Ketchum, Idaho – Protest #3- Huge Success!

Over 50 people including singer Carole King lined the main street of Ketchum, ID as the public stood up for wild horses and burros in the bitter cold. Covered by all the local major media outlets… photos by James Kleinert (watch his new PSA with Sheryl Crow & Viggo Mortensen here! Wild Horse Emergency)

6 Responses to “Ketchum, Idaho – Protest #3- Huge Success!”

  1. Marilyn Wargo Says:

    Way to go, Ketchum! Wonderful… mar

  2. Kathleen Says:

    Thank you to those in Ketchum who stood up! Many many thanks!

  3. Christine Says:

    Dang, I’ve been so tired and out of the loop lately, I could have tried to go! Dang!



  5. GOLDE W Says:

    I implore you all to try and get your own protest going….we are being heard…in our protest in Ketchum, Idaho yesterday,so many people stopped to talk to us who never really understood what was happening. I had hand outs explaining who to call and what to ask for. It does make a difference….so on whatever level you can get to people, please try….for the horses. Every minute that passes another wild horse is rounded up, castrated, given birth control, killed , euthanized or sent to slaughter……TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE….NO MORE TIME TO DRAG OUR FEET….

  6. carrol abel Says:

    thanks for the update Golde. most of all thanks for speaking in defense of our friends

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