Now the BLM is facilitating this process by overriding the adoption rules and selling to the highest bidder.

    Aparently, BLM decided to team up with this group…….I pray someone can stop them!

  53. CB Says:


    My prayers are with you and with the herd. Be strong and don’t give up!
    i contacted TV stations last week to air a PSA. The cost was a few thousands for many stations to saturate the market. May be airing it on one channel only, such as PBS won’t cost much, might be just a few hundreds. Sometimes stations have free open slots left as well.
    Too bad it’s Memorial Day week-end, the sales execs at the stations won’t be back until Tuesday. Put yourself on the air with a plea for help. These horses should not be put up for sale.
    Peace and blessings.

  54. Mike Niewiarowicz Says:

    What else can we do to stop these heartless, ignorant people? These animals belong to all of us, I would like to know who is ordering this to be done and the names of all the people doing this. Maybe if we start identifying these people and putting direct pressure on them to stop this, someone may actually listen to what everyone is telling them, which is leave the horses alone!

    • jan eaker Says:

      i agree with this, on nightline, they showed the guy in idaho who had killed the 1st wolf there, he was complaining about all the harassing phone calls/emails he’d been getting, we must know names and start harrassing them,

  55. Shirley VerHoef Says:

    This is the most disheartening thing I have read. To see the horses loaded in the trucks. Stallions bleeding as they try to escape thru windows. Who knows if foals are trampled in the melee. It is ridiculous and heartless. These men
    need to be cleared out and replaced by persons who respect all Gods creatures that cannot speak for themselves. We don’t need people who disregard laws of God and man. Their cruelty is unimagineable.

  56. Linda Fleshman Says:

    These horses have done nothing, taken nothing from people. They do offer education to the public that has interest in horses.

    The BLM still to put all this excess time on thier on something more useful
    Especially with all the public OUTCRY behind this project. Who knows, maybe somebody will get a group together and round BLM and families up and re-locate them, and don’t forget to separate a few of the family members, maybe then they will think with a brain.


  57. Lisa Williams Says:


    You continue to show such strength & courage.

    The Pryor Mountains horses have been in my constant thoughts since last week. My heart and soul are sick for what these precious animals are enduring at the hands of cold, cruel, thoughtless men.

    I don’t even know what to say or how to pray now. How God? How can this crime happen to your creation? I beg for His mercy.

    I have contacted all I know to contact in my area. I have failed to bring sufficient urgency to the local new media. I have spoken out, I have called and I have written letters. Deaf ears and closed eyes.


  58. Karen Leasure Says:

    Ginger, Please know that many minds and hearts are with you and the horses at this time. If the power of words and prayer could not stop the roundup, perhaps they at least will be able to stop injury/abuse to the innocent animals. Thank you for the continuing updates, and may God have mercy on Cloud and his family and bring them through this travesty safely. The fight can begin anew in the coming weeks for the Senate version of ROAM. I have never felt so strongly about an issue in my adult life and will behave accordingly. Godspeed and love, Karen Leasure

  59. Barbara Ellen Ries Says:

    Dear Ginger Kathrens ,

    I seems to me that the Bureau of Land Management is not listening to tax payers wishes who love the Pyrors Horse Herd lives or quality of their life. They are beating their own drum.

    I think their pattern of actions speaks louder than their words.
    I see a pattern of looking at outside funders,for unranium & minerals, and cattle. This leadershipand BLM isn’t concerned about their actions and good citizens. It seems like the war has started on my The Bush administration is continuing south since then.

    I know what I’m going to do and this means three things to me.

    I think their actions are worth a I’d say ( Twelve Million Bucks ~
    for Freedom and Wild Pryor Horse Herd.)

    I’m willing to donate to the legal and media fund at The Cloud Foundation today! We need to save our Pryor Horses Herd.

    Second I’m going to write my Congressman and representative daily until they release the Pryor Horses. I do think people actions speak louder than words.

    Third I’m starting Friday cutting down my beef consumption and protesting beef. I want to have my voice hear. I intend to hit them where it counts, so they will her us. Please join me!!

    I’m getting out my check book and my e-mail. I intend to make a donation to your investigation reporting of BLM mismanagement and pattern of neglect and abuse of our Wild Horsesin the USA especially the pryor horse herd.

    $$$$$$$$$$$$ 12 Bucks, 12 bucks a month, 12,00.00 donation ,

    12,000,00or 12,000.000 or 12,000,000.00 Bucks $$

    !2 for !2 is orth saving our National Treasure and donations for media, a telethon and legal battles. I don’t go to war with anyone. I do have a passion for Wild Horses and I love Cloud and Family.
    Thanks for all your good works. My goodness this is such a bitter pill to swallow.

    You can make a donation via PayPal, by phone (719.633.3842) with a Credit Card, or send a check to:
    The Cloud Foundation
    107 South 7th Street
    Colorado Springs, CO 80905

    The Cloud Foundation is a 501(c)(3) corporation
    Donations will go to legal battles,media and advertizing to support
    The non- profit Cloud Foundation is dedicated to preventing the extinction of Cloud’s herd through education, media events and programming, and public involvement. The Foundation is also determined to protect other wild horse herds on public lands, especially isolated herds with unique characteristics and historical significance.

    They even have Zebra Strips and Blue Roams
    Fiddlesticks to the BLM,
    and write daily!!

    Best Barbara Ellen Ries

    • Jacey Johnson Says:

      ABSOLUTELY go on a beef boycott. The cattle ranchers are 100% the reason why this nonsense is going on. Why the cattle industry takes precedence over wild animals trying to survive baffles me. I haven’t eaten beef for about seven years and it has nothing to do with not liking the taste. 😉 My tax dollars believe in allowing wild horses eat wild grasses, not cattle. Do yours?

  60. Patti McCubbins Says:

    I watch in horror as the horses were loaded into crowded trailors.
    I weep to think of the treasure we have destroyed. When will mankind stop and listen to reason. I have loved horses all my life and own abused horses. Which I might add are wonderful riding horses now.
    I saved their lives and we can save Clouds family too. We took the Native American’s land and now we are trying to take the horse’s homes. The Native American and the wild mustangs, in their own rights, are a national treasure. I hope we can find justice someday soon. Our goverment are breaking the laws they made. God have mercy on them.

  61. Barbara Ellen Ries Says:

    Sept 9th 2009

    Dear Ginger Kathrens ,

    I seems to me that the Bureau of Land Management is not listening to tax payers wishes who love the Pyrors Horse Herd lives or quality of their life. They are beating their own drum. I think their pattern of actions speaks louder than their words. I see a pattern of looking at outside funders,for unranium & minerals, and cattle.

    This leadership and BLM isn’t concerned about their actions and good citizens. It seems like the war has started on my The Bush administration is continuing south since then.

    I know what I’m going to do and this means three things to me. I think their actions are worth a I’d say ( Twelve Million Bucks ~ for Freedom and Wild Pryor Horse Herd.)

    I’m willing to donate to the legal and media fund at The Cloud Foundation today! We need to save our Pryor Horses Herd.

    Second I’m going to write my Congressman and representative daily until they release the Pryor Horses. I do think people actions speak louder than words.

    Third I’m starting Friday cutting down my beef consumption and protesting beef. I want to have my voice hear. I intend to hit them where it counts, so they will her us. Please join me!! I’m getting out my check book and my e-mail. I intend to make a donation to your investigation reporting of BLM mismanagement and pattern of neglect and abuse of our Wild Horsesin the USA especially the Pryor Horse Herd.

    $$$$$$$$$$$$ 12 Bucks, 12 bucks a month, 12,00.00 donation , 12,000,00or 12,000.000 or 12,000,000.00 Bucks $$ 12 for 12 is worth saving our National Treasure and donations for media, a telethon and legal battles. I don’t go to war with anyone. I do have a passion for Wild Horses and I love Cloud and Family.

    Thanks for all your good works. My goodness this is such a bitter pill to swallow.

    DONATE TO OUR LEGAL FUND Donations will go to legal battles,media and advertizing to support The non- profit Cloud Foundation is dedicated to preventing the extinction of Cloud’s herd through education, media events and programming, and public involvement. The Foundation is also determined to protect other wild horse herds on public lands, especially isolated herds with unique characteristics and historical significance.

    They even have Zebra Strips and Blue Roams

    Fiddlesticks to the BLM, and write daily!!

    Best Barbara Ellen Ries

  62. Lenore Mitchell Says:

    Times like this make me ashamed to be human. Never-the-less, the BLM must NOT get away with this! We must all keep raising our voices to Bob Abbey (BLM Director); Ken Salazar (Interior Secretary) and our own congressmen and senators as well as President Obama.

    We must help others understand that the way we treat all animals ultimately reflects on our own humanity – or, in the case of the BLM, inhumanity. Greed is undoubtedly the ultimate motive. But the suffering of even one captive wild horse diminishes us all. The removal of the Pryor herd is devastating for the horses and for us.

  63. Ashley Smith Says:

    To me this is sick and wrong. Horses are living being too, and our government is proving why humans are known as cruel beings at times. They are not hurting anything up there, and it leaves me to wonder just what is up there, in those mountains that has the government foaming at the mouth to get those animals out of there.

    I have been following the Cloud series and I adore horses. I am one hundred percent behind the Cloud Foundation and their efforts to stop this madness. Ginger, I feel your pain. Trust me, I am doing my part to Save Cloud and all the mustangs who deserve to call the Pryor Mountains their home for many generations to come.

  64. Doris Nielsen Says:

    Following are my follow up email letters to my senators and the white house…………..My telephone calls and my email letters protesting the senseless round up of the wild horses living on the public lands have gone unanswered thus far. And now the round up has begun. (After the big bail out of many of the big corporations was passed we heard about the bonuses and we felt betrayed) Now we feel betrayed again because the Bureau of Land Management has been allowed to hire a corporation owned by David Cattoor even though they were well aware of the fact that he was federally indicted for ILLEGALLY shooting wild horses on public land. Therefore, we can safely conclude that Cattoor has no care about the deleterious effects that this round up will have on the horses and their foals and neither does the BLM or they wouldn’t have hired him in the first place. It’s all about GREED and Cattoor is being funded with taxpayers’ money. As a taxpayer I demand to know how much the Cattoor Corporation is being payed for this dastardly deed. AND I demand that this information be made known to the public making certain they they also know about his indictment. Keeping in mind that the horses and the public land belong to the people – not to the BLM and not to the Cattoor corporation – I also demand that the round up be stopped and that the horses that have been rounded up so far be returned to the public lands where they belong. They’ve been stolen from the people. Why can’t our elected officials get something this simple RIGHT! Only 190 horses make up the herd on the Pryors in Montana and they were doing just fine. Now, as a result of the round up, their genetic viability is being destroyed putting the survival of the herd in danger. This fact is backed by the noted equine geneticist, Dr. Cothran. Let us keep this beautiful heritage and this beautiful part of our history. The wild horses free on the public lands is a symbol of democracy and we need this so that our children can know what this country is about. It really bothers me, and everyone else who is aware of this, that the people of the United States of America have no say over this matter (not to mention many other matters) even though their money is being taken from them to pay crooks like David Cattoor and his corporation. SHAMEFUL!!!!!!!

  65. Valerie Jennett Says:

    Dear Friends: As I write this I am devastated, demoralized,heartbroken, heartsick and sick. I have cried out to God at the top ofo my lungs WHY? why?

    I am so grieved and si ck to my stomach. Please let me know what we can do.

    What is the matter with BLM?

    These horses are so magnificient and beautiful and proud and such an asset, how can they be treated like worst than dog meat.

    I have prayed and prayed and now I expect God to answer my prayers.

    I will never get over this grief.

    Take care my wonderful friends who have done so much on behalf of these wonderful animals.

  66. jan sterling Says:

    i think some kind of a deal was cooked up between the prior president and the blm and the ranchers – read that on one website that ranchers want the horses gone so they can lease public land for their livestock

    i emailed tv stations, and artists websites that paint horses, plus i did email al gore and got a senator name in ohio that supports animal rights – will write him by postal – how many congress people really care – they are all caught up in the heath care issue – maybe its time to have our children write letters to save the horses

  67. Pamela Taylor Says:

    Ginger, the idea of getting a celebrity involved is terrific — could your friend Sheryl Crow fly in? The media would come back for her.

  68. I pray that God will somehow stop this carnage. I don't go so far as to ask God to cause all involved to suffer injury or death, because I know that would be wrong, but I think it. I emailed Oprah in hopes she would have some influence to shine a light on Says:

    STOP the round up! The BLM has no business killing our wild horses!

  69. Bob Says:

    Make no mistake: we are up against the foulest remnant parasites of the neocons’ carefully groomed, entrenched, sanctioned butchers.

    Millions in blood money is being funneled into their bloated accounts — from the tax dollars of every American.

    Maybe Montana Senator Tester should cower under his desk (if he can fit there) in shame and disgrace for his silence on this matter. He slid into office on a reform ticket. Where is his voice? Where is his courage? Where is his bravery? Let me know, everyone, if you detect any.

    Where is Salazar? Silent. Where is Biden? Where is Obama? Why have they stood mute before this hideous carnage? Have they no honor? Are they men at all?

    Our national leaders need to be buried in an avalanche of righteous outrage. An outpouring of steadfast resolve that THIS SHALL NOT PASS.

    These United States of America were founded upon the principles of freedom and resistance to tyrannical despots.

    Paid killers can be stopped. When Washington’s ragtag, ill equipped, underfed, demoralized army faced mercenary Hessians–widely thought invincable– victory was seized by the Continentals. That is our inheritance.

    Write. Call. Write. Call. Dial until your finger hurts. Write until you are sick of writing.

    The slavers might have bought the politicians, the helicopters, the trailers, the indifferent & depraved judas hands. But hired thugs cannot prevail over a people united in their hearts.

    Solidarity, witness and courage are what we have.

    We must use them now or never.

    We must stop this horror and never let it happen again.

    • Janet Ferguson Says:

      I couldn’t have said it better myself!

      You need to find a real good speaker to go with your excellent speech writing skills!

      Cloud Foundation needs to hire you and the speaker to travel about the country getting this message out!

    • Suzanne Moore Says:

      Your post gave me goosebumps, Bob. I agree with Janet, your rhetoric is much more effective and inspiring than mine.

      May we quote you?

  70. Sharon Crumb Says:

    Dear Ginger,

    I want you to know that even though I do not stand along side of you, I am with you!

    I will not keep my mouth shut, I will continue to hound the media in a polite, peaceful way until they decide to hear me and hear what is happening right now in the Pryor Mountains.

    Each horse removed is a piece of American history dying. I am a grandmother and I want my grandchildren to see that part of history that I have seen growing up and as an adult.

    Why does the government feel they must round up wild horses to begin with? Then complain to the media about it costing us taxpayers $100,000.00 a day.
    Well I would rather pay taxes for them to be left alone in the wild as they have lived all their lives. I do not like my taxes going to pay for round ups for something I totally disapprove of. Not right to make me pay for it!

    I carry each one of these horses in my heart and I will work to undo what damage our government felt fit to inflict on them.

    Praying for you and the horses,
    Sharon Crumb

  71. Heidi H Christensen Says:

    is there ANY WAY to get celebrities to speak out for the horses? If Movie stars and singers speak out the public WILL listen and maybe then enough people can band together and do something!

    Why not posters or ? on billboards and big ads in Newspapers?

    • CStone Says:

      But THINK… who is a bigger Celebrity than CLOUD, himself?

      Many of you speak of raising MONEY for a fight and/or BUYing the oldest members of the herd– (& I agree with these ideas…BUT) remember that Madeline Pickens is still trying to BUY ALL of the horses in long-term holding– and the BLM & government Won’t LET HER!!!— they’re NOT going to let US do it either!!
      Why doesn’t the BLM HAVE to do what the Chairman of committee on Natl Parks, Forests, Public LANDS (Grijalva) asks/ demands that they do?? what the G.A.O. demands that they do? What the other chair of Natural Resources (Rahall) demands?
      WHO are they REALLY working FOR? {Mr Fitch says it has to do with Uranium sources in Pryors— & implied link to Cheney–Dubai–UAE–???} I don’t know, but I DO know that this is BIGGER than forage for cattle.

      However- my IDEA is: would Madeline PICKENS agree to quickly BUY up news & advertising spots ALL over different type stations –maybe fly Anderson Cooper or Christiane Amanpour {sp?}to do story— then put CLOUD, and ELECTRA, and GRUMPY, and the late Wise SHAMAN, and IMAGE, and QUELLE C with babe, and CONQUISTADOR, etc as “the Celebrity faces”, while Ginger & the Crow elder & Viggo & Hope Ryden & Karen S., etc. do the talking in the BackGround??? Get their Majestic FACES on everyone’s screen, on everyone’s mind— the FACES no one will be able to Forget??? What do you think?
      {someone here had a way to contact Mrs.Pickens}

      Maybe even a simple background voice saying “What Will YOU SAY when your children or grandchildren ASK if You did everything that you could DO– to save them? to protect them?” “How Will YOU explain this loss to YOUR children?”…along with the flashes of CLOUD, Electra, the many HORSE FACES…. (I figure that any ppl that DON’t help (incl Obama & govt officials), will at least feel guilty as **, if only for a few moments! & Many WON’T get those FACES off their minds…!)… or maybe THEIR KIDS won’t let them forget, either?

      • CStone Says:

        Surely, PBS-Nature channel could afford to DONATE several spots of their own, as well— considering the HUGE numbers of viewers for “the CLOUD, Wild Mustang series”??
        Maybe Animal Planet, Nat GEO, Discovery would, as well?

  72. Nini Says:

    Gabrielle makes a good point (see below) — return to the courts to challenge the “entire adoption process” — including the wholesale “sales authority” disposal method.

    It’s evident that in both the Pryor Mountains and Nevada — the BLM is pushing ahead with its “final solution” before Congress reconvenes next week and before the Senate has a chance to review and vote on the ROAM Act passed by the House earlier this year. The BLM is riding roughshod over the horses, the public and the new administration. And why is Ken Salazar so silent??

    gabrielle elliott Says:
    September 7, 2009 at 12:32 am | Reply

    Get Valerie back into court to challenge the entire adoption process. Get an Injunction to stop adoption or sale until the entire adoption process has been reviewed by Judges. The entire process is arbitrary and capricious and violates internal processes of the the BLM. That is what will nail them and bring the “disposal” to a halt. I am a former environmental lawyer.

  73. Bobbie Green Says:

    I can hardly see to write this I am crying so hard!!!!! How can this be happening???? I thought they were going to be left alone…

  74. Phyllis Says:

    Everyone call Sean Hannidy on talk radio.. He has a huge audience…It’s 790 in Southern Cal. It’s live…the TV show I believe is taped. How about calling rescue groups and sanctuaries. Lifesavers Wild Hore Rescue in Calif. may have room, Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary 1-800-252-6652( If we work together maybe we can to some good out of this mess. I don’t believe the BLM they keep changing the rules. They are cattlemen thru and thru. The Pryors were designated for wild horses…seems unfortunate the the forres servicet and the BLM can’t fix the imaginary boundary and return it to the original area the horses moved around on. Seem they caould have moved them… but that was not their purpose.

  75. Marilyn Wargo Says:

    Ladies and two Gentlemen, A few of you said it; We have to go to Washington, as many of us as possible. In early October, before the cold comes on. People with money must find out what the procedure is for the bidding for the older horses and all others, too. Maybe these horses CAN be saved. Maybe the penned tens of thousands CAN be saved if they are still alive. I will help anyone with a horse to gentle it, with great pleasure. But we must confront the government and make them feel the shame of these actions against a true National Historic Treasure. Cloud’s herd is the microcosm, and the 33,000 are the macrocosm. All and one. Solidarity, protest and reveal the corruption, demand investigations and overhaul of the Interior Department and a complete separation of that which protects the wild from that which profits from the land; cattle and mining. End Bush Era management that engenders lies and mismanagement for the benefit of profiteers. If we are mostly bleeding heart women then we ought to be proud of it and stand up for what we believe and laugh in the face of the prejudice we are encountering in our elected officials and even the press. If this is to be portrayed as a bunch of angry horse loving ladies then we must show we deserve to be heard and to win this fight because we are Americans doing what our government has refused to do, act on behalf of those with no voice. The horses deserve to win and be protected forever like a wild mountain in the middle of a wilderness area. It is the horses turn to win. They are suffering now. We must free them.
    You have all wanted to do something and this is what must be done. I want you all to search your hearts and make arrangements to take a week in early October to protest, legally, on the Washington Mall, to save all the horses and to bring down and expose corruption in the Interior Department and the Bureau of Land Management . You want to do something and you want to save these horses. Then, Let’s do it and go all the way. What other option have they given us??? I will help all I can. I have never organized anything but we must find those among us who want to help, and we must do this legally. How did they do the million man march? we need to know how to be legally in Washington to do this. We can get all the speakers that are willing to tell part of the story they know best. Keep up the education and information so people will really understand. This goes to the buffalo accused of spreading a disease to cattle that has never been documented and they are culled for leaving Yellowstone National Park. They could be brought to public land and let loose. Horses and buffalo can coexist if they do not eat the same thing. But I am only saying we must be sure that we protect all the wild things that have had a bad rap from ranchers. Burros, horses, buffalo and others. The horses are the focal point and what has been done to them and is being done still must end. That is what I hear you saying. Let us do that together as soon as we can. In Washington. Be brave, do it. I will with you. Marilyn Wargo

  76. Christine Says:

    I hate to say it, but the BLM is not operating ‘unlawfully’. They’re a government agency, ruled by regulations which are dictated by laws (when there are laws, that is). Don’t forget that the former Sen. Burns of Nevada is the one who wrote and pushed through the law that essentially gutted the Wild Horse and Burro Act back around 2005/06.

    I am just so mad right now…and feel so helpless to help my late mustang’s people. 😥

    • Linda Hanick Says:

      Conrad Burns is a former Senator from Montana! He now lobbies for the AQHA slaughter in the us.

    • Marjorie Caruso Says:

      Christine, that law was repealed, it no longer exists at least to my knowledge. And thankfully, Burns is gone. Long gone, forever.

      And it is unlawful, because the Wild Horse & Burro Act states that the BLM is supposed to /protect/ the wild horses, not destroy them! Totally illegal.

      • Roxy Says:

        Christine and Marjorie,

        Burns was repealed?

        I don’t think so. That is the ONLY “sale” auothority, if I am not mistaken?

  77. Dale Goodrich Says:

    The Roundup Continues

    First the African America’s were forced from their home lands families split up. Forced into death ships and the ones who survived were sold to the highest bidders.

    Then our government started on the Native Americans. They were rounded up force off their land. Forced into death marches and forced onto on to reservations. Every treaty, every agreement broken. American Indians have always been lied to by the Dept of Interior.

    Now we have “CHANGE” the Obama Administration is rounding up one of our last national treasures force them into death runs, branding the horses like the Jews, caging them and selling to anyone.

    Yes the wild mustang is being removed from federal lands. 200 hundred horse on 39,000 acres is to many says the Bureau of Land Management. The Dept of Interior and Bureau of Land Management continues the lies and the Obama Administration looks the other way. Director Bob Abbey continues the federal lies. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar stands by and allows the round up to continue.

  78. geraldine baff Says:

    shameless is the only word that can be used. always for profit regardless
    of what the public thinks. who is the BLM what is their agenda? who is
    in charge of this agency? who benefits from their actions? again another
    government controlled bureaucracy. these wild horses are a valuable part
    of our American history and western heritage. enough has been destroyed
    for the future generations to look back on and be proud of what once was
    this nations recorded past events.

  79. sabina Pierce Says:

    I was just out there last month photographing the Pryor Mustangs for an photo essay that hopefully will run soon.. These horses are sacred as is the land.
    What the BLM is doing in my opinion is sacrilegious and based purely on politics.. When at the end the horses are the ones that suffer.. There is plenty of land out there on the forestry side that should be given to these horses to use..
    They are in my opinion as much a a national treasure as the Niagara Falls ..
    When will this country wake up. KARMA!!! IS sadly what I believe will work out in the very end.. But at what price?

  80. Sue Manalio Says:

    My heart is aching for you Ginger and the horses. All I can do is keep reaching out to the media, which I have been doing all week. I most recently emailed celebrity Ellen Degeneres(sp?) and PETA. I uploaded the pic of Trigger trying to escape the chute and mentioned that the little filly/colt is scheduled to be pushed down a mountain in 90 degree weather. I hope this gets attention…..prayers still coming your way from me.

  81. geraldine baff Says:

    shameless is the only word that can be used for this decision by yet
    another bureaucratic government agency. who is the BLM? who benefits
    from their actions? is a profit for a select group involved in their behavior?
    they singularly are destroying what is little left of the great American
    western heritage. the future generations will have no knowledge of just
    how great this nation what once was. this must be stopped NOW before
    all is lost. is no one in Washington listening?

  82. charise deMao Says:

    This was on an Idaho blog called:Idaho Samizdat
    In Montana the uranium mines are in the Pryor Mountains of Carbon County and include 1,400 acres. There are five previously productive mines; Dandy, Marie, Old Glory, Sandra and Swamp Frog Mines.

    The company said it will buy back outstanding stock and change the name of Uranium Mining & Exploration Projects to Skyline Uranium Corporation and will reorganize a board of directors by March NOW WE ARE LEARNING THAT SKYLINE IS AFFILIATED W/ UNITED EMIRITES. SEE LINK BELOW HERE FOR MORE INFO:



    ‘Security of supply’ premium with focus on U.S. uranium projects. President-elect Barack Obama supports greater nuclear energy production in the U.S. There’s just one problem: Virtually all uranium – a strategic metal – has to be imported today. The U.S. is using 55 million pounds
    One measure of this move is the Toll Cross Junior Uranium Index, a broad-based index. It peaked at about 1,000 in April 2007.
    The next 1-1/2 years brought a ferocious downturn which ended with the Index at 106 on November 20, 2008. Now it’s back up to 164 as of January 16 — a 55% move in the last 2 months. Really quality uranium stocks might well have exceptional blue sky just now, and might make a lot of money for smart investors who can make the right pick.annually, but producing only 4 – 5 million pounds
    ] Resources and reserves
    Current economic uranium resources will last for over 100 years at 2006 consumption rates, while it is expected there is twice that amount awaiting discovery. With reprocessing and recycling, the reserves are good for thousands of years.[41] It is estimated that 5.5 million tonnes of uranium ore reserves are economically viable at US$59/lb,[41] while 35 million tonnes are classed as mineral resources (reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction).[42] An additional 4.6 billion tonnes of uranium are estimated to be in sea water (Japanese scientists in the 1980s showed that extraction of uranium from sea water using ion exchangers was feasible).[43][44]

    Exploration for uranium is increasing with US$200 million being spent world wide in 2005, a 54% increase on the previous year.[42] This trend continued through 2006, when expenditure on exploration rocketed to over $774 million, an increase of over 250% compared to 2004. The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency said exploration figures for 2007 would likely match those for 2006.[41]

    As you read below-you can see why uranium is so attractive for a US source if energy.The question in conflict has been how safe is it really?Esp. when handling the waste.

    scale of energy is simply amazing. Here’s a breakdown you might remember from before:

    1 kg of firewood equals about 1kWh of electricity.

    1 kg of coal or oil comes out to about 3 or 4 kWh of electricity.

    And 1 kg of natural uranium equals nearly 50,000 kWh of electricity

    As you read this article below(from 2003) you can se they tell of High Radiation levels in the Pryor Mountains.That isn’t good for anyone to be near!

    Abandoned mines in Pryor Mountains
    High radiation levels from abandoned uranium mines also found in Pryor Mountains (Montana) near Bighorn Canyon
    High levels of radioactivity found at abandoned uranium mines in the Pryor Mountains has prompted the Custer National Forest to close one area and the Bureau of Land Management to consider closures at other nearby sites.
    The Forest Service took radiation readings at the Sandra and Old Glory mines after an abandoned mines inventory suggested they may have high radiation levels. The mines are just west of Crooked Creek above Demijohn Hollow and southeast of the Red Pryor Ice Cave. At the Sandra Mine, the Forest Service found readings that ranged from 1.8 times the natural background level to 369 times.
    After finding the high radiation levels, the Forest Service notified the BLM. BLM lands in the Pryors also contain abandoned uranium mines. On July 1, the BLM took readings at the Marie, Lisbon and Dandy mine sites, which are just south of the mines on Forest Service land. The highest readings were found at the Lisbon Mine, where radiation near the mouth of the mine measured 2 rems per hour presumably should read 2 millirems per hour], said Chuck Ward, a BLM ranger.



    As you’ll read below in this link-Salazar( AN APPOINTED OFFICIAL) actually did a “2 yr block” on mining leases in Grand Canyon area.It was several members of Congress(ELECTED OFFICIALS) who were trying to push it through. Today-We import 90% of all the uranium that we currently use in this country.You can see why Congress is so attracted to exploring/mining it here.—Arizona-Economies%2F2009-07-20%2FArticle.aspx%3Foid%3D484246

    As you will read below here-Russia (one of our big suppliers of uranium-will quit exporting it to us in the yr 2013) and our demand will keep increasing every year.I don’t think I have to spell it out for everybody.It is obvious what a valuable commodity that uranium as become.

    Resolved Question

    How much of our uranium does the United States import?
    Since uranium is a finite resource, where will we get it when numerous other countries also want it? How many of these countries are our friends? What will be the cost? What will these other countries do with their waste?

    The simplest answer is “almost all of it”. Canada and Russia are our biggest suppliers with each having about half the market. Fortunately, Russia’s uranium is coming from their dismantled nuclear weapons while Canada is getting it out of the ground. The known reserves in the world are adequate for hundreds of years. Reprocessing spent fuel will extend that for hundreds of more years. Breeding U-238 in fast reactors will extend that indefinitely.

    If you are desperate enough, you can get uranium out of ocean water where it exists at about 0.5 ppb.

    Canada is our friend and so is Australia. Kazakhstan is trying to enter the market, China has some reserves, so does Brazil, Nigeria, South Africa, and various other countries. As minerals go, it is fairly easy to find. Russia will stop supplying the US in 2013 when the current agreement expires. Some of these countries are our friends, some aren’t, but we do business with them anyway.

    The cost of uranium is less than 10% of the operating cost of a nuclear power plant. Paying the salaries of the workers is the highest cost.

    Countries will handle their waste however they decide. Uranium came from the ground and can very easily go back into the ground without putting anyone at risk any more than it did before it was dug up. There is nothing magic about it. If a country mishandles their waste, chemical, biological, or nuclear, they will have many more problems with their chemical wastes than anything nuclear.

  83. maria Says:

    Place links at the top of the blog to action steps..


  84. Sue Cronin Says:

    Does anyone have a connection to IMUS? He’s a cowboy of sorts, very philanthropic and he certainly has a kindness and an appreciation for western horses. If we can get some one like him to take up this cause he can get millions to rally against this.

  85. Bev Dee Says:

    Ginger, I cannot begin to imagine the distress you feel for these horses. I have prayed and prayed and made call after call, written my congressman (who doesn’t care), and also Nick Rahall and Rep. Grijalva asking them to talk to the President about this.

    Ginger, can you get an injunction to stop the sale/auction/adoption (whatever they decide to call it the next time the wind changes direction) on 9/26 to buy the horses more time? There’s got to be a legal avenue to pursue when it is blatantly obvious that the BLM is breaking the law. There’s got to be an attorney who will push, push, push. There’s got to be a television station who will come back and continue to tell the public the truth about this travesty.

    I will continue to call and pray. We’re the only voice they have.


  86. Marcy Doelp Says:

    I will gladly contribute $$s to save these horses in a sanctuary somewhere!

  87. Rodolfo Cortes Says:

    Ginger, we met a year ago near Chicago. I am a Colombian Horseman, me and several friends, horse lovers are shocked with whta has happened with the Mustangs, we can not believe that in tha US, the most developed contry in the world, a goverment agency could do this.

    You can count with oursupport even if this is just a prayer so that this wild treasure for all humanity is preserved.

    God bless

    Rodolfo Cortes

  88. Deb Fjetland Says:

    We can not give up on these horses or any of the wild horses through out the USA. There is also a round up planned for the horses in Theodore Roosevelt National Park (western North Dakota) this October. Where does common sense come into play and also the ability to do what is right. Come on experts, lets be human and do the right thing for these living breathing creatures of God.

  89. Aaron D. Peterson Says:

    This is bullshit, isn’t it suposed to be government for the people, by the people, of the people, I say fire them all next election. I wish CNN could get this on.


  90. Leigh Johnson Says:

    I am so sad. Our country is so divided and issues like this go completely ignored. People would rather attend town hall meetings (some toting guns) to shout at each other regarding death panels and nazis as opposed to spending their time on more worthy causes. I love America, but we have, in my opinion, lost our way. Ginger, thank you for all that you do. You and all of the horses will be in my thoughts.

  91. Sonya Richins Says:

    This is a tragedy! These poor horses have done NOTHING to us or the BLM……they are probably so confused at why this is happening to them. So am I….this is so UNECESSARY! I am there with RT Fitch, Ginger, the horses and the other supporters (guardian angels) in spirit……..
    For the horses,

  92. Sarah Reid & Mustang Oreo Says:

    All of this just makes me so sad. My Mustang and I wish we could help home some of these magnificent horses. Better yet, we both wish for freedom for them. Freedom for the partners of the people who lived in and “settled” the West. Freedom for these creatures who take nothing from grazing herds who are not even using these lands. As we delete these horses from our public (PUBLIC) lands, we take away our own freedom, and a reminder of our freedom, a reminder of being land stewards. As land stewards it is our responsibility to help protect the animals who live there. Our North American Mustangs deserve a place to be, to live and breathe and roam. I am so sorry for our loss, made more aware of by Ginger and her outstanding documentation. Thank you Ginger, and Cloud, and all of the Mustangs. Mustang Oreo and I greive for you all and all that is lost.

  93. Judy Whelpley Says:

    I will keep praying for all these horses, As I stated before, the gov. and many of these people are just lining their own pockets, by preying on these diffenless and innocent animals. Tehese horses should be left alone to roam the land free. NO WAY SHOULD THEY BECOME VICTUMS OF HUMANS. I just wish that people were not so greedy, that they take advantage of something, that should remain free. These animals have way more right to be here and kept free. I hope enough people will care about this horriable events that are going to lead to the distiction of these great animals.Every one please keep praying for them, and just maybe they can and will be saved. Judy Whelpley

  94. Martina Gates Says:

    I am so saddened by this senseless roundup and destruction of the Wild horse as we have known it in America for centuries now. The BLM is totally out of control. Please let’s help these horses and preserve the American west.

  95. Shirley Allen Says:

    Keeping the heat on Washington with constant calls and emails does keep the cause on the front burner. I know it’s hard to keep the interest in calling up but when the Whitehouse has to put in another line with message because we’re clogging up their “switchboard” we are doing alot of good. To me it’s just a matter of staying the course and including ALL other good ideas along the way. America’s attention span is very short and folks have a tremendous amount on their individual plates right now but staying STRONG with a CONSTANT VOICE does get attention. We need to be making even more noise and using ALL avenues of media ect. It’s just that we cannot stop or let up the least little bit until they are all safe. God’s speed and protection to ALL that are working so hard. It’s always been a hard fight because of WHO we’re fighting but WE CAN DO THIS. We have to make sure that America see’s and STAYS AWARE of what’s at stake. We have a tremendous amount of intelligent, compassionate and caring support. We have to stay truthful and strong. Take Care Everyone.

  96. Lorraine Brown Says:

    I am so distressed seeing the photos of the the BLM’s roundup of the herd. This offensive action is a betrayal to what should be a natural part of our nation’s landscape–these beautiful wild horses who should have the right to freely roam the range. I am ashamed that a government agency implemented this policy that is so incompatible to the values of decency, morality and humanity that is supposed is supposed to be part of living in a democracy.

  97. Angie Says:

    Ginger and everyone at the Cloud Foundation, my heart goes out to you as this horrible spectacle unfolds. I can’t imagine how incredibly awful this must be for you, as you watch what has truly become your family be torn apart and from their own families, and have their fates uncertain. You have fought such a hard battle, received over 10,000 signatures on the petition, had Grijalva backing you, and all the people who have come to know and love the horses of the Pryors, through their own personal visits or the wonderful documentaries and website, I can’t understand how the BLM can still push through with this roundup that is absolutely wrong in every sense of the word. The BLM has proven themselves to be the most corrupt, evil, mismanaged and heartless government entity in recent times. I will continue to write, to call, to fax and keep trying to protect the Pryor horses that are left, however small their numbers are, and will pray that the ones rounded up are bought by people who love them for their ancestry and beauty. Keep up the fight Ginger, even though your heart must be so low. We cannot afford to give up. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the horses.

  98. jan sterling Says:

    not sure how politics work in washington – is the head of blm appointed by new president or is he still there from prior president – need him gone if he is from prior president – i emailed garth kemp from abc in los angeles – he is real big on animal rights – did not see anything on the news last nite about roundup – was any tv media there – word needs to get out to cnn and other national news agencies – i dont have any money to donate but sure can email people which includes all representatives for the horse bill coming up in congress this month – sheryl crow has a video on youtube called saving america’s wildhorses – very graphic but tells the thruth – also another video about cloud called mustang – all the pretty little ponies on youtube – if you have video from roundup – post on youtube

  99. Emily Says:

    Oh my goodness! This is HORRIBLE! If I could drive, or afford an airplane ticket, I would get my booty over there and smack talk the BLM so hard that they would never deal with these horses again! (Of course, would they be scared of a little 13 year old female?)
    Horses for me, place #1, boys in #2, all others, #3 and on.
    You got it, Ginger, Bureau of Lies and Mismanagement is totally true! Why must they do what they do?
    (P.S. – I own the Breyer Cloud’s set, and I plan to get the next one coming out that includes Image, Ember, Firestorm, and Bolder. I would NEVER pretend to round these [toy] horses up!)

  100. Dorease Rioux Says:

    THIS IS A TRAVESTY. It is WRONG. The bottom line reason that America’s Wild Horses (OUR mustangs) are being removed from the land (that we pay tax dollars for) is GREED. It is the BLM bowing to the stockmen / cattle ranchers who want to lease our public lands for their own purposes. The Wild Horses have no such money driving their protection. WE ARE THEIR ONLY VOICES.
    Please write your State’s legislators & CALL THEM WEEKLY with gracious requests to put an end to the round-ups & to call for a full investigation of the BLM’s mis-management of these Great American Icons … Our nation’s Wild Horses.
    Please speak out today. If we don’t, they will remain in holding pen prisons or be sold to killer buyers for a horse-meat dinner in France or Asia. ENOUGH!

  101. Tim Rioux Says:

    My wife & I are heart-broken over this violation of a noble & great national treasure … America’s Wild Horses. THEY deserve to live on the land of their ancestors. If they die in the wild (starvation, lack of water), then so be it.
    I look at Carol Walker’s and Ginger Kathren’s works … I see no horses starving. They seem to be flourishing quite well in the wild where they’ve thrived for centuries. It is clear what the REAL reason is for their ongoing removal. It is sad and shameful that our Nation would permit such mismanagement by another Government Agency. This seems to echo another tragedy of years gone by … when our Nation’s Native Americans were brutally removed from the land of their ancestors. If WE don’t speak up NOW, then I’m afraid this American heritage species will linger on in our memories only. STOP THE BLM AND SALAZAR from succeeding in their horrific ongoing mission.

  102. Donna G Says:

    I have read many of your comments and agree with you all. We are singing to the choir…. However, I have called the white house, ken salazar, the BLM over 30 times each, each day sine the beginning of last week. I went to the white house web site and have emailed a letter four or five times and have given that letter to friends to do the same thing. Please put those tears into action! I will keep calling and keep calling – everyday! My calls and emails have called for a halt to this but also that the BLM and the man rounding the horses up, to be investigated. This man has plead guilty in federal court to inhumane treatment of animals. Include those facts! I feel that those charges will be felt more than the sentiments. (Although I have cried everytime Ive read an update.) It really is our tax dollars and I hope you all do the same thing. I also cited the Pres and VP’s promise to go line by line and cut wasteful spending and this is one of the ones that need to be cut!

  103. Amanda Sorvino Says:

    Ginger —

    My prayers go out to you. The BLM seems to be engaged in a war of hate against the American mustang and the American spirit. I am shocked and disheartened by what has taken place. The American dream of peace and tranquility for this amazing wild herd has been shattered all in a matter of days. Your heart is undoubtedly broken. For the unfortunate mustangs, they will never know happiness the way they knew it before. Many of them will face a brutal death, and others will live in mass confusion without the stability of the herd relationships that they developed over a lifetime.

    For years you have filmed these amazing creatures and documented their inner relationships and individual stories. You have developed an ineffable bond with them that will go down in American history. These mustangs have been so incredibly lucky to live under the wing of your love for so many years. You have and always will be their guardian angel.

    There must be something we can do if we all come together — We must not give up the fight … we cannot let our wild horses down. We cannot let you down at this juncture. Let me know how I can help and I will do my very best.

    With Empathy,

    Amanda Sorvino

  104. allybarb Says:

    Get to high population centers surrounding Washington D.C. Washington Post and New York Times. Send email editorials—

  105. Barbara Clarke Says:

    Can’t imagine how you must feel right now. All of us here are very sad. We emailed all our large donors asking them to help you with whatever your and Valarie’s plan is after the round up. If there is any way we can help let us know.

  106. Mindy Says:

    Start a fund to purchase all of these horses and land for them to reside on.
    2. Continue with lawsuits against BLM.
    3. Launch an organized media campaign throughout the US.
    4. Contact everyone with our goals (like the celebrities mentioned above) to band together in one organized effort. Perhaps set a day to protest in Washington and other places around the US for those that cannot make it to Washington. Maybe have some key people in each state make arrangements.

    These are just ideas, I’m so frustrated something has to change!!!!

    • Cynthia Says:

      It is possible to start an media campaign throughout the US this week.
      Petitions can easily be thrown into the trash.
      I recently spoke with Compassion Over Killing. Their strategy was a number of 30 second public service announcements spots (PSA) to air on numerous channels. They targeted VH!, Bravo and many other channels. This Can be done also by having more than one PSA.
      It is important to reach a wider public, not just horse lovers spread all across the country, and I agree that the style has to be different from the show. I started calling stations in Los Angeles to get estimates, and it is possible to air something as early as this week. If we plan it right, we might be able to air an entire campaign in major cities. I am available to help, and I have filming and editing equipment. Another thing I learned is that stations sometimes have even free slots left over. Who wants to help by calling sale executives in various cities to get costs for airing and find free time as well? I have started with Los Angeles and Time Warner Cable, it would help if more people get involved so we can have a quick turn around, as well as a determine what we are saying and how we can target it to various audiences.
      Seriously, I work in the film industry, but I have not met anyone here who knows about the plight of the American wild horse, and documentaries take time and might only reach a “niche market”. Public service announcements are viewed while people of all ages who watch all types of shows. This is the way to show our mustang as the national symbol. Please contact me, I have started doing research and writing, as well as contacted business owners to raise funds.

  107. Anne Novak Says:

    Buy Ford Motors stock Tuesday Morning then call the CEO as a shareholder and ask him to stop the Mustang Massacre.

    Ford motors stock is selling for only $7.43

    Ford has a non-profit linked to BLM.

    Follow me on Twitter/TheBarnMom

    Let’s get active and get creative. Let’s join up with other groups animal rights, eco-groups, political activists, etc. Get their support base to get behind this asap.

    For the press to cover this there needs to be a visual story. We need to keep this current by staging visual protests around the country and call the press to report on that.

    Contact me and I will help with some press releases.


  108. Deanna Rowan Says:

    There’s just no surprise here. Back in the early 90’s, there was an expose of BLM employees selling wild horses and burros to slaughter and pocketing the money. While heading up the campaign in Texas to ban horse tripping in Mexican rodeos, I was contacted by newspaper journalists and by BLM investigators as I had exposed also mustangs being used in the charreada events before being shipped to slaughter from undercover video. Why do we think things would be different now? Wasn’t there some kind of sex scandal involving BLM employees a year or so ago? They are the same ilk as before. Anything for a buck. Now we know there are uranium interests, cattle interests, and those who want to actually breed the wild horses for slaughter. It is only too possible that most of the horses reportedly in BLM holding pens may already be sold to slaughter…….has anyone documented them recently? I don’t have a place to keep and adopted wild horse but I am willing to donate the price of one or two for someone or sanctuary to take.

  109. Marilyn Wargo Says:

    Going to washington is the answer. ALL OF YOU. Soon. Do it right. Are you afraid to fail? I am. We go to Washington, we get ROAM plus some other measures passed. Mar

  110. Jana Lake Says:

    I am just as sick about this everyone else. Something does need to be done. I have contaced all of my senators and congressmen regarding this and get no response. I have sent Pres Obama several notes, with little response from the White House. It is sad.
    I am wonder though if there are any women involved in this BLM roundup? Seems like most everyone that is in charge of this are men without compassion. I can’t see women handling this in this fashion. And, what is the real reason they are trying to get rid of all these horses?? Are there local cattle farmers that would like the land for their cows???

  111. Grace Gokturk Says:

    I just called the AP & asked them to do an update on what is going on with the roundup now. I gave them Cloud Foundation’s ph# & website. I hope others of you out there will do the same.

  112. Barb Beck Says:

    Prayers continue for all involved. Please let us know what else we can do.

  113. Holly Bute Says:

    I too am deeply sad about the mis management of this wonderful bunch of horses, that so obviously are “in the way” of something out there…(otherewise no one would care) Uranium? Perhaps. public land is not for the “public” is for special interests that generate $$$ that is it plain and simple. As citizens, we only have a few options available within our economic means, and we need to ORGANIZE to accomplish anything. They are VOTE, to replace the people in office that cater to the special interests, WRITE, by “Snail Mail” and request a return reciept, ask “WHY”? WHY? WHY? to the ones in office now, and SHOW UP for protests, and activist meetings it is our Constitutional right!!! and lastly, but probably the most important, spend your money only when it supports your interests…if we all boycott French and Canandian imports, we might make a dent in the horsemeat trade, or at least the laws that govern them. Boycott, any industry that supports the mining or gas exploration going on in this area, boycott the products that they make and contribute money to verified worthy causes that help! That is all I know…other than high priced attorneys!

  114. Holly Bute Says:


  115. Susan NY Says:

    Jim Sparks of the BLM filed a sworn affidavit in Federal Court last week. In it he acknowledged familiarity with the Gather Plan Environmental Assessment AND assured the court all horses removed will be put up for adoption 9/26 at the HSUS partnered program.

    Now we hear reports from the BLM they are planning to sell horses over 10, not adopt them out. That puts them at risk for being sold to slaughter at a profit to the middle man. Taking the elders from the land is not proper management; the elders carry the wisdom to the young that they need to survive.

    Mr. Sparks does not seem like a stupid man. His sworn testimony influenced the ruling of the Federal Court Judge last week – no temporary restraining order. The discrepancies between his testimony and the truth are glaring. I’m no lawer, but Sparks’ sworn statement might not only be a load of manure, it might also be perjury.

    Let’s hope the septic tank that is the BLM is drained and that the hubris of the Pryor Mountain roundup is a career ending mistake for those responsible.

    Go with God, Cloud.

  116. jan eaker Says:

    the blm is supposed to manage these horses, not destroy them, i do believe this is a carryover from bush, but where is obama? and how do we safeguard all these horses, not just now, but forever? please let me know what we , i, can do, i’ve written and called, what else is there?

  117. Laura Leigh Says:

    Just a small comment to give voice to the mountain of my thoughts:
    Prayers, thoughts… heart and soul to all of you on the “frontline.”

    There is an overwhelming sense of a “unified” voice beginning to really ask questions and come together… and awe… at the way the “avoidance” of the questions… under the current “collective” eyes… is becoming more difficult to maintain.

    So many have expressed a truly helpless feeling to me. A real sense of “powerlessness.” A feeling of not having “voice.”

    Please take a minute to appreciate the whole picture… you all “rock.”
    This many people, that truly care at the core of what they are doing… it is a “great voice.”

  118. Marilyn Wargo Says:

    We must go to washington, we have no other effective action to take. All the things that are being suggested have been done, but a few. We need to come together and make the country listen and the world. We can do it. It is only a piece of your life for all the wild horses and their future in the wild. You want to do something then do the most effective thing. Mar

  119. Ann Siegel Says:

    I’m heartsick about the fate of the Pryor horses and I know Ginger and the horses need our support and continued action to reverse this situation. We must continue to be united and dedicated to saving the mustangs. We cannot give up. Ann

  120. Chris L, Atlanta, GA Says:


    I’m so sorry. My heart is heavy for you and for the horses who are being
    so wrongly treated. We must find a way to bring the wild horses back to the wild and to keep them there, safe from those who wish them harm.

  121. Julianne French Says:

    Here is the latest. I talkED with our only humane observer allowed in the pens. She told me she already signed a release for liability waiver. She had been in the processing area watching since the onset. Yesterday they had trouble getting a horse to move.

    The federally indicted and convicted contractors’ son Troy said he could get the horse moving but did not want a camera on him. He then said he wanted to use an electric cattle prod to shock the horse. Sue Cattoor, the federally indicted and convicted contractors’ wife insistent the our humane observer be removed

    Soon enough, Jim Sparks the field Director comes over and insist that the humane observer now sign a document making her a temporary volunteer employee. When she reviewed the document, it said the BLM owned all the photographs and other restrictions. This of course was rejected.

    How can you be an independent humane observer and the BLM controls everything to say or do in response to what you observe?

    I have complained to senior BLM staff to reinstate our INDEPENDENT HUMANE OBSERVER status.

    Also, Sue Cattoor disrupted the filming and interview Ginger Kathrens was doing with former ABC reporter. It was not only unprofessional, it was rude, belligerent, and intimidating. The reporter was furious and not inclined to be bullied by Sue Cattoor. Imagine what it’s like for the poor horses.


  122. Estella Cervantes Says:

    This is worse than outrageous!! I am horrified and my heart is just ripped APART and crying heavy tears!! Let us continue the fight continue……..using wisdom, intensified active outspokeness, using true grit, and everything we have against this foe of the wild mustang !!
    KEEP PRAYING…….Never give in, never give in, never; never; never; never – in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense(WINSTON CHURCHILL)

  123. Linda NJ Says:

    Ginger, my prayers are with you and Cloud, some day the BLM is going to pay for what they are doing. They are a disgrace. Sending you a hug. Lin

  124. Holly Bute Says:

    Sue!!! RIGHT ON!!!!

  125. jan sterling Says:

    the sad thing is its a holiday and nobody is in washington to call – the blm knew that – in the video on youtube which sheryl crow did a former director of the blm says the horses shd be left alone – who appointed the current director – bush?

    seems like nobody in wash listens to us in the trenches anymore – came across a website where animal activist was put in prison for 26 months by bush – its on website called demoracynow

    ranchers are behind the blm to clearn out the horses – me i dont eat beef anyway but boycott eating beef – hit the ranchers where it really hurts

  126. jan eaker Says:

    if this is taking place on public land, then how can they order people not to be there, and i want the name of the vet too, i’ll gladly call, i am sad to say that i now agree with Dayton o’hyde of the wild horse sanctuary in SD, the aim is yo get ALL the horses off the land, the only places for them will be private sancyuaries, if someone can buy Electra, grumpy grulla and Conquistador and get them to safety i will gladly help to pay for them. please let us come up with some kind of plan to help these horses now,

  127. Helen Love Says:

    How can we help? Is there a fund, set-up somewhere to accept the donations? Have you published a ‘Wish List’ of actions we should be taking? Isn’t it illegal for a convicted animal abuser to be handling horses? In the few reports I’ve seen about other cases, an order to refrain from owning or handling horses has been part of the Judgement. But maybe this one was different?

  128. jan sterling Says:

    several years ago i had contacted ford about the horses and since they had the mustang car – they said they had offered to buy 40,000 acres of land i think in texas to rescue some mustangs and the blm turned them down so dont know what else they can do – need some more corporate america behind the fight – found a senator in calif that supports animal rights, waxman is his name – but once the congress comes back to work they are going to be hit with that stupid health care bill – dont think obama knows what is going on – and no one there to read the emails

  129. Cheri White Owl Says:

    Wonder if you follow the map on this one if it will lead to that area.. Things are gearing up in ND for more oil, if they found other things up in those two states then it shows one reason they are so gun ho to get there.

    Check out the maps on this one, who knows when last updated?

  130. Shirley Allen Says:

    Hi All, Please go to and post comments to Barbara’s “new news story” regarding Cloud and the roundup. That particular site has a tremendous amount of traffic and the more we click to view it, it has a better chance of hitting the Front Page of the website.
    Thanks all, Back to Work for OUR Wild Horses and Donks. NEVER, EVER GIVE UP. We’re the only voice they have.

    • Sue Manalio Says:

      Shirley, I can’t find her story…..can you copy the link directly to her story so that we can get to it more quickly?

    • Shirley Allen Says:

      Sorry Everyone, Just tired I guess. I said Barbara in my last post. This is Rebecca that posted new article for Cloud on care2 If this doesn’t get it, go to and do search for “Cloud Rounded UP” It popped up in the list. Please make sure to click on “visit site” and you can leave comments on care2 also. We need clicks on visit site so this will go to the Care2 front page fast as a leading story.

      WE NEED TO HIT WASHINGTON AND THE MEDIA HARD TOMORROW ASAP. This info is posted farther down in this post also.

  131. Sue Manalio Says:

    Susan, I have been frantically searching the net for a phone number for Dr. Thompson.. I was told that he works for the APHIS so I googled that and sent an email to that site. I’ll try the New York Times now…..most of the media sites have strick access to email and don’t allow pics to be attached….I will keep trying!!!! I leave for vacation tomorrow and I’m sneaking my laptop with me (husband is all for the horses but wants my attention…,…horses win) so I won’t be on as much as I would like. Keep fighting!

  132. Renee Says:

    Couldn’t find the “news story” from the previous post but did find this on that website. It’s actually pretty scary when you consider all the work that you folks are doing – then you come up against this kind of propaganda . . .

  133. jean civis Says:

    Thank you Ginger, for your dedication and love for these beautiful
    horses. I’ve written before with my concern, but felt that I had to
    respond again after reading all the wonderful comments from so
    many of your followers. I’m very upset too with what’s happening
    to these helpless creatures and feel that there must be something I
    can do to help. I also thought about Imus, who loves and respects
    horses and maybe he could help in some way. My God, something
    has to be done before it’s too late. To all your readers, thank you
    for your love and concern. It made me feel good to know that there
    are so many compassionate people out there that feel the same.

  134. Leslie from Texas Says:

    I just read Gingers update and viewed the pictures. What is wrong with the BLM and anyone else who wants to take wild creatures from their home???? I equate this to those children who are placed for adoption and after years the biological parent decides they want their child back. The child has no idea what is going on or why. All they know is they are being taken away from people they love and their home. I can only imagine the fear and confusion these beautiful horses must be experiencing. For the sake of a buck more and more of what made our country beautiful and unique to other countried is being taken away. I don’t know how anyone involved in this round up can sleep at night.

  135. Shirley Allen Says:

    I said Barbara in my last post. This is Rebecca that posted new article for Cloud on care2 If this doesn’t get it, go to and do search for Cloud Rounded UP It popped up in the list. Please make sure to click on “site visit”.

    We need to hit Washington and Media hard tomorrow morning ASAP.

  136. Gail Clark Says:

    I hardly think the BLM thought this up themselves. There is, no doubt, some ONE person behind this who made THE decision and gave the order. Who is it? And who is supporting this cretin?
    Does anyone have valid statistics on this, so that we don’t become immersed in passing along inaccurate information? Please let us know. We are all over the place with this…and I certainly understand the horror and the pressure to act….but is it possible that we could narrow things down so that our protests are directed at the right decision-maker, thereby making them more effective?
    Is it Salazar?

  137. elissa kline Says:

    My heart breaks over and over again for our wild horses.

    Last month I watched and photographed the round up of the Challis Herd in Idaho – a herd I’d known for years, family bands I’d photographed season after season.
    Here is my account:
    The BLM displayed a staggering lack of understanding of herd dynamics and a blatant disregard for the well being of those horses.
    What is being done to the Pryor Mountain Mustangs is despicable. And it’s happening to herds less famous, all across the west.
    We are speaking out, thousands of signatures, media attention, HR 1018 passed the house… but still the BLM continues to decimate the remaining horses, with no accountability. I don’t get it. This is all wrong.It’s so terribly wrong.
    My prayers go out to the horses, the one free and beautiful wild horses.
    I’m sorry…

  138. elissa kline Says:

    My heart breaks over and over again for our wild horses.

    Last month I watched and photographed the round up of the Challis Herd in Idaho – a herd I’d known for years, family bands I’d photographed season after season.
    Here is my account:
    The BLM displayed a staggering lack of understanding of herd dynamics and a blatant disregard for the well being of those horses.
    What is being done to the Pryor Mountain Mustangs is despicable. And it’s happening to herds less famous, all across the west.
    We are speaking out, thousands of signatures, media attention, HR 1018 passed the house… but still the BLM continues to decimate the remaining horses, with no accountability. I don’t get it. This is all wrong.It’s so terribly wrong.
    My prayers go out to the horses, the once free and beautiful wild horses.
    I’m sorry…

  139. Barbara Ellen Ries Says:

    To Ginger Kathrens and Cloud Foundation

    “Great spirits have always found opposition from mediocrities.

    Most cannot understand it when a gentle person that does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices towards horses.

    Ginger Kathren’s honestly and courageously uses her intelligence and fulfills the duty to express the results of her thoughts in clear form.”

    Truely, Albert Eistein was speaking of Gingers Kathren’s of the Cloud Foundation.

    Her efforts to tutor and expose information to USA citizens has sparked Global interest. Citizens have been denied secret information to end their National Treasure ~ The Wild Mustage.

    There is very little time left.

    Act Today!!

    Protest by Not Eating Beef.

    Donate to The Media /Legal Fund

    Write Daily your Senator

    Pray for Cloud ,his herd,Ginger and The Blm . Lets pray that they do the right thing.

    Barbara Ellen Ries

  140. Pat Goldberg Says:

    What is it we are doing about this. Where is the petition ? The letters to send, the address’s to send them too. the tele #’s to call. They have to stop doing this. Who OK’d it and for what good reasons ? I am so angry. What happened to what Wild Horse Annie fought for. A new generation acting like evil people.

  141. Anne Novak Says:

    I’ve been Tweeting about the crises all day at Sent many celebs, news people, politicians and VIPs tweets for their help to save the Pryor mustangs. More news producers, etc. to tweet tomorrow Do we have a press release?

    Praying for a miracle.

  142. Anne Novak Says:

    Call the media Tuesday. They won’t get emails-not really. But call and ask for the News producer and you will get somewhere.


  143. Anne Novak Says:

    If you want to protest by not eating beef then organize a visual protest and invite the media!

    Will you all bring your meat from your home fridge and toss it into one garbage with protest signs and a catchy chant?

    Can you get a restaurant owner to take the meat off the menu in protest and get that into the news?

    You can do it! Go!


  144. Andrea Barstow Says:

    My daughter and I have followed Cloud’s epic since first seeing the PBS broadcast so many years ago. The BLM’s blatant disregard for what they are supposed to be protecting is an abhorrence – Ginger our thoughts and prayers are with you and the mustangs. Please keep us updated

  145. kimball Says:

    Called this morning… but the number to call not sure if someone already posted
    (202)208-3100 #5

  146. Wendy Says:

    Even if the horses are to be adopted, there’s no guarantee they won’t end up in nefarious situations, as rodeo horses, or tied up and left outside by people who want a horse but don’t want to care for her/him. And just the fact of separation from the families is devastating.

    In many reports on this kind of thing that I’ve received from the BLM I notice that a good many horses are “removed” to accomodate animal agriculture. Another answer to the question of how we can help these horses is to adopt a vegan diet and to stop supporting the ranchers who keep demanding public lands for their use/profit.

  147. jan eaker Says:

    just made the calls, the president’s line is busy and has been for at least 1/2 hour, ken salazar’s extension said it was disconnected!!!???!!! did get through to bob abbey’s number, woman i spoke to said there has been interest from a number of groups already in the older horses such as Cloud’s mom, electra, conquistador, i hope so, anyway, keep calling, she said there have been a lot of calls, better than emails at this point, i think, so KEEP CALLING, so many of us will have to make a difference, and break through the bs,

  148. Barbara Warner Says:

    I got thr. to Salazar phone number and hit 5. but was immediately connected with the BLM. Had a “little discussion” with whoever answered.
    I ended up saying none of them had the courage to do what was right.

  149. jan sterling Says:

    do we just call congress people that are into animal rights or all of them – also i have been finding all kinds of horse websites online and been emailing them to come to this website for latest updates – i did email some local tv stations and people dont know if they have picked up on the story

    how did velma johnston get school kids to write back in the 1970’s do we email the school districts or what – need someone who can reach the schools for kids to write letters

    and maybe another website where people can post – i was involved in trying to save a tv show called surface – anyway a person set up a website and we had instructions on how and what to do to email the network and people – need something like that – any ideas – would have list of people to contact and how to do it

    • MJNYC Says:

      Call here:

      The House Committee of Natural Resources 202-225-6065

      The Senate Committee of Energy and Natural Resources

  150. PUDGIE Says:


  151. jan sterling Says:

    how about pbs did u contact them since they ran original film on cloud – did see they had a post about the roundup on their nature link

    they also have nightly news

  152. Judy Wilson Says:

    Folks, we need to make note of who holds a political office right now and vote every last one of them out of office as soon as we can….. all the way up to Obama. Vote for Raul Grijalva of course if you are in his district but boot out the rest. It’s too bad judges are appointed or I would be voting out the judge who approved this roundup – District Judge Emmet Sullivan . Is Bob Abbey appointed? Can we get rid of him too? We especially want to get rid of Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar.

    It’s funny how “Salazar, Reid, Abbey Approve $135 Million for Nevada and Lake Tahoe Projects” as posted on the BLM website. Yes, that’s $135 million!!!!! Where did all this money come from? Do you think a single penny will be spent to protect our wild horses? Horses aren’t even mentioned in the press release, just a quick mention of live stock grazing. I would bet anything that that means cows and not horses.

    I am so heart sick and ANGRY! I wish I could vote today, then maybe someone would start listening to the people THEY WORK FOR.

  153. Donna Buscemi Says:

    I spoke with Greg Albright at Billings BLM office, to clarify adoption vs sale of the horses. He told me that the horses would be adopted. I also called Congressman Grijalva’s office and was told that there would be a meeting re the Pryor horses. The date I was given was Sept 29. So I don’t know if this is a correct date as the adoption is set for the 26th or if the date is the 29th – if this would hold up the adoption.

  154. Kathy McCovey Says:

    I was told to contact Oprah Winfrieds people, that she would be interested and get to the bottom of all the B.S.

    If someone has a contact for her show or production company please call them or forward it to me…She is an powerful woman both in the broadcasting industry and she does have a personal link to Obama.

    I’m not sure if he approved this or he just turned his head and looked the other way…but I have come to the conclusion that Big Brother is here and the American dream is dead….We are no longer…we the people for the people…someone else is pulling the strings and I would really like a face off with them.

    This is an absolute travesty that NEVER should have occured…friggin BLM pulling a power trip…. I want to know how all those kids that own the Breyer Toy models of Cloud and his family are going to feel about there country when someone tells them their beloved horses have been rounded up by ‘THE’ governement…and I say THE because I no longer believe that it is OUR government. It’s a sad day for all of us that love our wild ones, wild. And for the BLM to have the adocity to round up a small but famous band of wild horses is just a slap in the face to all of the American people and those that follow Clouds herd. How dare they. I pray good and hard that helicopter goes down in a firery crash with all the Catoors on board!

  155. Kathy McCovey Says:

    Something else I’d like to know…so where is Madelaine Pickens when all of this is going on? If she really does love our wild horses, then she needs to step up to the plate, take all of Clouds herd and release them on her ranch in NV…

    Of course she only showed up when the press was good a year ago and she thought she might make some money by having the BLM PAY her to keep wild horses on their Ranch in NV…. Come on Mrs. Pickens…let us see ya put your money where your mouth is and at least save this small band. The rest of us would if we had your money and resources!

  156. Kathy Valente Says:

    I have called and emailed all indicated people who are in positions to help all wild horses to be treated with care, in the most humane way in life and in death, but the elimination continues. HOW UNFORTUNATE THAT
    ALL OF THESE HORSES , WHO HAVE NO VOICE TO HELP AND PROTECT THEMSELVES FROM THEIR INHUMANE TREATMENT, ARE SO SADLY REMOVED FROM THEIR FREEDOM. The fact that the government and BLM have let this situation get so far out of hand is most unfortunate. These horses who were brought to this Country to work so hard and serve as transportation and farm machinery to help build this Great Country, were abandoned by the very people who used them. The government’s laws to protect and care for them have been disregarded.

  157. Shirley Allen Says:

    I’ve just sent Urgent emails to news departments for ALL local TV and Newspapers and Nightly News-NBC, Oprah, ABC, CBS News. God Help Us -Keep praying. When I called Whitehouse today I was on hold for 25 minutes until they answered comment line. That’s good news. I know it’s not all Horse Folks but I suspect a large majority is. Calling again tomorrow with questions on why this issue is not being addressed. HAMMERING., Calling, Emailing, Faxing EVERYDAY until we get answers and the right outcome. Please forgive double posts. Everyone is working so hard to get this info our and keep everyone up to date. PLEASE KEEP THE PRESSURE ON. CALLS TO THE WHITEHOUSE, YOUR INDIVIDUALS SENATORS, CONGRESSMAN AND KEN SALAZAR DO IT DAILY!!!

    The White House switchboard number is 202.456.1414 or 202-456-1111

    Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel’s number is 202.456.6798

    Joe Biden’s number is 202.456.9000

    Michelle Obama’s number is 202.456.7064

    Valerie Jerrett’s number is 202.456.2380
    Valerie B. Jarrett is Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement.

    My Best to ALL,

  158. Marilyn Phillips Says:

    I just published two iReports on
    One way to attract CNN’s attention is for as many people as possible to view the iReports.
    Please go to and click on Latest or under Tags, click on More and then click on Mustang.
    And in testing this, I see that another supporter has also posted an iReport.

  159. jan sterling Says:

    i emailed friend who had set up a website to try and get a tv show back – anyway he added who we shd email or mail or call – we need someone to set up a website for cloud and the horses – call it or something and then post on there people to call or write or email or whatever it takes – hard to keep track of phone numbers and stuff on a blog – need websitre set up that info on it – for example the one i am talking about is – set up to get a cancelled tv show back has what to do and how do it and people joined around the world – u could set up same thing and people around the world can email and express their comments

  160. Marjorie Caruso Says:

    I wrote to Martha Stewart, Bill O’Reilly and Megan Fox today. Let’s pray they care too!

  161. jan sterling Says:

    i emailed larry king and frank bell, the horse whisperer – and garth kemp yesterday from our abc channel here in los angeles area – some channels are hard to email but i did email cbs too

    i wondered about someone contacting robert redford since the horse whisperer was filmed in montana –

  162. Marcy Doelp Says:

    There is a new page with today’s updates, asking for donations (to the Cloud Foundation) and not to call Congressman Grijalva’s office as he is overwhelemd with calls. Plus info on today’s events:

  163. Martin Boissonneault Says:

    If we can judge a society by how it treats it’s animals, then we should not threaten wild horses. Removing them from their land would mean only one thing:

    Humans are selfish, arrogant creatures not useful to this planet’s future.

    If Wild horses are to be erased from our land, America’s freedom and soul will be erased as well…

    We don’t need more fences, laws, procedures, fines, rights of possession of anything. We are only guests on this ball of dirt called Earth, and our host’s patience is thinning fast!

    The next step should be removal of humans living outside their designated land. Oh, wait, this land had never been designated as our land, but we where tolerated here in good faith? Where will we go?

    May the Almighty have mercy on our souls.

    P.S. Magic, my dear, I promise we will take a ride in the woods tomorrow!

  164. Susan NY Says:

    The East is rising!

    Thoroughbred writer Marion Altieri wrote a great piece on John Pricci’s Horse Racing Insider blog over the weekend.

    It was so popular John put it at the top of the home page Saturday, the morning Rachel Alexandra ran in the Woodward Stakes in Saratoga. It’s getting a lot of traffic, with only one pro-BLM commenter.

  165. Gail Clark Says:

    Just surfed onto this:
    It’s a listing of entertainers who have supported animal charities. If someone is looking for something to do regarding the horses, this might be worthy of your time. I only did a quick check and find not *all* of the names listed are appropriate, but you can get a good idea. The real challenge would be to get the info to the individual entertainers – securing contact information for each.
    It is heartening to see so many concerned people. I hope there is someway to STOP this roundup or to prevent any future roundups. Will the BLM see the efforts we’re putting into this and not hesitate to do the same thing again next year because this group will end up making them look *good* to the public…you know, how cooperative the BLM is, etc.
    Ugh. They make me sick.

  166. Susan Vaden Bos Says:

    As I am reading all of the comments from so many of you, I too, have tears in my eyes over this situation. It just makes me sick. I will continue to pray and call/write our government officials. What else can we do, Ginger? This is so upsetting.

  167. jan sterling Says:

    went back and cked link for charity of the stars and cliked on robert redford – he and several others do support the preservation of america’s wild horses

  168. Barbara Duke Says:

    Why does man always want to destroy what God creates or give us to look upon and be amazed by his work. God gave us all animals to love, care for and just be in awe of their beauty. There are no seldom two that look exactly alike. It is so sad at how some humans just want to kill them and abuse them. We all need to try and save God’s creatues. Man, stop the killing. Learn to live in harmony with all of God’s creations. Please stop the roundup and killing of God’s other creatures.

  169. Marjorie Caruso Says:

    I just spoke to the Dept of Land Resources – they can do nothing to help us. He said he’s received thousands of calls, but their hands are tied.

    He suggested we call these people, where our bill sits with the Senate Committee of Energy and Natural Resources:

    Senator Bingaman, of New Mexico is the Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources- 202-224-4971 – call him!

    Also, call the BLM in Billings Montana, talk to Donna: 406-896-5236

    Go for it!!!

  170. jan sterling Says:

    his hands are tied – bs – thats just another term for i dont want to be involved in this mess

    went online about the 2005 engery bill and found that henry waxman representative from california opposed maybe of the provisions of that bill – like someone wrote in an additional 1.5 billion dollars for oil companies – anyway he is here in calif and is an animal person so call his office – he is online – dont have number in front of me –

    • Marjorie Caruso Says:

      Actually, Jan, in this case that’s not true because he has helped me a lot.

      Let’s not make more enemies than we have atm, we need all the friends we can get.


  171. jan sterling Says:

    found two phone numbers = henry waxman – rep from calif is 202-225-3976

    congressman blumermer – sponsors wildlife – 202-225-4811

    i called breyer last nite and left message will call again

    i did manage to email oprah but a call would be better

  172. jan sterling Says:

    ok will get one more phone number for a congress man in ohio have neighbor who knows him personally –

    has anything been shown on the news yet – i keep cking cnn and other stations – today show was only one that showed anything

    hoping pbs might have a service annoucement

  173. jan sterling Says:

    found dennis kucinch phone he is repre frm ohio – if you go to his website and clik on animals you will see all the bills he wrote protecting animals


  174. Marjorie Caruso Says:

    ********BREAKING NEWS********

    The Pryor Mountain Roundup has been called off! They are leaving around 25 horses – 4 family bands, alone.

    One foal is missing from the family brought in yesterday. One other foal is very lame.

    Red Raven and his family did not come down. They are hiding in the mountains. Two foals are thought to be with this family.

    They will be releasing horses today, including most of Cloud’s family.

    More to come

  175. Christine Says:

    I tried looking up the Yakama Indian Reservation to see if they’d help…but it turns out they and the other Northwest tribes have so many horses they’re considering their own slaughterhouse. 😦

  176. jan sterling Says:

    called breyer model horses back = they are aware of situtation – went to animal planet and found some people maybe can be contacted – i do by email since i cant call much

    Patricia Kollappallil, vp, communications – 240-662-2969 – email is

    Brian Eley – who is out of office till 9/11 but left his cell phone if urgent – 240-893-9762 – i would say urgent

    his email is and he is director of communications – usual phone is 212-548-5153

    Tahli Kouperstein, director of communications

    Melissa Berry, Mgr. Publicity

    please note name of last contact

    Erin Pryor, publicity assistant

    i will email them but maybe someone can call

    i emailed ford mustang this morning

  177. jan sterling Says:

    finally some good news – will they release cloud – sure hope so poor horse looked so stress out in photo on the video website –

    maybe calls are working sure hope so but i would not lay off on the pressure – they will continue to round up horses in other areas – we need to get that ROAM bill passed this month – congress is being shoved down their throats about health care which i dont think will pass anyway unless its a water down version – i sure dont want them messing with my medicare – so thanks for some good news – sure hope you can confirm that cloud gets to go home

  178. jan sterling Says:

    you mentioned about tribe in washington has too many horses – maybe they can use that birth control shot they are giving the pryor horses – is there any room for mustangs on the pine ridge reservation in south dakota – they also have buffalo there

  179. gail sayre-rew Says:

    This is awful why cant man leave nature alone? My prayers are with the horses. I pray when these men meet their Creator, that He sends them all straight to hell. These horses belong in the wild as God intended. If I had the money I would rescue them all. I pray they will survive. gail sayre-rew

  180. gail sayre-rew Says:

    this is awful. My prayers are with the horses. These horses belong in the wild as nature intended. I pray they will survive. I would rescue them all if I could. Gail sayre-rew

  181. Elsie Says:

    It’s time that the resignation of BLM’s Don Glenn was demanded. In fact, he should be fired. Him and others responsible for the planned eradication of the wild horse. For years, the BLM has planned and carried out a systematic eradication of the wild horse from the American plains. Planned and carried out with impunity although they are funded by the taxpayer but as one supporter of the horse slaughter industry pointed out, if the public really knew what was happening they would rise up in rage so they keep it all under wraps. Keep the public ignorant and then do what you want, they say.

    The BLM has, by removing massive numbers of wild horses, overloaded the horse market with more horses than it can hold which, in turn, put the domesticated horse at risk in a market that was already poor. Last year, 30,000 wild horses were removed and put into holding pens. Horses who were doing fine where they were despite BLM protestations that there wasn’t enough food on the range to support them in the face of documentation to the contrary. But as one former employee of the BLM remarked, the BLM always has a reason to remove the horses and they’ve never had to support any of their reasons with actual fact. The BLM cried that they would have to euthanize the 30.000 horses because they didn’t have enough room or enough food, they were out of money. However, that didn’t stop them from holding several roundups every week even while their holding pens were full. The fact that Madeline Boone came to rescue and bought the horses doesn’t undo the fact that
    the BLM has to be held accountable for their actions. If one looks back to the beginning of the BLM they’ve been doing this kind of stuff for years. Sold wild horses to slaughter. Whoops. Overloaded the pens while still holdintg roundups, ran out of money, whoops again. This and more. Anyone else in any business who did this would be fired. It was called Whoops, an oversight. Too many horses. I think not.

    And this isn’t the first time. This was planned eradication and it is continuing. They’ve been removing 10-12 thousand horses a year. Well, the BLM wasn’t created to round up horses to get them off federal lands and lease the land to ranchers for pennies. There are pictures of dead wild horses outside penned off water supply on public lands while ranchers’ cattle are fat and well-watered inside, pictures of fences around water holes , the wildlife can’t get to it, water rerouted for BLM crops. News camera crew going out and documenting wild horses pulled off lands that showed ample food to support the horses, horses not thin, horses managing yet pulled off by the BLM. The BLM wasn’t created to represent the ranchers. There’s enough people to do that already. The BLM was created to manage wild horses on federal lands, and regularly rounding up the horses, putting them in holding pens, and killing them because they have run out of money when they shouldn’t have been in holding pens in the first place, is, IMO, an action that is worth investigation by government officials and replacement of those in the BLM who are reponsible for this. I say, dissolve the BLM, dissolve it and fire those responsible. The cruelty documented at roundups? Newborns trying to keep up with their mothers while being rundown at top speed by helicopters, those who couldn’t keep up hogtied in the noonday sun to wait hours for someone to pick them up. No water because any water was corralled off. Injured horses and no accountability to keep tabs on how many. In fact, I’ve heard some roundups don’t even allow the public to be present. If any private individual were to do this they would be brought up on charges of animal cruelty but call it the BLM and taxpayer funded then it seems anything goes. IMO, yell this from the rooftops. Go on a hunger strike. In Russia all it took was one 30 second ad on TV showing seal pups being slaughtered in a country where they had been slaughtering seals for centuries and it brought such a rage from the people that the elected members couldn’t hold it back. Seal slaughter is now abolished in Russia. That’s the power of the public. The BLM has been allowed to act with impunity and a lack of accountability since its inception. People said, for years, this isn’t right but nothing was done. Nothing was done when the BLM allowed wild horses to be sold to slaughter, nothing done for all of their past actions. That is what has brought things to what they are now.
    They “mismanaged” by taking 30,000 horses last year and couldn’t afford to keep them they said. Who does this and plans more roundups? And who allows an agency to continue who does this? IMO, the wild horses have not been represented, least of all by the BLM. It’s time that the BLM was dismantled and an agency was set up that represented these horses who are not just the heritage of the State they are in but a heritage of all the America. It’s time that the BLM’s planned eradication of the wild horse was stopped and that they were held accountable for their actions.

    I see H.R. 1018 The Restore Our American Mustangs Act is slowing moving its way into law.Meanwhile the BLM is on a headlong rampage to remove as many wild horses from public lands before it does. I don’t know why it’s taking so long for this bill to become law. When AIG Insurance voted themselves a big pay bonus while they were going bankrupt a law to place a 90 percent tax on the bonus was moved through Congress and Senate and became law in a little more than two days.

    The time of talking nicely is over. The time for reasoning and trying to move this through the courts is over. You need to get public attention and you need to get it now. It’s the public that will stop this and fast. It’s the public that will demand accountability from the BLM. The European Union had been debating for years about whether or not they should ban seal products because of the cruelty involved. There was public outcry against it, so much so that the members of the various parliaments of the union couldn’t stand in the way or they’d have been voted out of office. The EU ended up banning the import of seal products. That’s the power of the public- the national public and you need to get it now.

  182. Diane Li Diane Lilly Says:

    So much abuse, not only of wild horses and burros…. How
    can so few people in the “higher positions” rule the majority
    of citizens? “They” say they want to hear the public – oh,
    of course, selective hearing…. Wonder what the crime rate is
    in the political arena?

    These significant, magnificent creatures were created for all of

  183. Diane Li Diane Lilly Says:

    So much abuse, not only of wild horses and burros…. How
    can so few people in the “higher positions” rule the majority
    of citizens? “They” say they want to hear the public – oh,
    of course, selective hearing…. Wonder what the crime rate is
    in the political arena?

    These significant, magnificent creatures were created for all
    of us – the abuse of them must stop now!

    Holding light, holding spirit….

  184. Jim Cummings Says:

    Rounding up & holding the American WILD MUSTANG makes as much sence as rounding up & holding 30,000 American Wild ELK, MOOSE or DEER. Mother Nature can do a much better job of Managing Americas Wild Mustangs than the BLM is now doing. There is something fundamentally wrong with a BLM program that’s out of money, with no hope of increase budget that continues to increase its cost by adding new Mustangs to its care. BLM should release all Mustangs in its care over 10 years of age to the wild immediately. Let them live out the remainder of their life free. A review of why the BLM is holding any Mustangs at all should take place, our nation cannot afford $100,000.00 a day feed & board for a Mustang that Mother Nature will take of Free.

  185. Susan Gleason Says:

    ON YOUTUBE: Howard Boggess, Member of the Crow Tribe of Indians, Elder and Historian talks about the Pryor Wild Horses he’s known all his life. Mr. Boggess discusses what could happen if the roundup of Cloud’s herd goes forward on Sept. 4th. Everything that is against the law for me they are planning to do to these horses. This is a very sad thing as far as I’m concerned. The horses have lived here for over 200 years. Even under the harassment of the BLM they’ve survived since 1971.
    Keep calling Secretary of Interior Salazar, BLM Director Bob Abbey, the Billings BLM Office and President Obama.

  186. jan sterling Says:

    i read on one website that even those put up for adoption have a hard time adjusting to being domesticated horses – even if young they still have that spirit of wanting to be free so they do not gentle down like a raised horse – and people who adopt the olders ones will have a hard time of ever getting them tame tho i do believe its possible with lots of love and kindness

    • Christine Says:

      That is not AT ALL true. Yes, they do have a different mindset than your average domesticated horse, and they don’t have the trust that a domestic horse automatically has (can you see why with the way they’re rounded up?) but once you establish a relationship with them they will go to hell and back for you.

      Either the person that wrote that never had a mustang, or had a mustang that was ‘cowboyed’ in training. It breaks their minds to be treated like that. Go to and you’ll find thousands of well adjusted mustangs trained for just about every discipline. There is even a tale about a 10 year old gelded stallion that’s been successfully gentled and trained.

    • Marjorie Caruso Says:

      The bottom line is that we should NOT be doing this. We have broken up families and their families mean something to them.

      Cloud didn’t want to leave, because one daughter was left behind. What does that tell you?

      We are the evil beings on this planet, not the animals. And the BLM leads the pack. Evil personified.

  187. jan sterling Says:

    is cloud now back home – would love to see video of that bet he was so glad to be free – how about his mom and the other stallion – consiqudaor – cant spell – was he let go too – sure hope so

  188. Marjorie Caruso Says:

    Unfortunately, Conquistador is slated to be SOLD by the evil BLM. And sold means that he might possibly go to slaughter.

    It is our job to make sure the BLM is no more after this.

    • jan eaker Says:

      also to get these horses to safety, I’ve called the foundation to let them know that there will be money available to buy/adopt these horses, like Conquistador, and get them to safety, anyone who can donate/fundraise for adoption/buying money, please call me @ 708-653-6442, as soon as Ginger knows how many horses need saving, they will start working out the ways to getthese horses to safety, WE can offer her the means, the necessary funds to buy/adopt these horses. We must continue to stand up for these horses, we CAN and ARE making a difference, Cloud has been released, one of his mares, Dancer, was released w/ another band, he was not happy about that,
      keep up the calls and emails, and push for a stop to ALL roundups until the BLM can be held accountable.

  189. jan sterling Says:

    srry guess u need to get the word out there that they can be gentled – this was one person who had several mustangs and it took her a long time to gentle them

    glad cloud got to go home – what about the rest of his family and his mom and some of the others

    • Christine Says:

      If your friend had several and she never got one to the point she could trust them, she was doing something wrong. Training a mustang is like training a mule – not every trainer is qualified to do it. People without a lot of horse experience are usually more successful because they don’t have preconcieved notions about how to do things.

      My mustang was my first and only horse, tho I had prior experience in Poly Club and as a groom. He was tamed and halter trained in two weeks, tho it did take him a couple more weeks to be confident enough to follow me out of his stall. I know of others that were tamed in similar or less time, even by children…and others who were trained by ‘experts’ who ruined the horse. Its not the same as breaking a colt, tho you do have to teach them the same things the colt need to learn. You just have to do it differently, with a different mindset than many conventional trainers have. Punishment, especially, has to be be used sparingly, and only appropriately…which many people who’ve had domestic horses are NOT in the habit of doing.

  190. jan sterling Says:

    was curious who the head of the interior dept is so looked it up – he is ken salazar – a democrat senator from colorado – looked old in the picture – anyway obama picked him because he is a hunter – in fact is a member of the congressional sportsmen caucus whose sole purpose is to preserve and strengthen the rights of hunders and fishermen. obama, when asked about why he appointed a hunter, said that he wanted a hunter to over see the national wildlife refugees and hunters have been campigning for years to have access th these areas. also salazar is hostile to any animal protection policies including to halt hunting of trophy polar bears and to PROTECT WILD HORSES FROM SLAUGHTER. salazar even aligned with charman richard pombo in attempt to weaken the endangered species act – this was written by the humane society legislative fund – so salazar must go too

  191. Elsie Says:

    It has been mentioned that the BLM is unstoppable in their actions because they have the authority to do what they do. This may be true, in theory, however, last year when they threatened to euthanize 30,000 horses because they held so many roundups their pens were full, when they had, they said, no money to continue to house and feed the horses they had while they planned and held more roundups, that, as far as I’m concerned is enough reason to demand and hold a public investigation into their actions and to place all concerned under suspension without pay, including suspending any more roundups until the investigation is concluded.

    Whatever guise you want to put their actions of last year under, planned eradication or gross mismanagement, both are worthy of a public investigation and for those found responsible of either to lose their jobs.

    Any agency who would eradicate wild horses while being paid to manage them,any agency who would grossly mismanage to the extent the BLM seems to indicate to everyone they have- “Whoops, we took too many horses, whoops, we can’t feed them, I guess we’ll have to euthanize them, but, hey, we’re planning more roundups in the coming weeks….” should have the eye of a public investigation upon them because it is just because of this and for this reason only that the BLM has blatantly shown that they cannot continue on as they have. If they’re that inept they shouldn’t be anywhere near one of the last remaining icons of freedom and liberty in America let alone have any say as to their welfare.

    It is the BLM’s behavior of last year, their rampant pulling of horses off the lands when they knew they were overloading the horse market, overloading their pens, they had no money and all the other problems that resulted that brought the actions of the BLM to public attention and because of that they have themselves provided the perfect reason for them to be stopped until an investigation into their actions of the last year takes place. If it is shown that they were not carrying out what their agency was hired to do, they were eradicating when they were hired to manage the wild horse herds, or gross mismangement was found(that should be fairly obvious to prove) then those responsible should lose their jobs.

    Why, just because Madeleine Pickens stepped in and rescued the horses is there no accoutability demanded from the BLM as to their actions of last year? The BLM are employees of the US taxpayer and answerable to them and the US taxpayer wants some answers. Until they get them, in the way of a public investigation, all further actions on the part of the BLM should be suspended, and that includes any and all roundups.

  192. jan sterling Says:

    who would lead a public investigation – could we ask the american humane society – someine who is concerned on how animals are to be treated

    on another note i had emailed jerry lewis – a congressman frm california – not the actor – anyway he told me he had voted on the ROAM bill and hopes it quickly passes the senate and he wholly supports protecing our wild horses

  193. mickey bailey Says:

    Please EVERYONE, Contact OPRAH WINFREY at{},This is the Most Powerful Person Next to President OBAMA, for Real….click on her link of {do u have any interesting stories that she should have on her show}….
    She was and is his best supporter,and she is an animal Lover…FRIEND…

    God Bless All the Wild Horses….

    ——————– DO IT NOW ———–

  194. Florence Mouninou Says:

    I was surprise by the comment on the report of james Sparks , where he commented ,he receive 54 responses on 200 sent about the removal of the Pryor mountain wild horses. I’m planning to send my appeal tomorrow but it will be great that the 234 people who wrote below can also comment and appeal the decision by registered mail to :
    Jim Sparks, Field Manager
    Billings Field Office
    5001 Southgate drive
    Billings, MT 59101

    U.S Department of the Interior
    Board of Land Appeals
    Dockets Attorney
    801 N. Quincy Street, Suite 300
    Arlington, VA 22203

    Office of the Field Solicitor
    U.S Dept. of the Interior
    Rocky Mountain Region
    PO Box 31394
    Billings MT 59107-1394

    There is no way to organize a human manifestation in the Pryor to be covered by the media against this dramatic removal or at the BLM office?

  195. Shirley Allen Says:

    Hi Mickey, Sent info concerning roundup and our wild horses to her, Rachel Maddow, Nightly News ABC, gosh bunch of others, can’t remember all right now. Just wanted to let ya know we’ve contacted her. Keep fingers crossed they will call Ginger to do a show. Any others that folks can think of????

  196. jan sterling Says:

    Last nite i emailed abc world news and said ginger should be chosen as person of the week – sure hope someone reads it

    on another note – laying in bed this morning was thinking about a real live horseman march on washington – boy that would make the evening news – thousands of horsemen riding down the street to the capitol and the white house protesting the roundup of the mustangs anywhere and in support of the ROAM bill – think you all could trailer your horses back there and then have a meeting spot – lots of horse people i think in maryland and probably in and around washington – end of sept or first oct would be cooler but dont go over oct 12 – washington is out of town – plan in secret and then hit them with thousands of horses feet trotting down penneslyvannia avenue – that would wake them up

  197. jan sterling Says:

    i did email her at but you can write to her – her stuido is harpo in chicago, ill

    today she is having a block party as she starts off new season of oprah

  198. jan sterling Says:

    keep thinking about that poor little foal with sore feet was he allowed to go home – sure he could not walk very good – and as for the older stallions the blm did not release – will they be altered or can somebody buy/adopt them and keep as breeding stock

    saw in one picture they were giving mares shots?? to keep from coming in heat – most mares are pregnat once they foal as they come in heat 9 days after they foal – seems most of those mares might be pregnant again – cant fool mother nature

  199. jan sterling Says:

    WAS LOOKING IN YAHOO FOR A NEW GROUP AND FOUND THESE: – they try to save horses – post auctions and other things – horse websites for everything horse – if u have a mustang or thinking of adopting one – this is a good website to start – lists of wild horses available for adoptiong – another support group – a group for people who have mustangs – this is a group of people who help with moving and transportation of adopted and rescued horses – another group that helps move horses

    losts of groups for horses on yahoo – u just have to sit and go thru them – lots of help out there – you just have to look or start one of your own to save mustangs and list people in washington to contact – its free

  200. jan sterling Says:

    found frank bell online and lots of other people who who do what he does – why not enlist their help with your mustang – dont know what they charge but they sure know how to do it with love and kindness

    • Christine Says:

      Thank you, but I had a horse-whisperer type mentor at the stable I boarded him at and did it all myself. Plus, KBR’s World of Horses and Burros has a list of mentors you can contact for just this thing.

      But its all moot because my horse is dead, something I didn’t really want to think about right now.

      Stallions are usually gelded, tho the BLM has made exceptions for horses they know people will want to breed, like the Kigers. Hard to say if they’ll leave Conquistador intact, but they’ll most likely definitely geld the younger stallions. Also, its stated in their brochures at adoptions to assume that all mares who have been off the range only a short time (as opposed to those who have been in holding over a year) are pregnant and adopters need to be prepared for TWO horses.

    • Christine Says:

      BTW, I did have the same idea you did, about a horsemen march on DC. 🙂

      I won’t be coming back to the thread, tho, its gotten too big for my connection to handle.

  201. Judith Chase Says:





  202. jan sterling Says:

    i dont own a horse and at my age doubt if my bones would let me ride one – used to ride at griffith park in los angels – always wanted a horse but other partner in marriage did not want one tho where i was living at the time u could still keep one in your backyard

    yes i can see at least several thousand horse people riding in washington – and people riding their mustangs – you just have to train them not to be afraid of a large group like that – sort of the way they train the horses in los angeles in the police dept – those horses are so well trained aint scared of anything – i think in new york they still use police on horse back – anyway i guess different groups would have to get together and set it up – getting horses there – dont think they want to ride across america – but meet in maryland – lots of horse farms there – sure people would be supportive as far as stabling and stuff – heck even a few hundred would get their point across – but the more they would know in washington you dont mess with the horse industry in america

  203. jan sterling Says:

    i know there is to be another cloud movie on pbs set for october and its probably in the can so to speak but wonder if films of this last roundup can be added to the end of it and a message put out to help save the american wild mustang

  204. susan stallone Plott Says:

    I have been trying to control my anger and heartbreak. One thing I thought of was to contact Bernard Goldberg at HBO’s REAL SPORTS with Bryant Gumbel. I was in Oklahoma in May and caught the last half of an investigative report he did “Running for Their Lives” about thoroughbred horse slaughters for profit. The producers were Lauren Gaffney and Joe Perskie. Perhaps these people would be interested in doing a program about what’s happening with the BLM and Pryor Mountain wild horses. I’m in Cal;ifornia and have never owned a horse(though I came close this past spring, but once I received a pink slip at my job I had to really re-think the purchase). A friend and I were looking at the photo of Conquistador and she has a pasture, but really we were trying to think how we could rescue just one or two and figure out how to get them to our neck of the woods. Anyway, if someone is “In charge” or really trying to get tv time I really think trying Mr Goldberg would be a way to go. I keep praying. Sue

  205. Cathy Kindsfather Says:

    Ginger, I am so sorry. I have been doing all I can on the internet to spread the word and ask people to protest the actions of blm. I had hoped the Obama administration would prove to be much better than this regarding protection of our wildhorses and other national wildlife. You just get to feel so helpless in this, but we can’t give up!! What about massive demonstrations nationwide.
    Pick a day that everyone would come out in protest on the same day publicly, with signs and speakers and flyers. In front of the whitehouse too.

    I get so sick inside when I see these beautiful friends of ours, the horses, trapped and terrorized and ripped from their rightful homes. I would rather see their captors branded and imprisoned!! Terrorists, the blm. These horses look so healthy and beautiful. I love being able to see them in the wild! Its just so sick. Boycott meat to reduce the sale of cattle meat. I know they are pushed out for the ranchers to graze the cows for slaughter/ Go vegan.
    Don’t let other countries dine on our beautiful horses!!!! Keep fighting this!!
    I am doing what I can, but I would do more if I could. Please, everyone, pray harder than ever and fight the lawmakers in court and how ever you can be heard!

  206. Elsie Says:

    How about horse breeders and any and all horse welfare groups you can get (there must be over 100 at least) to start a class action suit against the BLM as a whole as Don Glenn personally for the chaos, cruelty, and
    mismanagement documented last year. The actions of the BLM has affected not only the wild horses but the dometic horse which, in turn, affects the horse breeders. There’s enough there, I’d say, to
    start a class action suit and to suspend the BLM, Don Glenn and others responsible suspended without pay,as well as suspending any further actions on their part, and that includes any and all roundups, until the law suit is concluded.

    The reason for a lawsuit? There are numerous reasons but the BLM itself opened the door to a lawsuit when they took 30,000 horses off the lands with no proof that these horses were in danger of starvation or harm while on the lands they were on, penned these horses for months when they knew they didn’t have enough money to house or feed them, thereby endangering the lives of these horses for that very reason. They threatened the lives of these horses with euthanasia, horses who hadn’t been in an endangered position before and they were well on their way to carrying it out. And during all of this they placed more horses in jeopardy by planning and continuing roundups when they knew they had not room. They pretty well held these horses at ransom, asking for an additional 70 million dollars from the government or they’d kill the horses. Not only that, the BLM, by their actions, overloaded the horse market and placed the domestic horse in jeopardy by wiping out what little horse market there was.

    These actions are enough, IMO, to start a class action lawsuit and it was all provided by the BLM itself. In addition to these actions are all the other highly questionable and blatantly cruel and ruthless actions on the part of the BLM towards the wild horses. Fencing off public water holes leaving wild horses to die of thirst, rounding up wild horses with no
    basis as to the reason, the sellng of wild horses to slaughter(in the past), injured and dead horses during roundups, newborns hogtied in the hot sun for hours, some dying of dehydration, no follow-ups on who is adopting the horses they have for adoption as to whether the person is a kill-buyer or not, running down horses by helicopter leaving them for hours in vans once captured, cattle prods used on foals, horses rounded up on lands for no reason given- the horses weren’t starving, not thin,lush foliage around, enough to support the horses, and lastly, how about some accountability for pulling the horses off the lands because the BLM said the land couldn’t support a couple of thousand horses but it can support 6 million ranchers’ cattle all funded by the US taxpayer because ranchers, thanks to the BLM, are leasing millions of acres for pennies. Where is it written that the BLM can fence off public water holes and reroute the water to the BLM crops? Where is this in the BLM’s job description of “management” of wildlife?

    In and of itself the above may not demand much accoutability, the BLM could always give one reason or another(and it seems no one actually makes the BLM accountable for the reasons they give as to whether they are based in fact or not) yet bring this up in conjunction with the chaos of their so-called “oversight” of last year when they pulled 30,000 horses off the lands knowing they wouldn’t have enough money to feed them, that they would have to euthanize them-which they fully intended to do- and it all points to one thing- that if the BLM wasn’t aware that there was going to be a result of pulling off 30,000 horses in a poor horse market, if they weren’t aware that they didn’t have enough room to house or feed the horses, if they weren’t aware of all this to the extent that while they were plugged to the gills with horses and they still planned more roundups- think of any other business where an employee would do anything close to this- what would the employer say? He’s say “What the h — is going on here?” and he’d fire the person responsible. He certainly wouldn’t allow that employee to continue running his business for him.

    Well, it’s the same for the BLM. They are the employees of the American people and what they are doing and what they have done is reprehensible and they must be made accountable for their actions. They must be stopped now and they must be stopped permanently.

    See if a class action lawsuit will place the BLM on suspension, if not, look into seeing if a public investigation will do it. That should suspend the BLM’s actions and any more roundups until the lawsuit or investigation is concluded. Then get this before the national public. The naitional public can move mountains and remove people from positions of power within days but they can’t if they’re not aware of what is happening. You’ve got to get the attention of the national public now.

    BTW, President Obama, while Senator was one of the biggest supporters of animal rights bills and co-sponsor of several of them. He was a co-sponsor of a bill to stop horse slaughter so now,as President, he should be more than willing to lend his support to preserving the wild horses of America and stopping the BLM. Remind him of that.

  207. jan sterling Says:

    dont know if a class action lawsuit would work when it comes to the govt – seems you need more like a recall movement – been reading online that most animal right people and even some senators were horrified when obama picked salazar to be head of the interior of dept because they knew of his reputation against anaiml rights and in particular the horses and wildlife in national refugees – you would need a good lawyer that would know how to file either a lawsuit or a recall movement to get the people out of washington that do not have animal rights at interest – maybe you can get madeline pickens to weigh in on a law suit as she offered to take these horses

  208. jan sterling Says:

    have found a lot of horse people and groups and animal right people online – you just have google what you are looking for – also why did obama pick salazar to be head of interior dept – did he help fund his campaign – need a good investigation

  209. jan sterling Says:

    i think in order to file a lawsuit or a recall you need to get some well-known horse people behind you – on that star website i clike on animal rights and found that robert redford and paul mc carty were into helping save america wild horses – someone shd contact them – anyway in the words of paul mc carty – written for this day 8 years ago but appropriate now too for the horses

    Freedom by Paul McCarty

    This is my right, a right given by God
    To live a free life, to live in freedom

    We talkin’ bout freedom
    Talkin’ bout freedom
    I will fight, for the right
    To live in freedom

    Anyone who wants to take it away
    Will have to answer, cause this is my right

    We talkin’ about freedom
    Talkin’ bout freedom
    I will fight, for the right
    To live in freedom, ah yeah, comon now

    You talkin’ about freedeom
    We’re talkin’ bout freedom
    I will fight, for the right
    To live in freedeom

    Everybody talkin’ bout freedeom
    Talkin’ bout freedeom
    I will fight for the right
    To live in freedom

    think those words say it all – for us as humans and for our horses and other wildlife – they all have the God-given right to live in freedom

  210. Barbara Warner Says:

    Please send in comments to the BLM Advisory Board meeting to be held Sept. 28.

  211. jan sterling Says:

    are people from here going to go to meeting – too bad its not going to be on tv – does blm have video feed on their website – wonder if you can get a bunch of horse people to go and testify – sure ginger could provide video and lots of people with her and that lady from the humane society shd go

  212. Lina Sosa Says:

    We the public are fed up with this Secretary of Interior(Salazar),
    Ed Robertson(of Dept. of Interior)
    Don Glen(Chief of Wild Horse and Burro Program) and all of those whom are or seem Blood Suckers making money of our wild horses and wild life in hole. We must let the rest of the public KNOW what this people are doing to the Wild Horses and I say, “lets take signs, pictures, etc and Pick at their Offices Buildings, Government Buildings etc. President Obama needs to be aware as to how this Round ups people mistreat the horses. and that is why they didn’t want pictures nor videos to be taken. Mr. Salazar, I am Ashamed of you for allowing this roudn ups people like you do not deserve to have any animals in your Ranch.
    How will YOU (THOSE WHOM WANT TO GET RID OF THE WILD HORSES FROM THE PUBLIC LANDS like for us to Round them and their families and mistreat them the same???
    PUBLIC LAND HAS BEEN BOUGHT WITH OUR TAX MONEY AND WHO ARE YOU TO DECIDE THE FATE OF THIS ANIMALS??? BLM MOST BE ABOLISH ONCE AND FOR ALL!!! Iit is obvious, they don’t know SILCH how to manage the Land, nor the animals and all they Want is to Kill, Kill everything from the so call PUBLIC LANDS in which public VOTE AND OPINION doesn’t mean a thing to any of them.

    We the Public, has been very patience to follow every possible rules and do the right thing under the laws. Well, the way I see it is the people who run the Beauru of Land Management they have gone above the law so it seem by not listening as to what the public has been asking for. They chose to ingnore the public pleas to leave the horses alone.
    The BLM needs to have people whom do care about all animals, people,land, and not doing works under the table. Like this dirty rats this Department has now. It is time to clean house!!


  213. Lina Sosa Says:

  214. Lina Sosa Says:

    The Department of Interior, BLM, must be accountable for the Slaughter,
    messing up with the Wild horses genetic links, for their lies to us the public about their reasons to get rid of our Beloved Wild Horses and Burros. All of this Departments most be clean once and for all. It is obvious by all the mistakes they have made in their management of the Land and Wild Lifes that they do lack knowledges how to treat our precious wild animals.


  215. Judith Chase Says:

    I am with you all the way! I hope that you can take heart with all of this support and what this terrible roundup has generated: anger and determination to STOP the BLM from taking their toxic and destructive actions to decimate our country’s beautiful wild horses. I feel that the BLM is going to be SO sorry for what they have done I pray that the ROAM Act will pass in the Senate, and that the BLM will be investigated and reformed, that those responsible for this horror will lose their jobs and that a new, humanistic attitude will prevail to save our country’s mustangs. I am just completing my book on the Mustangs of Placitas and Cloud’s herd along with your website info are in my book with your blessed permission. Please take heart. We will all prevail, one way or another.

  216. jan sterling Says:

    thank heaven for internet – you can look up horse groups, individuals and email them – lots of horse groups on yahoo – go around to your indian pow wows and post flyers – we have one coming up next month here in san bernardino – believe the native american people will get the word out among all the tribes at the pow wows

    talked to neigbor – said you can to do a recall of govt officicals – just need to get your local congress people involved – as noted in article by humane society – even some democrats were appalled by obama picking salazar to be head of interior bureau – get rid of him and you get rid of the horse haters

  217. jan sterling Says:

    read post above – got to get all of your congress people to vote YES ON THE ROAM BILL – this is in the senate – the democrats have to vote on it – the house ALREADY APPROVED IT – so get after your democrats to vote yes on this bill – THIS MONTH!! – obama hopes to get a passage of health care bill before thanksgiving – well i think the ROAM bill is far more important and its already half way thru congress – so bug your senators to vote for it – or vote them out of offce

  218. jan sterling Says:

    can we get any film from last weekend onto the nightly news so people in this country know what is going on – i keep cking and never see it mentioned on the news – not even a follow up by nbc after it was on the today show – are people in the media afraid of washington – i like fox news because they come out and say how they feel about washington

  219. Elsie Says:

    According to this HSUS link ” the (BLM) program has strayed far from its original purpose, which was to protect wild horses and burros on the range and maintain them as symbols of American culture.” Enough of a reason for a suspension of the BLM and a suspension of any and all roundups until an investigation into their actions and finances takes place and is concluded.

    There are currently 31,000 wild horses in BLM holding facilities at with the taxpayer footing the bill. Two-thirds of the BLM budget is going towards feeding and housing these horses and that is expected to jump to 75 percent. There is estimated that only 35,000 wild horses and burros remain on federal lands and the BLM is trying to remove them as fast as it can before H.R. 1018-ROAM is voted into law.

    It is fairly safe to say that the BLM does not care one whit for the wishes of the American people and neither does Interior Secretary Ken Salazar. It has been mentioned on various sites to email them and tell them how much you care about preserving the wild mustang and how important it is to do so. In truth, the actions of both Salazar and the BLM have stated loud and clear that they don’t care and moreover, they don’t care that you do and unless you have something alot stronger than words they will not be convinced to change either. To speak the language of compassion, heritage, preservation and the like is foreign to them and will do nothing to convince them. Their language appears to be money, profit, expediency and acquisition, and most likely in that order.

    It is imperative that H.R. 1018 is voted on immediately in the Senate. This Bill will provide the permanent protection that the wild horses and burros need, it will reinstate their lands, and stop their sale and slaughter. It will also stop the BLM.

    Interesting reading on the use of a hunger strike to bring about reform and an end to injustice and an abuse of power when nothing else can. It works to bring about an immediate call to public attention and its urgency has forced reform and people and governments to hasten in that reform.It has brought about change faster than all the petitions, all the words, and all the protestations of many. The hunger strike of one person for a cause. It was used by Mahatma Ghandi when the British would not leave India, it was used by St. Patrick, and it has been used to great effect by numerous others. Thr link below explains exactly how and why it works.

    When the arena of the calling attention by many to an injustice does not work to bring about reform, when the life and death and welfare of those deemed of no consequence brings about no cause for concern in the arena of the political system, sometimes changing that arena to one human life- and it only takes one person to do it-representing the life,death and welfare of that one segment, that social injustice and calling attention to that abuse of power , can bring about more public attention, more public outcry, more urgency for reform than anything else.

    It has been used down through the centuries and if you do a search on the subject of hunger strikes you’ll find it is still being used today because it works. Fast.

    Drastic times call for drastic measures. Perhaps that time is now. Who know,something like that might push H.R.2018 to an immediate vote and direct world-wide attention to the plight of the wild horses and the actions of the BLM more than all words,marches, and protestations could ever hope to do. It has for others, why not for this?

    All it takes is one person to stand up and send an electrical shock in the form of a hunger strike into the political and social arena calling attention to the plight of the wild horses, the actions of the BLM, and the urgency for H.R. 1018 to be voted on immediately in the Senate. Just one person.

  220. Barbara Warner Says:

    Elsie, there are not 35,000 wild horses still on public lands. ONly about 13,000. Also no one seems to know here the 33,000 wild horses in holding are.
    I don’t think HSUS has done anything to stop all the unnecessary and cruel roundups.

  221. jan sterling Says:

    have read one of the various comments – yes if person knows someone even in the sports world that would do investigation that would be great – i was thinking of john stossel who will be now working for fox news – the only news that stands up against obama and his cronies – or perhaps brian ross from abc – why is the blm holding all these horses hostage and wont let someone like madeline pickens who offerd tons of money to the blm to take the horses and care for them – i think there is much evil in salazar and he has something more sinister planned for these horses – he DOES NOT WANT THEM RESCUED OR SAVED – he is probably planning on shipping them for slaughter to mexico or canada or even japan – did he make a deal with the devil for these horses – something is going on that we dont have a clue about – can someone who is independent investigator do a intenestive research on salazar and his ties to obama – i think he is hiding something – heard from friend next door that some of the ballots in illinios were messed up and more of obama showed up than hilary – thats besides the point – someone put the bug in obama ear to put salazar in charge of the interior dept thus overseeing the complete removal of the horses – which the ranchers have been pushing for years – dont you find it funny that the wolf was removed from the endangered species list after salazar took office – i am sure salazar does not want ROAM to pass – they will have to read every line to make sure that senator from montana or another one inserts some more crap making the bill ineffectual to protecting the wild horse and burro – its time everyone in usa that loves horses or loves animals to stand up – i just feel not only as a horse lover but for our freedom – if we lose this battle, they will take something else next time – how about what would we do if he decides to remove all deer, elk, moose, bear, cougar, offl public lands too – he has that power – came across a piece on the HSUS that in 2005 they agreed to use the shot to make mares temporary infertile so THERE WOULD BE NO MORE ROUNDUPS OF THE PRYOR HORSES – i saved article – dont know who to send it to – so if someone wants copy just email me at

    as for the blm meeting in sept – friend asked me if its about the wild horse why is it in virginia

    i worry about the horses being held in pens – do they have enough water and feed – how about shade – know the wildhorses go into the trees for shade – are mares and foals separated from other horses so foals dont get trampled – is there anyone there frm humane society or a private person with camera and taping what is going on there – they could so easily just truck in and remove all those horses at nite – i dont believe the blm is broke = that is just bs they are telling the american public so they wont care for the horses – come on now get some of those bronco football teams or the ones that have horses in their names involved and also people frm the thorougbred industry – there are a lot of horse people in this country – we have to stand up, all of us for the horse of the west, the mustang

    • jan eaker Says:

      please read update entry on Madeliene Pickens, originally she was going to take the penned up horses, now her plan calls for the BLM to contribute yearly money to pay for the upkeep on these horses, that is the hold up to getting 33,000 horses out of long term holding pens and onto her sanctuary, you can google her name and her plan is on her website. Bush’s administration was the impetus behind many of these gathers, and why there are so many horses in these pens, go to the wild horse sanctuary in south dakota’s webpage, there is a you tube of bush’s plan for the western land, not just the Pryor Mountains,

  222. jan sterling Says:

    since blm is having meeting in virginia guess u cant do a ride there to blm meeting – so it looks like wash is still the place for your horseman march – if obama thinks congress is going to pass a health care bill before thanksgiving when will senate have time to vote on ROAM – just wish i could call down the wrath of God on all of them in wash – especially salazar and the blm – srry we need a moses

    did anyone get in touch with oprah yet

    you might try diane sawyer – her husband is mike nichols, the film producer and they breed arabian horses back east someplace

  223. jan sterling Says:

    i had read on madeline website she had offered 70 million to the blm for the 30,000 horses – was she going to run them on her ranch or offer for adoption which would make more sense to me but over a longer period of time and perhaps the ones who test out with the best dna could be kept for breeding – suppose they have already fixed all the male horses in this group that could have been band stallions – just confusing – why cant they just return these horses, at least the genetic ones with valuable dna – mares i guess, back to where they caught them – its such a mess now and the horses are paying the price for man’s stupidity – maybe others with money can come in and help with madeline’s project – if the horses are released where there is food and water how much would upkeep be – these horses are tough and do not require the high whatever diet that is fed domestic horses – they get by on scrub and grass that most domestic horses would not eat – as for starvation diet – we can just ALL NOT EAT ANY BEEF – not eating out beef or at home

  224. jan sterling Says:

    as far as rounding up horses that was under bush – 2004 – when that senator burns from montana put that rider in the bill that congress had passed and bush signed without reading – wonder who paid burns and how much – at that time salazar was a democrat senator from colorado

  225. jan sterling Says:

    found some things online yesterday – there is a cloud calendar for sale at – photos by carol walker – it sells for 12.95 – just search once you get to amazon for cloud calendar shd come up

    wrote a poem/song for cloud


    Have you ever heard of a horse called Cloud?

    He runs free
    He runs free

    With his band and his family
    and his family

    But bad men in Washington, Washington
    Want to take away his freedom

    We all must fight to keep him free
    Keep him free

    You can help and so can I
    If we all write to Washington

    All the wild horses need our help
    If they will still get to run free
    So its all up to you and me
    To keep them all running free

    Sorry i cant sing – lol

    would Ginger or Madeline or lady from humane society be able to do a show with oprah or does ellen degenis still do talk shows – think she lloves animals too

  226. jan sterling Says:

    going to go back into yahoo and see if i can find a horse rescue group we could post to and to get the word out about the meeting in virginia

  227. jan sterling Says:

    i have been looking online for others – talked to a friend who is a member of the in home service union – she knows people and even has been to washington so she is going to tell people about getting the ROAM bill passed

    i belong to a group here in the high desert and someone posted this comment – supposed said by John Adams:

    “In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress”

  228. Katie Says:

    What in heavens name do they think they are doing they are ruining the one thing that we have left of our west , we killed the buffalo we took the native americans land and know this when will it stop when will people realize that the mustang is the last of our living past and BLM is distroying it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  229. Marilyn Wargo Says:

    Wow, I didn’t know there were tis many comments here!!! Amazing, everyone, this is great! mar

  230. jan sterling Says:

    i hate to say it and some may disagree but obama does not care about the horses or even our public lands and wildlife – he has his own agenda of running washington his way – look at some of the recent things going on in washington – i dont think he even cares that people have lost confidence in him – most americans hate the health care bill – just my gut feeling

  231. MJNYC Says:

    Call for the removal of Mr. Salazar – not our wild horses!

    President Obama made a grave mistake by appointing him. Then again, I’m beginning to wonder if this wasn’t his plan all along.

  232. jan sterling Says:

    in order to remove an appointed person by the president – you have to get congress to remove them because when the president nominates someone to be on cabinet the congress has to approve it – many people at the time were shocked that obama picked salazar, knowing his prior background as a senator from colorado – he was strictly for the cattlemen and once made remark which i had found online that the wild horses needed to be killed – then salazar picked abbey so dont know if you have to have congress vote him out but i read online the way you start getting rid of somone in govt – you contact your local representatives – i think there are many in congress that would vote to have salazar recalled

  233. MJNYC Says:

    Let’s do it! I’m calling now.

  234. jan sterling Says:

    talked to another person frm blog yesterday they are also killing the wolves at alarming rate including a pack from yellowstone – why do one group of people get to run washtington and our national parks and public lands mainly the ranchers – lets have a beef out day in usa to save horses no beef eaten for a day – or a week – whatever – i wonder since the ranchers are death on the horses if they would eat horsemeat – the america i was raised in is gone as far as i can see – its now money that greases the wheels of freedom and not individual rights of people or animals

  235. jan sterling Says:

    i think if you want media coverage for horses – you are going to have to have that ride on washington – not on foot but on horseback – would not take thousands just a few hundred could get the point across – and you would get media coverage – right now since fox news seems to be the only one not afraid of the obama administration they speak out – the other news stations do what they are told – no widespread coverage of negative aspects of the way things are being done in washington

  236. Barbara Says:

    What possible reason do they have for rounding them up and taking them out of the mountains? No one is rounding up the cougars or bears! Why are they doing this? – and why are they so determined? I could not get ahold of the reasoning for this in the film.
    It is not only sad, but extremely traumatizing for these animals. The animated movie for kids, called Spirit , gets this across very well.

  237. Karen Mayfield Says:

    These gathers must be stopped. Please everyone, make sure you send in your comments esp. on the upcoming gather “Calico MTN. Complex as they want to round up roughly 2,500. These comments do make a difference!

  238. Adam Says:

    Hiya … I stumbled on this oage by mistake. I was looking in Google for PDF software that I had already bought when I found your site, I must say your page is pretty informative, I just love the theme, its amazing!. I don’t have the time at the moment to fully read your site but I have bookmarked it and also signed up for your RSS feeds. I’ll back in a day or two. thanks for a awesome site.

  239. bEN dAVIS Says:

    I have a real problem of there is not not people to adopt and take care of these animal they have in access. All I seen was people getting them for profit. This is being allowed by miss management. Thehorses and the people (Public0 LOSE OUT.

    It is a crying shame another area where corruption and greed win out.
    If we keep trying mabye it will change.

  240. sweetkidsfarm Says:

    My husband and I just adopted a mustang from a local rescue foundation. 200 of these beautiful animals were “sold” to an evil man in Nebraska named Jason Meduna. He proceeded to starve them to death. 60 died of starvation and neglect. The rest were thankfully transported to Texas where many were auctioned off to (hopefully) good homes. The 46 remaining traveled to The Grace Foundation in El Dorado Hills, Californina where they are currently well cared for, but desperately seeking caring homes. We couldn’t stand not to help in some little way.


    For more information about this rescue project visit

  241. Judith Chase Says:

    We who care about saving our country’s wild horses should NOT call them “gathers,” which is a BLM word for softening the term INHUMANE ROUNDUPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep calling them inhumane roundups, which do not go by the state of the art science which says they should be left alone. Do not call them “gathers!”

  242. Shirley Says:

    Ginger K.,I pray all the time for Clouds family and all the wild horses that are being rounded up by the BLM,(killers).they should be prosecuted for their mean,cruel and inhumane treatment of these magnificent horses that are very much a part of History and our Countries Heritage.As the first true americans the Indians rode them and respected them right along with the settlers that established and built this United States,rode horses in the wars,delivered the mail,the pony express.wild horses were broke to ride to do these things.Now is their time to Shine and be recognized and left alone to roam free on the land meant for them,for that purpose.I do not think the BLM has a conscience at all,God knows what they’re doing to his creations.As he put them here to run free and multiply,not to be sterilized by BLM so they can’t. Man shouldn’t mess with mother nature.And if Clouds been turned loose to run with mares that have been injected so they won’t foal,it’s not a fair life for him or the mares.Like I said the BLM needs to be brought up on charges and held accountable for the misdeeds they’ve done over the years.How many horses,foals and etc have died at hte hands of BLM and their helicopters,and Judas horse and men on horse back waving flags at them making them skidish and scared to death,causing them to be injured,crippled for life or worse,causing them to be put down because of the injuries.I have been e-mailing everybody I can think of to get the word out,and maybe light a fire under somebody that can do something about the BLM and get the wild horses released back to their homes,that they’ve known all their lives.I e-mailed the whitehouse today and I will continue to e-mail senators and etc.till somebody hears the plee for these magnificent beautiful horses.

  243. Valerie Pittman Says:

    EVERYONE needs to watch this YouTube video and then email the link to all their contacts:

    This short video shows why we ALL must be outraged. The BLM is spending MILLIONS of our tax dollars to kill and torture our Wild Horses.

    In the worst economy since the Great Depression, President Obama and his Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar are asking for $75.7 million dollars in fiscal year 2011 primarily for more roundups …

    What a disgusting misappropriation of our tax dollars!

    PLEASE take action.

    1) Vote to stop the roundups

    Call/write/fax/email your Senators and Representatives:

    2) Contact your Senator

    3) Contact your Representatives

    4) Attend a PROTEST RALLY in D.C.
    When: Thursday, March 25th
    Time: 1:00-3:00pm, Washington, DC.
    What: “March for Mustangs”, protest rally

    More info

    Spread the word…show up..make your voice heard….

    6) Share on Facebook

    7) Share on Blogs

    8) Post on bulletin boards at the grocery store

    9) Pass out flyers

    10) Contact your local newspaper(s)

    11) contact your local TV station(s)

    12) contact your local radio station(s)

    13) Post comments on blogs everywhere – not just on horse related sites – everyone needs to know about this

    14) Do whatever it takes…


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